Chapter 4

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Niall marched his way to his new history class, he dropped out of the old one and requested a new professor. One that doesn't scream at him for being blind. His new professor is Mr. Flores, hopefully he's nice and respects for him for who he is. He walked upstairs and slid his finger across the braille, perfect, he told himself. He's gotten better at memorizing the hall ways and the numbers that are in it. It probably seems weird, but Niall plans on staying at the university for fours years, so he might as well memorize everything accordingly.

He puts up his walking stick and walks into his class room. "Hello, I'm Niall Horan. I'm new to your class room." Niall introduces himself sweetly. Mr. Flores smiles at him, and figures he should put him next to a reliable student. "Ah yes, welcome Mr. Horan! I hope you enjoy my class, for the time being I'll have to assign you a partner, is that okay?" Mr. Flores asks simply.

He nods with a grin, all he wanted was genorosity and kindness from somebody. "As long as they're nice I'm fine."

"Yes, well your partner will be... Zayn Malik." Mr. Flores smiles at Niall, then he frowns as he sees Niall's facial expression. Was it something he said?

Niall stood there frozen, he couldn't believe he had Zayn. The Zayn Malik in his class, doesn't he already suck the life out of him as it is? Niall gave a shaky sigh and thanked the professor regardless of his poor choice of a partner. Zayn noticed he didn't have his walking stick out, so he was obliged to help him to the back of the class room, where the two will spend every second of Tuesday and Thursday together. Niall let Zayn lead him, knowing he can't see; even when he could see, he had poor sense of direction. It's a wonder to Niall why he was never reported missing.

"Niall I know you hate me, but I had nothing to do with this." Zayn reassures him, as he sits him down in his chair. As much as Niall hates him, he can't feel any anger towards him at the moment. Niall was being childish and he knows it, Zayn was just trying to be nice. He can't always blame Zayn for his mistakes, he thought that maybe... just maybe, he could give Zayn another chance at friendship.

"It's fine Zayn really. I've been giving you a hard time as it is, I know I've been immature lately when I know I shouldn't have been. I mean, it's not like you're the one that took my vision away right?" Niall chuckled weakly, as a tear drop leaves his eye. Zayn doesn't respond, because he knows he's the one that stole his vision. He's the reason Niall can't enjoy life through his own eyes, and now he has to keep a dirty little secret away from Niall through out their friendship. "Niall you don't have to-"

"Yes I do Zayn, I'm sorry." Niall cuts him off. "I know the things you did to me back in high school were harsh, but that was the past. I need to start thinking of the future and let go, I'm sorry Zayn. Maybe we could... Start over?" Niall asked weakly, feeling slightly better than he took the initiative to drop the past and move on. Zayn shook his head furiously, why... Why did he have to apologize at times like these? If only Niall knew the truth, Zayn can't handle a relationship that's being held by a lie. What's Niall going to do when he finds out that Zayn was the one that took his happiness, what explanation will he have then?

"I accept your apology Niall. I just want to be there for you." Zayn said truthfully.

"And I know you will." Niall gave Zayn his first smile towards him. And to Zayn, rather than being happy he feels guilty for lying through his own teeth. And to top it all off, Niall randomly came forward and gave Zayn a tight hug, full of apologies. Zayn was crying at this point, how could he be so fake?

"Are you okay Zayn, you haven't said anything." Niall's worry voice reached Zayn's ears.

"No, it's nothing really. Just tears of joy." Zayn laughed, and there he goes again. Lie after lie... Is that all Zayn is good for? What am I going to do... He told himself.

Niall chuckled like a little kid and started on his assignment, luckily his assignments were in braille codes. And he got a special book made especially made for him, do to his condition. Zayn grew a little envious of Niall, why can't he be as happy as Niall is right now? Why can't he feel the joy? Of course Zayn already knew the answer to those questions, guilt is holding him back and the only way to get back his true happiness is through the truth. But sometimes holding back the truth saves the shedding of tears and heart breaks, so for now... Zayn had to be a pretty little liar.

