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Zacks POv
I was getting ready to leave to New York away from everyone and everything when I heard a loud knock on my door. I went to open it and I found Chole in my front door. The only words I came up with were ,"Chole I promise I have nothing to do with it I swe-" and she cut me off and ran and kissed me. She said ,"Zack I love you! Please say you love me too". I hugged her back but I stood in shock. No motion. She looked up into my eyes let go and said with teary eyes ,"you dont feel the same. I understand? " she walked off. I grabbed her arm and kissed her. We talked and hung out the whole afternoon. Then later that night we were fighting for the remote and some how things went a lot farther than a kiss. But this time I knew I had done it with the right girl.

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