Part 3

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I'm so glad I made it through the first week of school. It's finally Friday. "Can I spend the night at my new friends' house?" I asked my parents Friday morning before school. "But they're males. What if they try to do something to you?" Dad asked. "I'll be fine, Dad. I swear. These boys are so sweet. Especially Johnny. He is so pure and innocent!" I reassured. "If you say so, dear. But can I ask a question?" Mom said. I nodded. "Did you talk to James yet?" Mom asked.

James. I completely forgot to call him. I looked nervous. Mom gave me a look. "Sweetheart, you really need to go talk to him. Surely he will understand." Mom said again. I sighed. "I'll go call him now." I replied as I got up.

I put in James' number and held the phone to my ear. "Hello?" James asked. "James? Hey, James." I said. It went silent. Not this again. . . I heard James sigh. "What do you need, Mary?" he asked. "Look, I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. I didn't want to break up with you, I swear." I said. James sighed again. "It's fine, Mary. I understand. Things just. . . They haven't been the same without you. We all miss you terribly." he said. I could feel myself tearing up. "James, I truly hope you find someone new. Some girl who's a better girlfriend than I was." I sighed. It went silent again. "Don't say that, Mary. You were an amazing girlfriend. And I wish the best for you as well. Maybe we can see you again sometime. But for now, goodbye." James finally said. I sighed as I put the phone down. Mom was right, James was understanding. It's just that he sounds so upset now.

I was walking to school with Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny. I tried to sound happy, but James and I's conversation was still on my mind. "Don't say that, Mary. You were an amazing girlfriend. And I wish the best for you as well." James' sentence raced through my mind. I miss James terribly. I sighed. "Are you okay, Mary?" Ponyboy asked. I looked at him and just nodded. "You don't look okay." Two-Bit added. "Well, I'm fine. I swear." I lied. "You lie a lot, Mary. Yesterday, you lied about not being hungry. And now today, you're lying about being fine, when you're clearly not." Two-Bit said again. I shook my head. All I did was walk away. "Mary!" Ponyboy shouted at me. Suddenly, Johnny walked to me. "Mary, please. We're trying to help you. Did something happen this morning? You can tell us." Johnny said as he looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed. "I just. . . I called someone this morning. That's all." I told the half-truth. "Tell us when you're ready, Mary. We care for you, and we will help you if you need it." Johnny reassured. I smiled and nodded. Johnny is amazing at comforting people.

Nothing really happened at school today. I was carrying my backpack and was walking to the Curtis household. I finally arrived, walked up to the front porch, and opened the front door. I was feeling better from earlier. "Hey, Mary!" Soda exclaimed. "Hey, Soda!" I cheerfully replied back. I put my backpack on the table, and was looking for Ponyboy or Johnny. I then saw Johnny talking to Dally. I eavesdropped on their conversation:
"So. . . Mary. She's one hot broad, ain't she?"
"Cut it out, Dal. You barely know her."
"But you seem to be interested in her."
"I ain't! Cut it out!"
I suddenly interrupted the conversation by walking in the room. "Hey, Johnnycake! Dally!" I exclaimed. Johnny turned to face me. "Hey, Mary." he replied. "You're spending the night here, right?" Dally asked. I nodded. "My parents don't care. I can stay until Sunday probably." I replied. That's when I heard the front door open. "Is Darry back from work?" I asked. I walked in the living room. Two-Bit and Steve were watching Mickey Mouse. I laughed. Steve turned to face me. "Hey, Mary. Heard you're spending the night. That's cool." he said. I nodded and sat down on the couch. Darry walked out from his room. "Oh, Mary! You're here!" Darry said. "Yeah. Listen, Darry. I really don't mind sleeping on the couch." I replied. "It's fine, Mary. You can take my room if you want." Darry said. I shook my head. "I told you, it's fine. I really don't mind." I replied back. Darry shook his head. "So stubborn. If you insist." he laughed.

I continued to watch Mickey Mouse with Steve and Two-Bit. Johnny walked in after a bit. "Hey, Johnnycake." I waved. He waved back and sat on the floor beside Two-Bit. Ponyboy came in shortly after. "Pony! There you are!" I exclaimed. "Did you miss me?" he teased. We both laughed. I yawned. "I think I'm gonna go get changed." I told the boys, grabbing my backpack, and walking into the bathroom. I tried to get changed quickly. I walked out. I went to go try to find a blanket. I finally gave up and went to find Pony's room. "Pony?" I asked, knocking on a door. Soda answered the door. "Pony and I share this room. You need something?" he asked. "I just need a blanket. I'm sleeping on the couch." I replied. He nodded and closed the door real quick. He opened the door again and handed me a blanket. "Thanks, Soda." I thanked him. I walked away and back to the living room.

The boys looked at me. "Are you going to bed now?" Two-Bit asked. "Well, I usually go to bed around this time. But I suppose I can stay up a bit longer." I replied. "Hey, why don't we play Spin The Bottle?" Steve asked. "I guess." I replied. "Who's playing?" Two-Bit asked. "We're all going to play. That way we can know more about Mary, and she can know more about us. This Spin The Bottle will be Truth Or Dare edition. Someone spins the bottle, and whoever it lands on, the person who spun asks the other truth or dare." Steve explained.

After a bit of pursuing, everyone decided to play. Two-Bit spun first, and it landed on Ponyboy. "Truth or dare?" Two-Bit asked Pony. "I'm sticking with truth for now." Pony responded. "Is it true you have a crush on a girl yet?" Two-Bit asked again. We all laughed. Pony shook his head. "No, and I don't think I will anytime soon. I told y'all I'm not interested in girls yet." he explained. I laughed. "It's fine, Pony. I was in that stage too." I said. Finally, Pony spun. It landed on Johnny. "Truth or dare, Johnnycake?" Pony asked. "Truth." Johnny replied. "When will someone choose dare?" Steve asked. I rolled my eyes. "If they want to be chickens, let them be chickens." I said. Everyone, besides Ponyboy and Johnny, laughed. "Hey!" they both yelled. I laughed more.

After a bit of playing, Dally finally spun the bottle, and it landed on me. "Truth or dare?" he asked. "Dare." I replied. "I dare you to announce if you're single or not." he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. "I'm single, if you're just desperate to know. Just remember you don't have a chance." I said with a wink back after the last sentence. Everyone laughed besides Dally. Even Johnny. I blushed slightly. Why do I blush every time I hear his laugh? I quickly shook my head. "I think I'm gonna call it a night. I'm tired. Goodnight." I said with a yawn. The boys nodded, got up, and left. Well, everyone except Johnny. "You don't have to keep me company, you know." I said. "Well, I want to." Johnny shyly whispered. I blushed hard, I hope he didn't notice. "Thanks, Johnnycake." I said as I laid down on the couch. Johnny slept on the floor.

Gosh, Johnny Cade. What are you doing to me?

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