When I was young I'd always ask my mom ; "What are angels like?" And she would tell me They are this beautiful creature created with caring souls that help god when he needs it.
And I asked her again, another silly question.
"What do they look like? Can we see them?"
Giving off a slight chuckle she would continue, "No one can see angels like how we can't see god, and nobody knows what angels look like too."
Pouting away I nodded and went on.
In life I've always wanted to see an angel desperately, but now I don't need to since god already sent me my angel
Like how my mom described an angel You were like one too. Caring, kind, loving, and helpful.
You were always so kind and gentle to me, Always loving towards me, And always caring.
You always came to check up on me whenever you could, and always made sure I was doing fine with no worries.
Even with such busy schedule, You never failed to check up on me, never failed to take care of me, And most of all you never forget to show me your love before you leave.
Thank you, for being a sweet angel, For taking care of me, for always showing me your love when you could, for always being a good guardian. Thank you, my angel; Soya (angel).