Every morning you'd be my sunshine, and be so bright, I'd feel happy with your presence around me. You're cheerful sunny bright side Always made my day, with slightest and random talks you still were so close to me and still made me smile Wide.
A soft warm sun is hard to find, And not easy to get everyday, But you. You've always had shown me your warm and brightest side even when you weren't at your best, And always made sure I was kept warm with your love.
You were my morning sunshine, My morning happiness.
At times when you sunset down, You'd always leave beautiful hues of memories, colours, and more. Sometimes when you set down You wouldn't be able to give A proper hue of colours, But you always gave a beautiful memory behind.
The sun is the only thing that keeps everyones daytime bright and filled with light, but sometimes you weren't able to do that. Though you were going through hard times and hardships, you always made Sure to leave a hope of light around everyones day.
I've always tried to be a sunshine for you like how you were for me, and I've failed sometimes, but you still appreciated my care and love and shimmed bright to everyone like always.
Thank you for always being there, For making me smile wide first thing when I wake up, and thank you for being my sunshine; Annie (pumpkinne).