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tw: i just want to issue a trigger warning on this chapter. While my whole book has a lot of mature topics in it, this chapter delves into it in a lot of detail.

Once again, Clove found that she had underestimated what her day would look like. When leaving her home, she'd attempted to convince herself that it would be a normal day, but was ultimately reminded that going forward; Non of her days would be normal.

As she entered the training centre, Clove was met at the door by Safiya who wore a very disapproving look on her face. "What have I done now?" Clove murmured, as Safiya moved to join Clove on her course to the locker rooms.

"You know exactly what you've done Clove." She said shaking her head slowly, "And Leon isn't pleased." Clove momentarily paused, for the first thirty seconds she genuinely couldn't recall having done something to warrant the icy greeting that she received. Until she cast her mind back to the previous morning, she'd disobeyed Leon's orders to train with Cato, and instead pretended like he and Leon himself didn't exist. On a regular day, Clove's initial response would've been to reply defensively, however she knew well that she was the one in the wrong. "Now, you've both missed one day of working together but that's alright. That time can be put towards a different day, like Sunda-"

"I can't work with him Saf." Clove said with a rather large exhale. "He's everything I hate-"

"Clove" Safiya said sternly, slowly losing her patience with the girl. "What you want, doesn't matter anymore. Leon partnered you two together for a reason, he really feels that there's a thing or two you could learn from each other, and honestly so do I." She said with another pause, " I like you Clove, and you have more potential than anyone else in this room. But you need to suck your feelings towards him the hell up, and do what you need to do. Put all your energy into training and focus on that, because I know who I want to come out of that arena," She continued with a small, knowing smirk. "Make it happen." She finished, motioning towards Cato who stood at the sword in the company of his friends.

Shaking her head slightly, Clove apprehensively made her way over to Camp. Roman Cicero had been the first person to see her coming, then Romulus then Lysander, who essentially became the one to alert Cato to her presence. Cato was the last person to turn to face her, "I see someone's finally decided to come off their high horse." He said in an incredibly patronising tone, bearing a wide smirk as he did so.

Clove took a deep breath before she spoke, "Yeah, well, I didn't have much of a choice." She said through gritted teeth, fighting the urge to give him piece of her mind. As she spoke, Clove could feel the gaze of Cato's companions lingering over her. Clove would never admit it to herself, but there was something particularly intimidating about being in the presence of boys who were essentially deemed Gods in District 2. They were much larger than herself, and simply radiated energy that'd easily intimidate others, including herself.

"Hey sweetheart." An unfamiliar voice said, drawing Clove's attention to left of Cato. Roman and Romulus were the only two stood on Cato's left, this instantly told her that the greeting had come from one of them. One twin, the slightly shorter one bore a devious smirk, that let Clove know exactly which brother had been the one to talk to her first.

"Romulus." Clove stated simply, with a curt nod.

"I'm impressed." He replied almost instantly, "Not many people can tell us a part right away."

"Ignore him." Roman said quietly, seemingly slightly embarrassed. "I'm Roman." He said, after a while. Clove drew her attention over to the slightly taller brother, who now cordially held a hand out. She graciously shook it, appreciating Roman's normal and respectful greeting, in comparison to his brother's rather cocky and distasteful one.

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