Part 6

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Happy Valentine's Day! Am I going to make Johnny and Mary share a few romantic moments? Yep. Are they still going to remain friends (for now)? Hell yeah!

I was reading a book the next day at school. The girls finally left me alone, and the rumors stopped. Two-Bit, Pony, and Johnny walked up to me. "Hi, Mary!" Pony said. I looked up. "Hey, boys!" I replied, putting a bookmark in my book and closing it. They all sat beside me. "What were you reading?" Two-Bit asked. "A book, obviously." I joked. Two-Bit laughed. Pony looked at my book. "I've read that! It's such a good book. It's kind of boring at the beginning, but it gets way more interesting." he said. I looked at Johnny, who hasn't said a word yet. "Are you okay, Johnnycake?" I asked. He looked at me. "Oh yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking, Mary." he blushed a bit. I blushed slightly as well. Two-Bit had a smirk on his face. Pony had no idea.

The day was finally over. Nothing really interesting happened the rest of the day. I was walking with Johnny back to the Curtis household. "How's school going for you?" I asked him. "It's going fine. For you?" he replied. "It's alright." I laughed. I felt Johnny come a bit closer. I blushed. He brushed his hand over mine. I blushed some more. "Johnny? Why are you brushing your hand over mine?" I asked. I sounded rude, but I didn't mean to. Johnny looked at me, some sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mary." he said as he moved his hand back to his side and moved over. "Johnny, I didn't mean it like that. . ." I reassured. I quickly held his hand and blushed hard. Johnny blushed hard as well. He didn't let go though.

We held hands the whole time we walked to the Curtis household. I opened the door and walked in, Johnny following behind. We were still holding hands. Everyone looked at us and saw us holding hands. "Why are you guys holding hands?" Dally asked. Johnny and I looked at our hands, blushed, and pulled away. I looked at Soda, who looked a bit upset. "Are you okay, Soda?" I asked. He looked at me. "Me? Oh, I'm fine." he said, looking cheery. I was a bit concerned, but I tried to pay no attention to it. "I have to do homework." I simply said, walking to the kitchen. "Let me know if you need help, okay?" Johnny said. "Yeah, I don't mind." I blushed slightly. I then walked to the dining room table.

I was stressing out over my work. I was stress-playing with my ponytail holder. Johnny then walked in. "Hey, Mary. . ." he paused. "Are you stressed out?" he asked. I nodded. Johnny sat beside me. He shyly held my hand. I blushed slightly, calming down a bit. "It's just. . . These stupid questions are stressful, and it's annoying." I said. Johnny looked at the paper. "Oh, I get this! I'll help you!" he cheerfully exclaimed. I blushed, he sounded so determined to help me.

After a bit of tutoring, I was finally done thanks to Johnny's help. "Thank you, Johnnycake. I appreciate it a lot." I said with a blush. "It's no problem, Mary." Johnny replied. I swear, I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I held myself back. I stared into his eyes. He stared into mine as well. We both blushed. Suddenly, Darry walked in the room. "Hey, are you done with your homework, Mary?" he asked. "Yes, thanks to Johnny." I laughed. Johnny laughed a bit as well. "Well, you and Johnny are staying alone for a bit. The rest of us has to do something." Darry said. Johnny and I both nodded.

Like Darry said, Johnny and I were alone. "What do you want to do?" I asked. Johnny shrugged. I sat down on the couch and Johnny sat beside me. I turned on the TV. Johnny held my hand again. I am wondering why he's doing that now, but I gladly held his hand back. "What do you plan on doing after we get out of school?" Johnny randomly asked. I looked at him, confused. "I don't really know honestly. Why?" I replied. "No reason, just curious." he shrugged.

It was a few hours later, and Johnny and I were still by ourselves. "What's taking them so long?" I groaned. I looked over, and realized Johnny was asleep on my shoulder and snoring lightly. I blushed. I then leaned my head on the opposite side, and closed my eyes.

After a few hours, I woke up. I looked around, and noticed the rest of the gang still wasn't back yet. I yawned and stood up. I lightly shook Johnny. "Johnny. . . Johnnycake. . . It's been a few hours, and the gang still isn't back yet. I'm kind of getting worried now. . ." I sighed. Johnny opened his eyes, and his dark brown eyes stared into mine. Johnny finally stopped, looking away. "Want to play a game to pass time as we wait on them?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, sure." I replied.

Johnny and I decided to play Truth Or Dare. "Truth or dare?" I asked Johnny. "Truth." Johnny simply replied. "What is your biggest regret?" I asked again. Johnny went quiet for a bit. "Not being able to do this. . ." Johnny said slowly. He crawled over to me. I looked at him confused. That's when he kissed me.

DAMN, JOHNNY BEING BOLD?! Sorry, sorry. . .

I blushed hard, but kissed back. Johnny and I pulled away, blushing hard. "I'm sorry. . ." he shyly whispered. "You're fine. . ." I shyly replied back. "Can we please pretend this never happened? I don't know what I was thinking. . ." Johnny sighed. My eyes widened, but I should've expected that. Of course it was only from the heat of the moment. I was upset, but I tried to play it cool. "Yeah, sure!" I said, holding back some tears. That's when the gang finally walked in.

I jumped off, quickly hugging the first person I saw, which was Soda. I could see him blushing a bit, but I paid no attention. "Jesus! I was worried sick!" I yelled. I hugged Soda tightly. "We didn't mean to worry y'all." Pony said. "Mary, I know this isn't the time, but can we talk in private?" Soda finally stopped. I looked at him confused, but nodded. He led me to his and Pony's room. "I need to tell you something, Mary. . ." Soda sighed. I continued to look at him with more confusion. "Go on. . ." I replied. Soda sighed again. "I like you. I've liked you since we first met. I know this is early, but will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes widened. I was shocked. Truthfully, I would've said no since I like Johnny and not Soda. But I didn't want to break his heart. His eyes were staring into mine. "Yes, we can give this a try." I laughed. I was full of regret. I knew I was playing with Soda's feelings, but I don't want to break his heart. . . "Really? You mean it?" Soda cheerfully replied. I felt really bad now. "Yes, I mean it." I laughed again. Soda cheerfully hugged me and I hugged him back.

Wow, the tea really is bubbling. What's gonna happen next, I wonder? Happy Valentine's Day! Stay gold! <3

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