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Author's Apology :

Hey everyonee!! Rim Hye (author-nim) here. I would like to deeply apologize for the sudden hiatus and it has been three months or so since I didn't update. I am really really sorry about this and don't worry, I'll write this story till when it should end but the updates might be late. These last two months have been tough because of school and I hope my dear readers would understand. I'm sorry again and without any further ado, I hope you'd enjoy this chapter! Stay safe, happy and healthy, dear readers!!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y/n's P.O.V

With a very nervous heart... I step through the door of the Starship building. OMG SO EXCITED! 

I then walked to the office to take my name tag and we(me along with other interns) got some introduction session going on and then we get a tour of the building and oh god it is WONDERFUL!  We got to see where the practice room is, where the different producer's room is and many more!

Well, the trainees seems to be practicing well and most of them are good-looking too. And at last, here we are at the last place we need to be, the lobby. It's basically where we'd have to standby. The seniors who brought us for the tour gave us a briefing. 

Senior 1: So we've seen through the company and now, we are back at the lobby. Here, is where you could be on standby. Well, it is better if you'd go around and ask if anyone needs anything but since it isn't a comeback season yet, there's not much you can do. You'll just need to bring things here and there, deliver things and most probably make coffee *laugh*

Senior 2: Oh, right! Yah, we haven't even introduced ourselves. My name is Hee Jin and you can call me Hee Jin sunbae. 

Senior 1: And I am Byeong Eun and I'm much less boring than her, you can call me hyung or oppa. Since we're gonna supervise you, it won't hurt to be a little close, right?

All interns: Yes, we got it!

Hee Jin: Aigoo this corny man... Then you guys can call me unnie or noona too. Anyways, moving on. Let's say, any group is having a comeback, how would you know if you're gonna be needed on the practice room floor or not? Well, worry not since for days like that we'll have the sections divided so some might be with the promoting team, some might have to get involved with the idol and some on the stylist... Basically everyone will be here and there, okay?

All interns: Yes, we got it! 

Byeong Eun: You don't have to be so stern and strict, okay? You work in an entertainment company. If you don't find the fun, I'm telling you, it won't come cause it's gonna be so tiring and I hope you all are ready for it. Oh, and I believe that you are all bilingual, right? The CEO told me. 

All interns: Yes. 

Byeong Eun: Then you can interact with some of our foreign staff and trainees. 

Hee Jin: Okay so now, any questions? 

We interns just exchange looks of 'no' and we answered. 

All interns: Nope. 

Hee Jin: Great then! Now, good luck on your first day and hwaiting! Let's get to work!

The two sunbaes left and there we are, quite awkward. 

Me(intern 1): H-Hi, my name is Y/n. Thank you in advance for further care! 

Intern 2: Annyeong! My name is Jin Hee but you can call me Jinni. Thank you in advance!

Intern 3: H-Hello, my name is A-Yeong. I hope you can take care of me, thank you in advance!

Intern 4: Hiiiii, I'm Hwang Jun. You can call me Jun. Thanks in advance. 

Intern 5: James. Nice to meet you. 

 Yes, there are 5 of us. It should've been 4 but since I got accepted too, we're 5. 

Jinni: What should we do now? 

Me: Hurmm.. Does you guys want to probably go around the office area to help?

James: Well, they said we can wait here. I'm gonna do that.

A-yeong: I'll follow Y/n.

Jinni: Me too! 

Jun: It's boring here so, me three! 

Me: *smiles in relieve* Let's go!

We then started our first day and it was ALREADY SO BUSY. Well, it was fun going around printing this and that and passing files and making coffee. At least I could use my coffee-making skills here as well lol. Well, us interns got to know each other bit by bit and they were all nice. Yes, all including James. On the first look, he might be cold but I get this different vibe from him when talking earlier. Anyhows, it was nice though tiring. What is work if you don't feel tired, right?

I get back home, change and went to sleep right away. 

-Time Skip: Two weeks later-

Along these two weeks working at Starship, I have never once seen the idols. Well, basically because we usually help a lot in the office and sometimes in the producing rooms but not that often since most producer likes to be alone to focus on producing music. 

I've gotten really close to my friends at work and well, it's nice since we've been quite transparent with each other. Jinni is an extroverted sunshine and she's really outgoing. A-yeong is that one perfect shy elegant girl but if you know her personally, she's a crackhead. Jun is a CRACKHEAD. There's nothing more accurate than that word to describe him. James, is actually like a... kid. He might've appear cold and "cool" at first but well, he's clumsy and yes, he's a kid but he hated when we say it so... Just nod agree and carry on; no biggie.

But wait.... Something's suspicious. 

Why is everything going so well in my life? Would it be around this time... 

*steps of expensive heels approaching*

That I would probably meet... 

???: Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Mi Jin. Sun Mi Jin. A new trainee here. 

The start...

Mi Jin: My dad is the general manager here. I hope we get along, INTERNS. 

Of disaster?

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