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The next morning was a free day. Since tomorrow we would be goin home for four days spring break vacation. So I didn't have anything better to do today. So I stayed in bed. I woke up and saw Zack still asleep. Yesterday after him and his girlfriend Sasha finished kissing. He came in the dorm and feel asleep. Yes in that order. He didn't even say hi. At around10:45 a.m he woke up and got all dressed and omg he put on axe. He looked so nice. Black skinny jeans, red flannel, and a black under shirt. He spiked his hair and put on gel. Wow he looked like one of those models in hanes. He then did his bed and sat on it and put his earphones on. Why did he get dressed all nice if he wasn't goin no where. Okay maybe he wants to play this game. To see who can stand not kissing the other. Okay lets play this then. I got up took a shower sprayed on my coconut bath and body works body gel. I put on my flower skirt my dad bought me for this new plan. I put on a white tank top and some tan sandles. Then I let my hair be its natural self. And I put on 3 cots of mascara and a dark red lipstick. And Bam I was done. I turned to see if he was shocked. But no. He just looked at his phone. This boy so complicated. I just jumped on my bed and turned on the tv and started to watch MTV. {knock knock}
Zack got up and opened the door. Ohhh noo. Ot was Sasha his girlfriend. She said " hey babe I missed you!" And kissed him for what seemed like ages. I just sat in my bed staring at my phone." I missed you more!" He said closing the door and letting her in. Omg I hate her already." Is she that geek you told me that lives in your dorm. And you've known since you were small?" She asked referring to me." Yeah. Ignore her. Act like shes not here!" He said to her smiling. She said laughing " that wont be hard!" I was so mad. I might have yelled at her. But who cares nothing was true. They then layed on his bed and he hugged her. They avously had to watch mtv too. "Eww I hate this. Hey girl change it yea?" she said more then asking. I ignored and keeped watching the tv." Did you like not hear me." She said. I turned and saw how freaking short her shorts were. Tbh if she moved nore her butt would be uncovered. And I think she wasn't wearing underwear." Im not def. And your annoying vouce can't be unheard. So be quite." I said rolling my eyes." Then change the f**ken tv." She yelled." Then go to your dorm and watch whatever you want. This is mine. So shut up!" I said highering the volume." Your such a mean teen. I like honestly don't like you know." She saif turning to face Zack. Know they were kissing. I heard my phone ding and I checked it. Ot was a text from Noah. It said " hi beautiful. I can't stop thinking about you. So look out your window" so I looked out. There he was with red roses. I then ran out off the dorm and he said " hi i missed you!" He handed me the roses and kissed me. It was sweet. I hugged him and said thank you. He then said " so r u going to invite me in or we can stand here" he said laughing. I replied "yes sorry." So i invited him in my dorm. Well mine.and.Zacks." hi!" Said Noah to Sasha and Zack." Omg hey Noah what r u doin here." She said battering her eyelashes. Wich btw she wear like 100 pounds of make up." I came to visit my girlfriend. Jamie!" He said hugging my waist."wow uhh i didn't know you had bad taste." She said looking at me." Haha this girl right here is the prettiest girlfriend I have had in forever." He said kissing my cheak." I was ur girlfriend before!" She said." You were the last bad taste I had. Then It was Zoey. What a...." he said when I kissed him so he can shut up. When he let go. I saw Zack look at me in my eyes. He was hurt and jealous. He then kissed Sasha. Later at like 8 p.m they both had to leave." Bye baby Ill miss you. Text me everyday okay!" He said kissing me for like the 100th time today."okay i will" i said and he left. Sasha left aswell." So u really like your.boyfriend!" Said Zack stareing at the ceiling." Yeah" i lied." Oh thats so cool." He said. I didn't reply. I just sleeped till I dream about Noah.....

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