The bell rung and Niall stood, holding onto Zayn's arm as he escorted him out the classroom. "I had fun, for once." Niall chirped happily, clinging onto Zayn's muscles.

Zayn smiled weakly, "Yeah, Yeah I'm glad we're on good terms again... Do you think yo-you and Li-"

"Liam, Louis, and Harry?" Niall finished his sentence quickly. "Y-Yeah..." Zayn stuttered, how did he know he was going to say that?

Niall sighs, uncertain what to reply. He honestly wanted to have more friends, but at what cost would it be to have all your high school bullies as friends? Wouldn't that seem like a slight contradiction? However, Niall knew he had to forgive them sooner or later, he can't keep holding this grudge against them. They're all mature now, and they're in college; surely every one of them has evolved from the high school atmosphere? "Eventually I will Zayn. Don't worry, when I see them I'll apologize." Niall smiled genuinely in his direction.

Zayn felt grand, but also mischevious at the same time. The real reason Zayn wanted Niall to forgive them is because he didn't want to feel the excruciating amount of guilt that's built up inside of him. He needs to balance it out with his best mates, who so happened to be Niall's bullies as well. Well ex- bullies as you may say.

"Great, so where's your next class?" Zayn questions, as he moves Niall side to side. Dodging the rude people that pass by him. "Errr.... Music, Ms. Zaira." Niall answered proudly, remembering his classes.

Zayn lighten up, he had another class with Niall, which means he's going to be spending all of Tuesday and Thursday together with his leprechaun. He laughed to himself, what a ridiculous nick name he's given Niall. "What's so funny?" Niall asks curiously, his smile turning into a frown.

"Because we have another class together." Zayn chimed. Niall's face lit up, he knows he only just became friends with Zayn again. But hopefully they can start off again where they left off before, without the lack of lies and betrayal. Unfortunately that rule only applied to one of the young lads. "That's excellent news Zaynie!" Niall exclaimed excitedly, as he hugged Zayn. So he thought, the person he was hugging seemed thicker, a bit more muscular. Niall raised his hand over his head to touch the other person's hair, he was definitely to tall to be Zayn. Then realization hits him, he gasps and starts to apologize for his rude behavior.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought you w-were Zayn. Please don't hurt me." Niall whimpers in fear as he grabs Zayn's arm in fear. Zayn chuckles, he accidentally hugged Liam as they stepped in front of the Music classroom. Apparently Liam also has music class, which gives Niall the opportunity to apologize to Liam properly. "Niall it was only Liam." Zayn laughs at Niall's somewhat adorableness.

Niall gasps, "Just Liam? Zayn that's horrible! That's like me hugging a serial killer, that isn't cool at all." He turns around, lips in a pout. What he doesn't know was that he turned around towards Zayn, so his back sas backfired. But Zayn didn't want to burst his bubble, so he let him win this round for now. "I'm sorry Niall... Please forgive me." Zayn rolls his eyes, Niall turns around, which makes Zayn burst into laughter.

Niall frowns, and he groans in frustration. "I was turned towards you when I pouted didn't I?" Zayn doesn't respond he laughs, and Liam chuckles at his silliness. "Well this is embarrassing." Niall's face burns up, a blush slowly creeping onto his face. He can't believe he actually did that, the many flaws of being blind. You can't pout, or back sas people properly without knowing where they actually are.

"Aww little Nialler is blushing, don't worry I won't hold it against you." Zayn teases. Niall sticks out his tongue and enters the music class. Zayn decides to tease him through out the entire class, though Niall doesn't care. He's just happy he finally has a friend, even if it was his ex bully. Zayn Malik.


A/N: Not sure If I want to drop the drama bomb early or not... A few more chapters of forgiveness and fluff then the bomb gets dropped.

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