You're the word love itself. Love is, an intense feeling of deep affection, you were exactly that feeling.
When I first met you, I never thought you'd mean this much to me. And i mean it.
My love.
When I first called you that, I only meant it as a playful thing and to tease you, nothing more, but now it means more.
Because you are the word love. As I said for me, your love Is what I want.
Your love is something I wanted to have, And I never thought it would be from you But I'm not complaining.
I appreciate who it came from, and I'm grateful it's you.
Despite all these poetic words, I wanna speak truly and honestly to you.
Silly for some, and hard to believe, but it's kind of cute we got closer by teasing.
When I first teased you by saying "I ate Maggie" I didn't think that one word, and one action would make me close with you today.
But, I'm happy I chose to take an action like that on that day, because if it weren't for that we probably wouldn't have gotten close.
To me before we got even more close, You were already like a family to me and a close friend. But our conversations were always "how are you?", "What are you doing?" And it would end like that.
I know, friends don't need to do anything big to make a friendship close because as long as there's love a trust that friendship will be healthy and strong. But to me, at that time, I just felt like I never talked to you properly and nor did I even feel like we had a close friendship.
I know we were close, but it still didn't feel like it at the time.
Maybe it was destiny we were meant to be close this way, and i'm happy about it!
I've already told you this before but, You're the only friend I tease and play with like that, and I've always wanted to have a relationship with a friend like that and I'm glad it's with you because you're the bestest I could ever ask for.
I never wanna lose this friendship, you're a precious gem to me and I always wanna keep our friendship safe and sound. I wanna cherish you for eternity, and our friendship, I never wanna disappoint You or hurt you in anyway, so if I ever intentionally or unintentionally make you upset or broke your heart, I'm truly sorry. I'll always be sure to be careful with my words and actions, and keep this fragile gem safe and protected. I hope I never made you uncomfortable Too.
Thank you for letting me have the friendship I wanted and the love I wanted, I hope I never made you uncomfortable, I only wanna make you feel lᴏᴠed and have fun, so I hope I did that.
I wish there were better words to describe my love and affection for you, but my actions will speak louder. I promise.
I'm really grateful to have you in my life and for the friendship we've formed, I hope to always be the same forever and always.
Thank you for everything, Mi amour; Maggie (precious)