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Lauren and I had spent a good 30 minutes in 'our house'. I'm sure those walls could tell some stories now. And since it was a model apartment, there were already beds, couches, and other furnishings for us to get acquainted to.

The only reason we stopped is because Mom called to tell me that Uncle Jack was on his way over and once he was there, we were planning on starting lunch.

I sighed out and got up from the bed to put my shorts back on then slouch back down on the mattress.
Lauren got behind me after she slipped her bra and shirt on to kiss my bare shoulder. "You gonna tell me what's wrong now? I mean, we just went two rounds so I think you should be smiling a little."
I tried to change my expression to a fake happy feeling, "There's nothing wrong. I'm just tired now."
Lauren scoffed as I reached down to grab my bra and slip it over my arms to have her hook the back. "You are not tired. Do you know how many times we did this at my house the other day? And you were still willing to go another time."
"I guess my energy peaked back then." I smirked grabbing my shirt from her side of the bed.
Lauren grabbed the shirt too, and pulled it away from me to hold it up from my reach, "Tell me or you won't get your shirt."
I cupped her face and pressed my lips to distract her and reached up to successfully retrieve the shirt from her. "You're too easy, Lo."
She whined, "Damn it. Your lips are my weakness."

I pulled the shirt on over my body and got up to walk to her side of the bed and held out my hand so she could grab it.

I guided her to the door when she stopped in the tracks and pulled her hand away to walk into the living room.

She sat on the couch and looked at me, "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong."
I rolled my eyes, "Lauren, just let it go. I'm okay."
"Okay doesn't mean great or fantastic. You should be happy. I'm happy, and I want you to be, too."
"Lauren, you don't understand."
"Well, let me try."
I walked over to her and sat down close beside her. Lauren grabbed my legs and swung them over to drape them onto her lap. I kept my hands to myself and started to fiddle with my fingers. I looked down at my hands and started to talk, "I just don't like some of my family."
"What do you mean? Why not? They seem really nice and cool." She happily responded.
I shrugged, "I dunno. It's probably just me being dumb. I told you it was nothing."
"That's not it, and you know it." She pushed my head up to I had to look at her, "Tell me, please."
I studied her face to see that she really did care, but I couldn't tell her. "You remember when you said we had to let things simmer before we moved on. This is one of those things. I just can't tell you yet."
When I mentioned letting it simmer, she began to frown, "Are you sure this is one of those moments? I just don't want to be caught off guard with you."
"I feel the same about you, but I'm letting you take your time."
She sighed out and kissed my cheek, "Fine. Let's go, but at least be a little happy. I don't know about you, but I had an amazing time in there." She joked.
"Shut up." I giggled.


The elevator opened to reveal a tall man on his phone in the hallway outside of Nonna's apartment.

We got closer and I saw it was the one guy I didn't want to see.

I grabbed Lo's hand and stood close as we waited to get by the tall man to get inside. I tried to keep my body language confident even though I was scared little kitten on the inside.

He looked back to us and then looked to his suitcase on the ground, "Okay, man. I gotta go. My niece is here." He said in a happy voice. It made me shiver slightly hearing it.

He put his phone in the inside pocket of his jacket and opened his arms wide to embraced me in a huge hug. My body automatically stiffened underneath his touch. I kept my hands to my sides once he picked me up off the floor and when he placed my feet back on solid ground, I quickly relaxed.

"Y/N! I'd know you anywhere. It's been almost 9 years hasn't it?" He said with a deep voice. He brushed back his dark, long hair to expose his bright blue eyes. I scanned his body to see that he had more of a muscular build than he did before, and he seemed a lot shorter.
"Yeah, it has." I shortly replied trying to regain my confidence.
Jack sighed out deeply, "Wow, time flies. But you've changed amazingly. You're a young lady now." He looked me up and down slowly before noticing my hand was laced with Lauren's. He quickly looked over to her, "And I've never seen you. Are you one of my nieces, too?"
She kindly smiled, "No, sir. I'm her girlfriend."
His eyes got wide so I'm guessing he has never been warned that I'm gay, "Oh girlfriend." He sounded a little disappointed and confused but quickly changed his expression. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Lauren." He extended his hand and Lauren met it to shake it.


After lunch, I was pulled to the side by Ariana who was smiling widely, like always.

She stared into my eyes and smiled fully, "Tell me everything." Her finger poked into my stomach roughly making me squirm.
"Ow." I whined rubbing my stomach, "What the hell are you talking about?"
"You and Lauren. Did you two 'Ya know?" She winked.
I blushed, "Mind Ya business, Ari."
"Why should I? I mean, my cousin just lost her v-card so I wanna know about it."
I cackled so hard hearing that. "You're joking right?" I said after regaining my correct breathing patterns and wiped a small tear from my eye.
Ariana looked a little lost then her facial expression said it all, "Please tell me you didn't lose it to Jen."
I sighed, "Sorry, but I wish I could take it back too and have Lo be my first time."
"Let's not say her name. She was a shitty person. Where as Lauren is over there making you glow and smile like crazy. So, I demand to know every detail. I'm not completely sure how the whole girl thing works so clue me in."
I laughed a little, "No way. You're not gonna know about my sex life. Especially in Nonnas house. What even made you ask about it? This whole conversation is so random."
Ariana shrugged and pushed down her red Chanel shirt. "I just saw the way Lauren was looking at you during dinner. It was like she was gonna devour you even though I was pretty sure she already did that a few hours ago."
I smacked her arm, "Shut up, weirdo."
She rubbed her arm, "Fine, call me weird. I guess next time you want to fuck your hot girlfriend, I'll just tell your Mom where you really are."
"My girlfriend is pretty hot, but you won't say anything and I know it. You love me too much." I mocked.
"That's true. I do love my family." She snickered pulling her hand up to her face. She looked past me to see someone then back, "Your Princess in shining armor is waiting for your hand as we speak."
I looked back to see Lauren walking our way with her leather jacket on.

When she got close to us, Ariana smiled before saying, "I'll leave you two love birds alone." And she parted ways.

Lauren grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the front door, "Lo. Where are we going?"
She looked back and smiled, "Your Dad said I could take you out on a date in Boca, so prepare yourself for a lovely night with your bad ass girlfriend." She replied snaking her hand from mine to go around my waist.

"Be back by 6 you two! We still have dinner!" Mom yelled before we shut the door behind us.

The Bad Girl ➳ Lauren JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now