Chapter 5

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There were things Coulson was able to handle hearing. Him being brought back to life, Daisy was Inhuman, his team dead, and even Melinda being an LMD.

But this.

This might be a bit harder to process.

Coulson grips on tight the railing in the large room. The agent feels like he's been blasted back to 2012, as the 3 inch thick container that holds Loki is nearly the spitting image of the one before. The only difference now is that Loki's unconscious and in a different outfit, while Coulson is technically missing a hand.

His chest burns.

"Phil." May shadows Coulson on his right, "You didn't...we don't need to be here."

Coulson was notified, albeit hesitantly, by FRIDAY of Loki's existence once he, May, and Natasha arrived at the compound. Coulson didn't speak for a moment. An action that presented a disturbed expression that settled on May's face. His face was blank before he shrugged and said, "Sounds like a lot of paperwork on Stark's end." as he excused himself to the bathroom. Coulson told himself a long time ago he didn't care. He didn't care now.

Yet the pseudo Director of SHIELD still stands in front of the man that had killed him five years ago.

Coulson grips on his chest, "I know I made it out like I didn't care. But...just wanted to see for myself."

"We saw the footage from earlier. Thought that'd be enough."

"I thought so too. Yet here I am." Coulson stares deeply at the god.

The person responsible for hundreds of people's deaths, including Coulson's, still alive after all this time. Coulson knows he's not the first one to wonder what he'd do if faced with the person who hurt them in the way Loki did. Someone who'd lost a parent, or a spouse wouldn't hesitate to attempt to rip out the God's throat. But Coulson's a seasoned SHIELD agent. Director depending on who you asked. There were things that you had to accept and let go of to do the job he did.

It didn't mean that it was easy.

"Coulson," May sounds far but direct.

Coulson turns to her only to realize that he'd move from the landing and came down to the glass case. May's face shows an expression that he rarely sees and the only one that he absolutely despises.


Yet her voice leaves no room for argument, "Let's go."

There's something to be said about how May can bring Coulson back to the ground when he starts to slip into his mind. How Coulson can lead his team and give orders, but May is who he'll go to confirm he'll make the right choice.

Coulson swallows down the overwhelming feeling that had started to build up in his throat, as he ambles up the stairs to May.

"Well this is awfully familiar."

Coulson halts.

He sees May's whole body tense but its her glacial-like glare past his shoulder that causes the director to look back. A half conscious Loki attempts to stand tall, yet leans on the glass. His ink black hair slightly matted on the right, and skin sickly pale. Even his gaze seems unfocused, but Coulson wouldn't put it past the god for him to be faking his appearance.

Loki finally focuses his attention towards Coulson. The god looks at the Director inquisitively before his face shifts in recognition.

"You-" he points, "You were that agent I killed, weren't you?"

Coulson tilts his head upward as he takes in a deep breath.

There's a grin that filters onto Loki's face as he laughs bitterly, "Of course you are. Here for your rightly deserved vengeance? Use that powerful gun to truly make your point?"

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