Chapter 6

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Chapter 5

         "Ash, hey hey Ash. Wake up. Waaake up." Pesky little bug, I thought as I turned over in my sleep. "Alright, you have no one to blame for this but yourself." Suddenly I awoke with a jolt. Water. Kade. Ice. Cold, were my thought processes in that short amount of time. "I'm so going to kill you Kaden!" I yelled as I jumped out of my bed. His face changed from laughing to Oh shit. Better run. "You used my full name, never a good sign." He said as he vanished. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around, glaring at the man standing in front of me. "Work today, you can't give me a black eye. Wouldn't really attract customers now would it."  I groaned. "I really hate you."

        Dressed in khaki pants, a black t-shirt and an aapron, Kade and I set off completing the tasks of our first day at work. Ms. Gwennie gave us a few easy cleaning tasks to get the hang of the store before she let us take customers' orders. Right now though, Kade was trying to spray me with the water from the sink. "Ahh! No! Kade!" I screamed inbetween giggles. "Give the girl a break Kade!" One of the girls that work there, Juliette, said. She was laughing too. The bell rung and we all looked up. In walked a family of four. The three of us walked to our stations so we can get prepared for their orders. "Hi welcome to Cafe Leche, how can we help you?" Juliette asked. The mom ordered for the two young kids and then her and the father ordered.

        Walking over to the family with their orders, I almost tripped. Kade started smirking and judging by that mischevious smirk I guess he was the cause of it. I sent him a death glare. "Here you go guys. Enjoy your food." I smiled. "You talk funny." The little girl said. I laughed. "Daisy that was rude!" The mother scolded. "No it's all good. I completely understand. She's probably not used to an American accent right?" I laughed. "Have a nice day." I told them.

        By the end of the shift, I was ready to just go home and take a long, deep, sleep. But with this doofus I call Kade I guarentee that will never happen. He was extremely hyper right now, more than usual. "What, did you eat all the sugar?" I joked. "Just a good sleep I guess." He shrugged. "So what do you want to do?" He asked. "Kade we literally just got off from work." I looked over at him incredulously. He can't be serious. "So?" He asked. "Oh my Lord. How do I put up with you?"

        He finally decided we would head over to the boys' place. He would literally not let me drive the car until we went to their house. He "broke" the car with his magical angel powers. Curse you magic. I pulled in the driveway and turned off the car. Kade was out the door quicker than you can say hello. Seriously, what was this kid on?  We walked up to the front door together and Kade pressed the doorbell. Niall opened the door after about 30 seconds looking flushed. "Ashley? Kade? What are you two doing here?" He asked. "Kade just wanted to say hi and hang out for a bit. We can leave if this is a bad time." I told him. "No. No. It's fine, just wondering is all."

        "So how was work?" Niall asked. "Good." Kade and I said in unison. "Wait so you two work together?" Niall asked. "Yea, makes it a bit more fun when someone that's close to you works with you, you know?" I told him. "Oh trust me I know." Suddenly Niall's phone buzzed. He held up one finger and walked into the other room. "Hello?" Kade and I turned to eachother. "I want ice cream." We said in unison once more. "Stop that. No you. No you!" We both groaned at the same time. Niall walked in. "Sorry guys. Duty calls. I have to go to the studio." He gave me a quick hug and Kade a fist bump. I'll never understand boys.

        So Kade and I eventually did get ice cream. Like this kid needs anymore sugar. Seriously, I feel like a mother watching how much my kid eats candy. And this weirdo is older than me by a year. Seriously, how do I put up with him. "How do I put up with you is the real question." Kade said. "Oh my God, if you don't stop reading my mind, you're getting kicked out of my appartment. Oh my Lordy." He just smirked and kicked me under the table. "Kaden John Jordan if you don't stop I swear to god I will totally kick your ass at wrestling when we get home." He kicked me one more time. "Bring it on." He smirked.

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