A lifetime

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After long hours of Katya comforting Trixie, helping her to say out loud all of the things and feelings she went through, they decided to go home. Trixie was so thankful for Katya's help, but she could see how her girlfriend was affected too. She hated that she caused her lover so much pain. Trixie's mom and little brother welcomed her with tears. They wanted to avert the police of her return but Katya said she already dealt with it. Now that Trixie had some time to look back at everything, a lot didn't make sense. There were a lot of questions circling her mind. And she needed closure.

"Who was the man who saved me Katya? You know him right? Did you hire a hitman to kill my kidnappers?" She said once both girls were in their bedroom.
"I... I don't know him personally, but he's my father's friend. The police wasn't doing anything so I called him to send help. I probably should have told you this before. I'm really ashamed of it. My family is in the Russian mafia. But as soon as I could I escaped this ruthless way of life. I promise I don't have anything to do with them" Katya replied sitting down next to Trixie and looking down.
"Oh... Don't be ashamed honey you can't choose your family. I'm proud that you decided to leave them, it must've been so hard. You keep on rescuing me baby I don't even know how to thank you"
"Trixie when I save your life I save mine too." Katya mumbled, turning towards Trixie and hiding her face in her girlfriend's chest as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"It's okay kitty I'm here. We'll never be apart again my love. I know I've caused you a lot of trouble and I'm so sorry" Trixie said softly while rubbing Katya's back.
"It's- it's still not your fault baby. I'm just a mess without you but that's on me."

Trixie held Katya some more and they ended up cuddling each other in bed silently, their feelings for each other too complicated and strong to put into words.

Valerie left for work on Wednesday and Trixie got back to uni the day after. Katya drove her and made her promise to send a text between each of her classes. When she picked Trixie up she had a bouquet of pink roses for her, and she showered her with kisses compliments and questions about her day. Trixie felt so loved and happy, she knew she would get over her traumatic experiences thanks to Katya's unlimited care and affection. Her mind was at peace.

Katya on the other side was in deep uncertainty. She had been dating Trixie for less than a month, and she planned to ask her if she wanted to be her wife for life. It seemed so crazy to marry Trixie already, but the only thing Katya was sure of was that she loved her to death. However Katya was scared of her girlfriend's reaction. The blonde was only 21, and this type of commitment might scare Trixie away. The thought of everything ending so soon was hard to conceive. Still she bought a beautiful gold ring adorned with pink and white diamonds. After a day of shopping, Katya asked Trixie to go on a walk with her on Santa Monica. They held hands and strolled with their feet in the warm water.

"Mh?" The girl hummed looking at her girlfriend.
"I think you're the love of my life. I want to share my life with you until my dying day. I can't even make coherent sentences to say just how much I love you. But I think this one is pretty clear. Will you marry me?" Katya said turning towards Trixie.

"Are you serious?" Trixie asked with an incredulous expression.
"Yes. I know you're so young and we've been together for a few weeks only. But I want to be by your side forever, and I'm ready to start now. Are you?"
"Yes I am Kat! I want you for a lifetime. Let's get married my love"
"I can't wait baby. I truly want you to be my wife. And huh, when I talked to my father he insisted that he, my mom and some of their friends would come to the ceremony. How do you feel about that?"
"It's okay baby they're your family. We're going to have a mob wedding like in Scarface!" Trixie exclaimed with a big smile.
"You don't mind it?"
"No honey. And I owe my life to them in some way."
"Once you'll be in the family, they'll protect you no matter what."

Katya knew how the brides of mafia members were treated. They had a special place in the family since they gave birth to children who could take upon the business of their fathers. Even if Katya was not working in the mafia, and didn't plan on having any kids, the custom still applied.

Trixie announced the news to her mother and brother, receiving a joyful reaction from them. Apparently Valerie got over her bitterness regarding the fact that her daughter was dating a babysitter. Katya also called her father, who immediately affirmed that he would take all of the expenses of the ceremony in charge. The Russian knew this was a way of apologizing. She hoped that she would be able to forgive him.

Trixie and Katya spent all their free time planning their wedding, from the place they would rent to the decorations on the cake. Trixie protested when she learnt that Katya's family would pay for everything, but her girlfriend told her that there was no denying her father's will. Aleksandr, Patrisiya, Katya's mother, and 5 other Russian relatives were coming to LA a little more than a week before the wedding. They wanted to take Trixie shop for her dress, while Katya would go with Valerie.

"If they make you feel uncomfortable you text or call me okay?" Katya said as Trixie did her makeup.
"Yes honey don't worry it'll be alright. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."
"Hm. And be careful with what you say to my dad, he can get angry over anything. I'll beat him up if he raises his voice at you, but I'd rather avoid that."
"I'll be a perfect daughter-in-law, you won't have to get in a fight. They should pick me up in 5 minutes I'm going to put my shoes on. I'll see you tonight kitty. I love you."
"I love you so much bunny. Have a great afternoon and don't look at the price tag!"
"Oh I never do it anyway"
"Brat" Katya mumbled with a smile as Trixie walked out of the room laughing.

Trixie greeted every family member with a hug. Katya's mother was instantly all over her, telling her how beautiful she was, like "a real American pin-up, a true barbie". They entered a black limo and drove to the most luxurious and expensive wedding shops. Aleksandr didn't talk much, he sat on the couch in each store and discussed in Russian with his relatives. Patrisiya and her niece, Nastya, helped Trixie to get into the dresses and gave their opinions. They did 3 different boutiques and the blonde tried on maybe 10 dresses before finding the one. It was a white bodycon gown that flared from mid-thigh to the floor. A sheer lace train attached to the waist dragged behind. The arms were not covered, and the heart shaped neckline was trimmed with fine lace. Trixie felt herself get emotional, she never thought one day she would have the chance to marry Katya. She thanked herself for chasing her, it was all worth it. A text from Katya took her out of her thoughts.

Kat 🐱❣️: Suit or gown baby?

The mental image of Katya in a suit was very hot to Trixie, but she wanted Katya to decide on her own. Katya needed to be comfortable in what she would wear no matter what Trixie liked better.

Trixie : You'll look incredible in both. Pick what you want and don't listen to anybody, including my mom.

Katya read the message and told the cashier to pack the suit. Valerie paid for it and they went on to buy shoes. Katya's family bought Trixie's dress and Patrisiya sent her husband and the other men away to do whatever they wanted. The women walked to a lingerie store and searched for the perfect piece. They were only a few options in Trixie's size, and she didn't like any of it. It wad too bland and coarse. So Patrisiya asked to have the set custom made in the blonde's size. It came with garters and sheer white stockings, a nightie, and a dressing gown. All in white satin and lace. Trixie knew Katya would love all of it. After another hour they purchased the shoes and a more simple dress for the party. Trixie and the Russian's family went back to her house and dropped her there before heading to their hotel. She thanked them for everything and carried all of her bags inside.

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