Big Day

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Chole P.O.V
In the morning I had all my things packed. I got up really early and I Showed. I then pit my hair in a really tight bun and then I put on the black wig that was made of human hair. I put it on and i made to pigtails and I put on a fake mole that my dad bought online. I put it on top on my lip. I made a fake pimple on my forehead. I learned that from years of make up experience. I then put on my uniform and i put on the huge black square shaped glasses. Wow I looked so like a nerd. I grabbed my luggages and a backpack that came with the uniform and I went downstairs to meet my dad." Wow Jamie you look like a nerd!" He said making fun of me."oh thanks Frank you sure did have a nerd for a daughter!" He laughed because I named him Frank and we went to the car. 2 1/ hours later we parked infront of this really big and remodeled house. But since my dad gets paid more than well we live in a house twice the size of this one. Then a boy around my age with black hair and big brown eyes. And an athletic body. He was pale we actually pale tan. And he wore a Nike sweater some black skinny jeans and some black vans. His hair was average size and undone. Wow he doesn't look bad. He then got in our car abd said " hey how's it goin!" To my dad." Haha pretty good. Zack. This is my daughter Chole." Said my dad pulling out of the parking area." Ayye what's up Jamie." He said laughing. I didn't laugh but my dad did. How's that funny. I thought." Wow Don your daughter sure is a geeky nerd." Said Zack pulling on my pigtails." Haha yeah she sure is. A very shy one," said my dad. Omg how can Zack be such a jerk and be good looking at the same time." Be quit Albert." I replied mad."ohh she's a grumpy one hahah." Said Zack laughing. The whole way there he tried annoying me. And it was working.
3 hours later my dad pulled up into a huge iron gate. Inside the gate was a huge campus. Full of security gaurds. And then my dad parked and we got off. Ugh so is Zack goin to also be a nerd or what. My dad lead us inside a building. Then inside a office. And really tall thin red head lady said " hi welcome. You two must be Jamie and Albert. We've been waiting for you two. How bout you two say your goodbyes to your shapron and we can go look at your dorm. Shall we!" She said smiling." Oh omm hello Becky rite? Well I had one concern. Can they stay in the same dorm. They've never been separated." Said my dad hugging me and Zack." Oh of course. And right when you leave I'll give them an exclusive tour around or campus," said the tall lady." Okay you too I'll miss you. I'll be seeing you two in 2 weeks for your Winter break. Love you both. And take care." Said my dad slipping in a black phone into my purse and into Zack pocket. He then gave me and Zack a kiss and left. Oh boy this is going to be hard to not see my dad in while." Well hello. Iam Becky i'm the principal in this boarding school. Let me just tell both of you that you both will be having the most amazing time here. And I'll sign both of you up for Hi-tech scholarships to Harbor." She said happy. Then she lead us out the door to give us a tour around the campus.
"Why did we have to share a dumb dorm together. And why did it have to be so women like. Ewww I cant even look at mt bed." Said Zack after Becky showed us around and told us were our dorm was. I actually liked it. It was very girly and elegant. Haha it was kinda funny watching Zack complaining. It was carma probably getting him for making fun of her." Well atleast we dont go to classes till tomorrow!" I said laughing. Throwing my self on the bed. He just stood at the door shaking his head. Wow and iam the grumpy one. I then put my stuff away and I feel asleep after a long day thats ahead tomorrow.....

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