Chapter 9: Too much too soon

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The first line is a harried scribble, the second quick and calligraphic:


Via this owl we found on the campsite that will probably die before it reaches him

Remus smiles and rips open the envelope. There are two letters folded together, and the first is from James.


WE'RE AT THE WORLD CUP. I realise, of course, that you know this, as I mentioned it once or twice before term's end

Sirius circled the words "once or twice" and drew an arrow to the margin, where he's added Read: Twelve Thousand Million Times.

but it's worth repeating, because WE'RE AT THE WORLD CUP!!!

We got here just in time for the Semi-Finals with England and Argentina, and I'm saddened to report that our countrymen got pummeled. Sirius says my comments were tiresome

Another note in Sirius' handwriting: He wouldn't shut up

but their strategical issues were so obvious a CHILD, or even SIRIUS BLACK, could've seen them, had he been PAYING ATTENTION and not FIDDLING WITH MY OMNIOCULARS FOR THE ENTIRE GAME. But anyway, Syria and the Netherlands played for third a few days ago and that was a right blast, close as anything. Syria's technique is good, but they just don't have the lineup the Netherlands have got.

There's quite a bit of Quidditch-speak after that: the histories of Syria's player lineup and the Netherlands', comparisons between them both. Remus can be forgiven for skimming a bit.

We're having LOADS of fun in Geneva. There's a lot of magical history stuff Mum's really into here, and Sirius has been helping us get around with his French like the PONCY POSH MONSTROSITY he is

Circled in the margin: Vous pouvez naviguer seul la prochaine fois, branleur

and it's been a great time. The campsite's right next to this really huge lake and it's pretty and everything but it hasn't got a Giant Squid or ANYTHING COOL at all, so really what's the point?

Mum and Dad say hi. We'll be back to England by the time you can answer us probably, but I recommend letting the owl rest up a bit first.

Yours Sincerely,


Below it is Sirius' letter. It's shorter and significantly more legible.


Having a great time at the Cup. The whole world's packed in here, and the best part is seeing all the mad stuff people from abroad do— we saw the Russian witch next to us at the campsite catch a grindylow in the lake with her bare hands, but Mr and Mrs Potter don't believe us. There's also loads of cool things to see in Geneva if you go on the wizarding tours. People used to try to do necromancy here a couple centuries ago, so you can go to the caves around the lake and see some really gross, messed up stuff. It's the absolute best.

Carlos sends her regards, and is pining for you terribly. Or I imagine she is, it's hard to tell. She was on James' shoulder when somebody lit a bottle rocket right next to us and nearly burst our eardrums, but she didn't react at all. James reckons she's fearless, the perfect icon of Gryffindor House, but I think she might just be deaf.

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