Chapter 7

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The steady beep that echoes through the room is what calms Daisy. Only a little. It at least keeps her settled in the blue plastic chair and not creating a 7 point magnitude earthquake in upstate New York with Loki at the epicenter. No, Daisy sits; albeit tightly wound; as she analyzes each mark and scar on Coulson's visible skin. Most of it is concerningly pale, and his face seems gaunt underneath the oxygen mask. Daisy tries not to focus too much on his barely rising chest.

She senses May to her left. The seasoned agent stalk still. Her right hand fiddles with something while she also stares at Coulson's motionless form. Stark sits across the room, face buried in his hands. The SHIELD agent's never seen the Avenger dressed other than immaculate. Yet here Stark sits, mocha strands of hair pulled in awkward directions, moss necktie undone, and sleeves unevenly rolled up.

His hands twitch every second or so.

It stays like this for almost an hour (Daisy only briefly glancing at the digital clock clamped onto the wall) before the door creaks open. Tony's head pops up and Daisy caught speckles of hope in his eyes as Doctor Cho enters the room.

Cho stands unperturbed at the foot of Coulson's bed as she addresses them, "He's stable. For now at least. His right lung has severe damage along with a notable tear in his kidney. There' damage to his spinal cord, but because it was nicked in the original attack,"

"It's most likely gonna start disintegrating as well." Tony says gravely.

"Which could mean paralysis depending on the nerve."

There's a heavy pause in the room.

Daisy stares at the lining stitches of her charcoal track pants while clenching her hands on the side of the chair.

"Is there anything we can do?" There's a slight quiver in May's voice that Daisy catches.

"There is actually," Doctor says with a more positive tone, "The regeneration cradle can replicate his cell tissue and organs. We'll be able to heal his wound permanently. The...only issue that stands is that everything that was patched up by the Kree DNA hasn't dissolved yet. It'd be dangerous for us to operate only for Agent Coulson to lose a liver when we've finished."

"So what's the plan then?" May asks.

Daisy sees Stark sit back from the corner of her eye, " We'd have to accelerate the process of the organs that are dying while replacing them at the same time."

"So pushing Coulson to the brink of death, again, while trying not to kill him is what you're suggesting." Daisy stares blankly at the Avenger.

"At the moment, it seems we don't have a lot of options-" Tony looks to Doctor Cho who nods at him, "-And it'll be better to have a set plan now before it's too late."

"And what's the risk of losing Coulson to this plan?" Daisy questions.

Doctor Cho hesitates before responding, "Due to how close the injuries are to his heart and spine, there's only a 60% successful rate."

"And the other options?" Everyone looks to May as she speaks.

"His body won't be able to sustain multiple rounds through the cradle if more of him disintegrate. And there's an even lower chance of survival if we were to replace parts of him."

Daisy grips hard on her knees as her body trembles. Coulson could die in every scenario. Coulson who made horrible jokes with a dry smirk. Coulson who dedicated everything to SHIELD, who gave her everything-

"How is he?" Romanoff flies into the room, with Thor, Banner, and Jackson following behind.

"Stable and still resting." Doctor Cho states.

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