Chapter 3

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He decided to leave it alone thinking that he just met her and there's probably a whole back story that's depressing and sad, which he's right, but they all were so happy. He couldn't get his mind off of it. Eventually the movie ended and he had to take her home. She hugged everyone goodbye and gave everyone her phone number. She walked past the table to the kitchen where Niall was munching on an apple. He threw the core away and smiled down at her. "Ready?" She nodded. They drove home and one they got there he hopped out and opened her door before she could. He escorted her to her front door and caught a glance inside her 'flat'. "Where's the furniture? He chuckled. "I'm actually ordering it right now, that reminds me, can you lot help me with it?" she asked. "Of course! We would be glad to help." He smiled down at her. "Oh my god thank you so much!" She thanked. "No problem at all. Have a good night Ashley." He waved bye. "Bye Niall."

  That evening was weird for her. For starters, her ex showed up in her dream. He told her something that left her puzzled. "It's okay to move on, Ashley." She wasn't sure if it was a dream or him visiting her from the heavens. But either way she was confused. The second time around wasn't scary to her, but she saw a handwritten letter from Kade. You know her dead ex. It said the same thing as her 'dream'. Now she was certain that her encounter wasn't a dream. "What do you mean?" She whispered. Soon more writing appeared on the paper. It read:

       You know exactly what I mean deep down, whether you want to

      admit it is up to you, but either way, it's a match made in heaven

      and you think I would know. :) I'll miss you, but you were made

      for him, he was made for you, I wasn't that man, But he is.

  "Who's he?" She asked hoping for more writing. And she got it.

  He wrote:

    You'll find out in due time, right now I'm here to help you fall in love

with him, whether you like it or not, I believe you'll be able to see me right about now.

   What? Suddenly a gust of wind flew past her. She was confused until she saw him. Kade.

   "K-k-kade!?" She choked out. "Oh my god, Kade, Oh my god." She rambled. "I don't think he likes that." He pointed up in the sky. "He gets irritated when people say it." he smirked. She ran and was about to kiss him but he vanished in thin air. "Ah Ah Ah, No No No No No, you love someone else, move on from me, I know it's hard but you'll get over it." He tsked. "Who!?" She whisper yelled. "I said you'll find out later. Well wrote actually." He said calmly. "I fell like the fricking Johnny Angel book, instead I'm the broken ex girlfriend and your the strong ex boyfriend." He laughed. "Kinda huh. And you wanna know what adds to it, is that when I complete this task I get my wings, and I died in a car wreck." He said. "Am I the only one who can see you?" She asked. "Yup." She smiled.

   "Your mom and Drea are broken without you, call them." She nodded. She picked up her phone and called home ignoring the fact that its probably 9:00 at night there. "Ashley! Are you there?" Her moms frantic voice said. "Lalalalalalalalalalalala." Kade shouted. "Shut up." He pouted. "Excuse me?" My mom said. "Oh nothing my friend is being stupid. But mom I'm fine I'm in England, I'm not telling you where but I will tell you I'm safe, I have friends and my guardian angel." She winked at Kade. He smirked. "Tell Drea I love her, Kay?" She asked. "Sure."

   Ashley's POV {WHAT 1ST PERSON POV?}

    This whole thing is surreal. Like, I have my dead boyfriend playing tic-tac-toe here. I swear my life is some sort of book. The buzzer rang and I got up. I opened the door to see delivery men. They had tarps black paint, Blue paint, red paint and my furniture. "Thank you, just set it in the middle of the living room." All of a sudden I hear a yell. Kade. This is gunna take a lot of getting used to.


  YAY I UPDATED. I still updated on Tuesday too. anyway now you see why I was excited. Kades back! in angel form. and comment below who you think she's in love with even though its obvious. :-) 


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