Chapter 6

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Jackson prides himself on constantly being on the move. Constantly working, being music or missions. Sitting still or being idle practically kills the rapper.

"Don't move." Wong says.

Like now.

Jackson makes a strangled noise as he continues to sit criss crossed, hands firmly gripped on his knees, and holds a precious porcelain vase up with his mind. His legs had fallen asleep 3 hours in. Jackson had only been in the attic of the sanctum for 4 after he parted ways with the science squad after pizza. Jackson only came to visit Wong to let him know of Loki and Thor's arrival on earth, but it didn't distract the sorcerer from getting Jackson to do basic practice on his magic.

"Jia Er, I've seen you hold up 15 men with your mind. What's so hard about a precious artifact?" Yan, who only stopped by to drop off one book but decided to stay and watch Jackson's struggle, teases the idol.

"Those were terrorists and I was at least moving while doing it." Jackson's voice grates. The hard wood panel floors did nothing for his back along with the mental strain taking a toll on him for holding up such a precious object.

"And yet you can't do the same work stationary." Wong says in a disapproving tone.

"I focus better when I'm doing something with my body."

"But there will be times when you'll be forced into being still. You have to have the capacity to stay focused when that happens."

"I can do that no probl-oh!" Jackson yelps as the vase falls and throws himself forward to catch it before it touches the ground.

Yan let's out a shrieked laugh and leans back on the wall while Wong sighs in exasperation. Jackson cradles the vase as he places it back on the shelf.

"That was barely a strenuous task Jackson." Wong says.

The rapper stretches out his stiff body, massaging his temples as he ambles over to the teal cotton couch and drops down, "I know."

"It's cause you're not focusing." Yan comments, finally subduing himself.

"There's...a lot on my mind."

"I assume it has something to do with Loki?"

Jackson nods, "Whoever was controlling Loki more so. What they're planning." Jackson had pushed the negative thoughts down, but that only lasted for a few days before it came back hard.

"Loki will be properly handled once Strange returns as we've discussed. And a plan to deal with what potential threat lies ahead will follow after."

"He'll just have his powers suppressed right?" Jackson asks.

Wong narrows his eyes, "He'll most likely be locked down in one of the chambers in the sanctum or the Avengers compound. Someone as dangerous as him shouldn't be allowed to wander freely."

"He shouldn't," Jackson starts, "But Loki was also hurt and forced to do what he did."

"Jia Er," Yan says seriously, "He almost attempted to take over the world and killed a lot of people. I get that you don't want to see him suffer, but we don't know what he could do if we gave him even the tiniest bit of freedom."

"And we also don't know if whoever controlled Loki then isn't controlling him now. Or won't do so in the future." Wong adds on.

Jackson sinks further into the couch and picks at a stray black string on his sweatpants. His mind conjures up the memory of Loki again. The god being dragged away. The absolute fear and sorrow in his face felt real. It was real. Loki was a hazard, Jackson wouldn't argue that. But the idol couldn't bare the idea of Loki chained up all over again.

Departure Act III: Home Run [Got7/Avenger Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now