Part 2

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"What do you mean I'm starting school in a week?" I firmly asked Mom. I was throwing on some clothes as she stood outside my door. "Look, I know, dear. But your father and I weren't just going to make you stop going to school because of the move." Mom said. I put my hair up in a ponytail and opened my bedroom door. "I'm sure you'll make new friends, sweetheart." Mom said again. I rolled my eyes. "Can we talk about this later? I made new friends last night, and they should be picking me up to meet their other friends soon." I just replied. Mom looked down. "Of course, dear." she said finally as she walked away.

I was reading a book on the couch, when I suddenly heard a knock on the front door. I got up, and looked out the window first. It was Johnny and Ponyboy. I smiled and unlocked the front door, then opened it. "Do I know you two?" I teased. They both laughed. "Come on, let's go. You're meeting the rest of the gang today." Ponyboy said. I nodded. "Mom, Dad! I'm going out!" I shouted. "Okay! Have fun!" Dad shouted back. I walked out, and shut the front door. I walked with Ponyboy and Johnny. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked as we walked. "My house. The gang usually hangs out there. Our front door is always unlocked, so if you need us, you can come here." Ponyboy answered. "Who mainly lives there?" I asked again. "Just me and my brothers." Ponyboy answered again. I nodded.

We finally reached the Curtis household. Ponyboy opened the door. "Ladies first." he laughed. I laughed too as I walked in. I gasped. There were four boys that I've never met yet. And, of course, Dallas was here. "Can't get enough of me, huh, sweetheart?" he asked. I made a gagging face as Ponyboy and Johnny walked in. "Oh come on, Dal. Don't bother her again." Johnny defended me once again. The four boys whistled and oohed. I rolled my eyes. "Anyways. . ." Ponyboy interrupted their oohing and whistling, "It's time for you to meet the gang."

"First, we have Darrel. He's my oldest brother and the oldest in the gang. You can call him Darry though." Ponyboy introduced me to Darry. Darry shook hands with me. "Next, we have Two-Bit. He's the second oldest in the gang. His real name is Keith, but everyone knows him as Two-Bit. He's the jokester in the gang." Ponyboy introduced me to Two-Bit. Two-Bit winked at me. I shook my head no at him. He just laughed at that. "Next, we have Steve. Steve is really good with cars, and he's the third oldest." Ponyboy said again. Steve waved. I waved back. "Lastly, we have Sodapop, or Soda. He's my second brother, and he's sixteen. He's the fifth oldest, and him and Steve work at the same job. They've been buddies since grade school." Ponyboy concluded. Soda waved as well, and I waved back. "Who's the fourth oldest?" I asked. "That would be me, darling." Dallas said with a smirk. I could throw up. Does he really think he's all that? "How old are you?" Soda asked. "I'm sixteen, like you and Johnny." I replied. I looked at Johnny, and he was blushing a bit.

I looked at Ponyboy, "So you're the youngest?" Ponyboy started to blush. "Yeah." he replied. I started to laugh. Everyone else laughed too, except for him. "Quit it! Cut it out, y'all!" he yelled. I kept on laughing. "It's okay, we were all your age once." I said as I pat his head. I winked afterwards, as a joke of course. Don't get me wrong, Ponyboy is a nice boy, I just don't like him like that. Johnny was slightly chuckling. I blushed a bit. It was cute. I faced the guys. "I'm kinda hungry. Is there anything to eat?" I asked. Darry nodded, and walked in the kitchen. "Darling, you're so commanding. I love it." Dallas said to me with a wink. "Shut your trap, boy. You ain't all that. And quit calling me 'darling.' I'm not your darling, and I never will be." I snapped. The gang was shocked. Guess Pony didn't tell them about me standing up to Dallas last night too. "Come on, Dally. She asked you to stop last night too, just leave her alone." Johnny said. Dally was super angry. He just walked out. "Girl, how are you not dead yet?" Steve looked at me with awe. "He ain't all that. He may be tough, but I'm tough too. If he wants to be like that, I'm standing up for myself." I said. I faced Johnny. He slightly blushed. "Thank you. If you never jumped in the argument, he probably would still be bothering me." I thanked Johnny, blushing slightly as well. "It's no problem. He's like that a lot. He's my hero, but I don't want him to do that. Especially to girls like. . ." he paused for a moment, then continued, "You." Girls like me? James never did that for me! I could hear Ponyboy whispering to, I believe, Soda. "He's never done that for a girl. He's always been too shy. You think they could have something?" Soda whispered. "Nah, Johnny's just a good guy." Ponyboy answered, whispering too. They're really bad at whispering if I heard them, but I don't wanna say anything.

