A moon does not appear everyday on everyone's dark night sky, But you did. You became a moon to my darkness, and shined brighter than ever. Everyday when I was covered in darkness, you'd show up and shine so bright I didn't have to worry about walking on any path with your brightness shining everywhere I go.
Your light was all i needed When I had to walk paths where I could get lost and lose myself.
I never found my actual light in life until I met you.
You became my moon, You shimmed so bright, You always made sure I never got lost in the dark, You always followed me everywhere When i meet the dark, You were there for me all the time.
Sometimes you'd even get covered by darkness, but you always still had that beautiful shimmer of light on you even when you couldn't get out of the dark.
Talking to you is like talking to the moon.
Whenever I told you my sorrows or things that bothered me, you were always there to listen and comfort me, and I'm really grateful for that because no one in my life has done that for me; Listening to me wisely before speaking. No one has done that but you. I always know I can tell you anything without hiding, and I'm really happy I'm comfortable with someone, and someone is comfortable with me. And that someone is you. Thank you for always being there for me, for always listening to my words and sorrows. Thank you.
I wanna be a moon for you too, maybe not a moon but at least a little star. A little star beside you, a little star to give you a little bit of light, A little star to never make you feel lonely. I wanna be your little star. Calling myself your moon feels a little too extra as I'm not in the perfect state to call myself that, but I can be your little star. And I promise you I'll never leave your side even if I'm covered in a hue of darkness.
I wanna fill your life with light a brightness too, just like how you did. I wanna be able to give you light in your dark paths when you walk there, And I wanna be always beside you just like you were with me.
Even if we both are covered in darkness together at the same time, I know we'll shine bright together And stay be each others side giving each other the light we need.
I'm grateful to have you in my life,
Thank you for shining so bright even when you couldn't, for being there for me when I needed someone. Thank you my moon; Vinny (Gorgeous).