Chapter 7

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OKAY THIS CHAPTER IS RATED R PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! graphic content ahead, it starts at the plus sign and ends and the equal sign, just look for those if you don't want to read it

 Hey, Hi, remember me? I'm still alive and breathing I promise. I havent updated in 5ever and i suck but im back :))) I'm in 10th grade now holy shit man but hello. Anywho Lets get on with the story :)))))) 


      Fear. Utter, eternal, and undying fear is what I feel right now. How long has it been? A day, two? A week, two? Where in God's name was Kade and where the hell am I? It's so dark I can't even see my own and in front of me. I haven't ate in a while and I'm starting to feel lightheaded. You know that feeling you get when you stand up so fast that your vision starts to go black and you feel like you're going to fall over? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling but for what seems like an eternity. I haven't spoke to a living, breathing human being in what feels like forever. I haven't seen the sun since they got me. They took everything. They took my TV, my new furniture, and they took me. I don't know what they want from me, I don't know why they want me, I just know I want to be home. 

     "Let me out of here." I croaked. Have I mentioned I haven't had any water either? My mouth is dryer than the Sahara Desert. I sound like a frog. "Please!" I shouted to the best of my abilities. 

    Just then someone walked in. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness so much that my eyes burned when they walked in. All I heard was a malicious laugh while  my frail body crouched down in fear and pain. I wanted to cry but I had no tears. I wanted to scream but I had no voice. "What's got you shouting?" the man asked. He said it with a smile. He was a man in his late twenties and early thirties. He had a beard and he was a little more on the heavy side. He slowly walked over to me and crouched down. I've never felt more fear in my life than right now. He ran his hand across my cheek and said, "You want your freedom and we want your money. How much do you have?" 

   "I don't have any money, you took it all," I whispered. He just laughed. What kind of demented man is he? "You may not, but your little boy toy Niall does. Now, you're going to tell me the password to your phone so I can call him. I'm sure he'll do anything for his little prostitute." I looked him in the eye, a bold move for a girl so scared, "I'm not giving you anything." He spoke more angrily. "Now is not the time to act selfless, bitch. Tell me the god damned password." I shook my head no. "Fine then, have it your way." He got up and walked away. He didn't fail to slam the door when he left. "Fine then have it your way," what else could that possibly mean? He already took my belongings, I'm obviously not going to leave here any time soon. What else could he want. 

  This time he walked in with more men. They all looked at me as if I was an object, not a person. The man I spoke to before walked agonizingly slow over to me. What was he going to do? He  kneeled down to me and ran his hand across my cheek, down to my shoulder and as he started to get closer to my chest I jolted backwards. He grabbed my ponytail and pulled it. I know what he's going to do. He's going to rape me. Him and all his friends. I wanted to cry, I've never wanted to cry more in my life. Where the hell was Kade? He can sense me from anywhere, why the hell can't he find me now? "Make one more fucking move and I swear to God you won't live to see tomorrow." I started to shake. They took everything, now they're taking my dignity. "Please don't, please please don't. I'm just-" I was cut short by a cloth being shoved into my mouth. "I don't want to hear your voice." He harshly said.


  He started to move his hand to my chest and he groped me harshly. I wanted to fight but I didn't have the energy to even lift a finger. I'm in a state of utter lack of control and I want to die. He started unbuttoning my shirt and running his dirty hands all over my body. I've never felt more violated. This is what he was planning. He made me weak enough to where I can't even fight back. That's why he never bothered to tie me up. I've been robbed of my dignity and my control. He moved his hand to the clasp of my bra and unhook it. He started to take off my bra and move his mouth of my chest. Of all the things that has ever happened to me, this is by far the worse. He moved his other hand to my inner thigh. He slipped his hand in between my skin and my shorts. I've never felt more dirty. 

He started to move his hand all over my private area. I didn't feel pleasure, all I felt was disgust. He started to yank down my shorts and underwear and unbuckle his belt. That's when it hit me. This is really happening, this isn't a dream. By the time he pulled down his pants, he spread open my legs. I am completely naked right now in front of a bunch of strange men. I want to cry, but i can't. I want to scream, but I can't. That's when I felt the pressure down there. It hurt so bad. I cried out in pain but he mistook it as a moan and went faster. By the time he was done he took my hand and forced me to rub him. I was in utter disgust. I could bathe for the rest of my life and never rid myself of the feeling of filth. 


  His other friend walked over to me and by this time I was trembling. Before he could even touch me there was a bang outside the room. They all looked around in confusion and walked out. There was one who stayed behind. He looked empathetic. He couldn't have been older than 19. He walked over with a towel. "I'm so sorry. I am so so sorry." He told me. "I'm being forced to help them. He has my mom, if I don't help him he'll kill her. Please forgive me." I just looked at him through misty eyes. "I'm Sean. I'd advise you to tell him the password to your phone or he'll just keep doing this. He has no sympathy. He has no remorse." He wrapped the towel around me. 

   Someone walked in and through my blurry haze  I couldn't tell who it was. "Get away from her." I recognized the voice, it was Niall. "No, no." I whispered. "Take him with us." Niall looked at me confused before just going along with it. The last thing I remember was walking out the room with Niall carrying me and Sean in tow. 


  I woke up in my room. Was that a dream? Some sort of sick and twisted dream? I almost thought it was before I sat up and felt pain in my waist area. I was wearing fresh clothes, I felt clean and I smelled clean. Who had bathed me? Who had changed me? 

  "That would me be." I looked up to see Kade standing by my door. I don't know why but as soon as I saw him I felt the urge to cry, so I did. He rushed over to my side. "Ashley I am so sorry for leaving you." I felt something warm drip down my back, I looked to see him crying too. That sent me over the edge even more. I gripped the back of his shirt and sobbed into his shoulder. I pulled him so close to me that there wasn't a visible space between us. I needed him. I needed someone to hold me. I needed to cry, I needed to let everything out. So I cried. I cried so hard that there were no more tears. 

 I moved back and looked into Kade's eyes. He held me by the shoulders and looked into mine. "Ashley, I can promise you, I will never leave you alone again." He moved one of his hands down my arm and held my hand. It took everything in me not to flinch or move away. I mean it's Kade, but that man messed me up. Who knows if I'll ever change. 

  "I love you, Ashley. And I know my mission is to find you another love, but I still love you. I will always love you." I smiled through my remaining tears. "I love you too, Kade." But this time it felt different when I said it. It felt like I was saying it to a friend rather a significant other. It felt as if he wasn't the only one I loved. 


Okay guys Hi, hello, I'm back. Honestly sorry for the graphic content but it plays apart in the story line. Thats why i put the warnings, anywho i made this update a lil longer since i've been gone OKAY i'm making a new thing where I do song of the chapter (sotc) I'll link the song to the chapter 

sotc: Wait M83

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