In a few days time, I've visited these boys every day. They've became my family. They're all nice to me. Well, except Dally. He's still pretty ticked off at me for defending myself. But the gang really loves me for it. No one's ever stood up to Dally without getting at least punched, they say. But he probably knows that if he throws a punch, I'll throw one right back. Two-Bit even stole a switchblade for me. I'm so glad I met these boys. They're my family, and I'll do anything for them. Even Dally, which I hate to admit it. But he's became a part of my life too. My family, that I trust a lot.

It was a week later. I started school. I'm already stressed out though, because they've piled a lot of homework on me already. But I'm glad, because Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny go to my school. It was lunchtime. Suddenly, Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny walked up to me. "What are you doing sitting alone?" Two-Bit asked. "I'm just doing this homework for math." I replied. Ponyboy took the homework and looked at it. "Do you need help?" he asked after giving me my homework back. I shook my head. "No thanks. I'll let any of y'all know if I do need help though." I sighed. At least he cared enough to ask. They all nodded their head. "Mary, it's lunch time. Don't you think you should be eating?" Johnny asked. I shook my head again. "I'm good, thanks though, Johnnycake." I replied. Johnny is so sweet. "The kid's right, Mary. You need to eat. Here, I'll get you something." Two-Bit said. He got up and walked away. I shook my head. "He's so stubborn. I told y'all I'm fine." I said. Suddenly, my stomach growled. "You're fine, huh?" Ponyboy laughed. Johnny laughed too. "Guys, it's really nothing, I swear. I'll eat when I get to your house, Pony." I reassured. "Marilyn, you're going to eat." Johnny got a bit more firm. It wasn't like him. I knew he was serious though since he used my full name. "Fine. I'll eat." I sighed. Afterwards, Two-Bit came back and handed me some food. "Thank you, Two-Bit." I smiled. I took a bite of the food. "This is delicious!" I exclaimed. The boys laughed.

I was at the Curtis household, sitting at the table. I was stressing over the homework, as the boys watched T.V. "This is so difficult!" I groaned, putting my head on the table. Suddenly, Johnny sat beside me. "Are you okay?" he asked. I looked up at him. "I'm fine, Johnnycake." I lied, smiling. "You don't look fine." he said, looking at me with pity. I blushed a bit. "Fine. The truth is, I'm stressed out. This homework is due tomorrow, and I'm not even halfway done with it." I replied. I started to tear up. I tend to when I'm stressed out, or upset. Johnny put his arm around me. I looked at him, and he was avoiding eye-contact. "I could help you. I can tutor you. If you want me to, of course." he shyly whispered. I blushed slightly, and smiled. "I would love that. I'm glad you asked. If you didn't, I would be doing this on my own. I hate asking for help." I replied. Johnny looked at me, and smiled. He was slightly blushing as well.

It was about an hour before we got done. "I hope you get it now, Mary. I tried my best." Johnny awkwardly said. "You're fine, Johnnycake. Yeah, I sort of get it now. I may still need a bit of help." I said. Johnny nodded. "I understand. I can continue tutoring you until you get this material." he replied, blushing. My face was red. He didn't seem to notice, I hope. "Yes, that sounds reasonable. Can you walk me home though? Maybe I can spend the night here tomorrow? I can ask my parents." I said. Johnny nodded, and got up. I got up too. We walked to the front door. "What were you guys doing?" Darry asked. "I was helping her with her homework. I'm walking her home now. I'll see you guys later." Johnny replied. I opened the front door, walking out and Johnny followed. We walked side-by-side. "You were a great help. I can't thank you again." I finally said.

After a bit of talking, we finally reached my house. "I'll see you tomorrow, Johnnycake." I said. Johnny nodded. Suddenly, without thinking, I hugged him. Johnny seemed shocked, but hugged back. We finally pulled away after a bit. I waved goodbye, and knocked on my door as Johnny walked away. Mom answered, and let me in. In my room, I was getting changed into my P.Js. I was laying in bed, when suddenly I thought about Johnny. No way am I thinking about him! We met a few days. All he did was help me out. We're just friends. It's too soon to have a crush on him. Plus, I just got out of a breakup. I do not like Johnny. Or do I?

Author's note!
This is way too soon. I apologize. I just find it cute how she (maybe?) likes Johnny over helping her. Also, my goal for these chapters is to write at least 1,000 words. Also, if this is all crammed in together, I apologize. I think of ideas along the way as I write, so I apologize again. Anyways, have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night! Stay gold! :)

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