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Trixie was the type of person who always gets what she wants. Her mother spoiled her crazy to make up for her absence and she took advantage of that, asking for all of the most expensive clothes, jewelry, shoes and bags. She had turned 21 last month and celebrated it in Cannes on the French Riviera with her friends. The whole trip was paid with her mother's money.

Trixie had a younger brother named Christian, who was just 7 years old. Even if she was grown enough to take care of him, she insisted that he should have a babysitter. Trixie didn't like kids at all, and she had more interesting things to do than looking after her brother. Her mother didn't question Trixie's will and hired a nanny to be with Christian every time she was gone since he was 3. So Trixie had been sharing her house with Katya, the 28 years old babysitter, for four years now. She was Russian and talked great English, even if she had an accent that Trixie found incredibly sexy. This was not the only thing she found sexy about Katya though. Her gorgeous blonde hair, her plump lips always painted red, her light blue eyes, her tattoos, her muscular body... everything was flawless in Trixie's eyes. She knew Katya was older and not interested, but still she couldn't help but get a crush on her after all the time they spent together. She tried to get closer to the Russian, to be nothing but sweet instead of her bratty self, but they just ended up being good friends. It was annoying Trixie a lot, she wasn't used to not get her way. Usually women never rejected a chance to be with Trixie. She knew she was attractive, and she wasn't ashamed to use her assets to seduce the girls she wanted. But with Katya it was different. The Russian always avoided looking at Trixie's body, was never touchy with her, and refused all of her offers to meet up out of Trixie's house when Katya was babysitting. It made the young blonde extremely sad, because she truly had feelings for Katya. She began to wonder if the girl was really lesbian, or if she thought Trixie was too young... But now that she was finally 21, she had some hope Katya would stop pushing her away.

Trixie started to dress in her shortest shorts and tightest tank tops around the house when Katya was there. She always asked for help to do her college work, or she would fall asleep in front of the TV so Katya could wake her up and put her to bed. Trixie loved to be cared of, mostly because she lacked this kind of affection from her mother. Katya did that for her, maybe oblivious to how it made Trixie's feelings for her grow deeper.

Trixie had build up the courage to ask Katya out again, the first time since she turned 21. However, the Russian declined another time, with an excuse that Trixie did not buy at all. She was no longer sad, she was just mad. Or that's what she told herself anyway. She started acting bratty and passive agressive, shunned being home, never responded to Katya's text asking her when and how she was coming home. She wanted to be the most annoying. If Katya couldn't love her, she would hate her.

One night, she brought a girl she met at the club home. They were both drunk and made a lot of noise going up to Trixie's room. The young blonde knew that Katya was still home, she never left before Trixie came back. Trixie removed her clothes and laid down on the bed, the other girl stripping herself naked too and joining her. She went down on her, and Trixie made sure to moan loudly so that Katya could hear her. But she had a hard time getting close, and so she did what she always had to do, closing her eyes and imagining that it was Katya pleasuring her. She eventually came screaming the other girl's name. Trixie quickly returned the favor and excused herself to the bathroom. When she returned to her bedroom, the girl was gone. However, Katya was standing in her doorframe, looking at her angrily.

"What are you doing here?" Trixie snapped in her over it tone.
"What the fuck was that Trixie? Your brother could've woken up. And how am I supposed to explain to him why his sister is whining for her life?"
"That's not my problem." Trixie sighed as she sat down clumsily at her vanity to remove her makeup, knocking off some stuff in the process.
"And you're completely drunk on top of that. What's wrong with you? I'm paid to watch over Christian, not you. So stop behaving like a baby and be more responsible."
"I can do whatever the fuck I want. And I never asked you to act like my mom, get off my back."
Trixie shot back, even if she actually wanted Katya's attention so bad.

"You're not a good liar Trixie. I don't know why you've recently been so difficult but if you don't have a proper explanation for it, it'll have to stop. You know you can talk to me about anything. Do you have something to tell me?" Katya said in a softer voice.
"I already told you too many times but you don't care. You don't care about me." Trixie replied, her voice breaking. The alcohol wasn't helping her vulnerable state, and she couldn't hold back her emotions and repressed feelings.
"Of course I care about you Trixie! I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I don't like it when you come home so late and so drunk with a stranger. I want you to be safe. But please tell me once again what's on your mind."
Katya was now standing behind Trixie, her hands on the girl's shoulder, looking at her through the vanity's mirror.

"You. You're on my mind. How many times did I ask you to go out with me? And why did you always reject me? Why don't you want me?" Trixie cried. Katya was shocked, she froze and didn't respond.
"I'm a fucking clown being this desperate. Just go." The young blonde sobbed and pushed Katya away to go to bed.

"Trix I'm sorry. I didn't know it was that important for you. You were young and I was scared your mother wouldn't approve and fire me. I really need this job." Katya said,sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"I'm not young anymore"
"You still are Trix... but let's say that's not what's stopping me now"
"What is it then?"
"It's just that I don't think we have the same needs. You've never been in a relationship and I guess you prefer to have girls for one night only. I don't do that type of short flings. I want something serious, I want commitment. And I don't think that would be good for you. You should experience, have a new hookup every night and go out all the time. You need to enjoy your youth and not spend your time with an almost 30 years old lady."
"But... but I only want you Katya. I've been doing all kinds of wild stuff since I was 16, I don't even find it fun anymore. I'm ready for you. Trust me."

Katya's mind was still trying to find reasons to not give herself to Trixie, but she knew her heart gave in a long time ago.
"I trust you. But you're still drunk. Let's talk about this tomorrow."

Trixie nodded and Katya brushed a strand of hair away from the girl's face, looking intently at her pretty features.
"Did you fuck that girl just to make me jealous?" Katya asked after a while with a smirk.
"Ugh you know the answer" Trixie whined.
"That's childish"
"Whatever it worked" The younger girl giggled.
"Shut up."

Katya was just about to stand up when Trixie grabbed her arm.
"Sleep with me?" She asked.

Katya hesitated for a moment, however Trixie's longing eyes made the decision easy.
"Can I borrow a shirt?"
"Sure look in my dressing room" Trixie happily replied.

Katya changed and laid beside the blonde in her king size bed. She felt Trixie take her arm and put it around her waist so the Russian was cuddling her from behind. It was really unusual for Katya to be this close with someone, but she kinda loved it with Trixie. Her body was soft and smelled sweet.

"Goodnight Kat. Thank you for being there for me."
"Always дорогой. Sleep well"

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