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September 17th, 2018

"Happy three months, my love." 2:15 am yesterday; you were threatening to leave me. Happy three months, though. The last three months of smiles and laughter. The previous three months of you flying me out to Florida and me playing Minecraft with you in other rooms while you stream. On our one-month anniversary, you told me about your Minecraft career and how you were a popular faceless streamer. Since then, we started up my twitch, and I stream in your SMP. We decided we would keep our relationship private for our own sake on our second-month anniversary. Three months and I've never been happier with you. 'Happy three months, my dream."

September 17th, 2018 

Three months. Do you still want this? Do you still believe we are forever? Are you still happy with me? I read comments, how you can do better than whoever you are dating. Maybe I'm too much into my head, or perhaps our honeymoon phase is ending. I threatened to leave you last night, and I would. If you were to think someone could love you better than I could, they can't. You've never said it, but you could feel it. "Happy three months, my moon."

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