Part 5

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This chapter contains bullying. It also contains the word śłùt. (Unedited.) This chapter also mentions s3x. Please read with caution if this makes you uncomfortable.

I was waking up the next morning. I yawned, and got up to get dressed. I realized it was now Sunday, so tomorrow I go back to school with Pony, Johnny, and Two-Bit. I went to my bathroom and brushed my hair, putting it up in a ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror. Maybe I should try a new hairstyle for once? I decided to put my hair up in a bun. I honestly really liked it. I decided to keep it, and I went downstairs to have breakfast. "Are you going somewhere today, dear?" Mom asked me. "Yeah, I'm going to the Curtis household. If that's okay?" I replied. "You seem to always go there now. I suppose they really are your friends?" Dad said next. "Yes. I love them a lot." I replied back, stuffing some eggs in my mouth. After a bit, I finally finished breakfast. "I'm gonna go now. See you guys later! Love you guys!" I exclaimed as I opened the front door and walking out.

I was walking to the Curtis household. I never really noticed all the beautiful surroundings on the way to the house. It was beautiful though. I think I'll start admiring it more when I'm walking there. Nature truly is beautiful. A few minutes passed, and I didn't even realize I was at the Curtis household. I laughed, and opened the front door. "Hello?" I yelled out. Johnny walked in the living room. "Hey, Mary. Two-Bit and Pony went to the store, Darry, Soda, and Steve are at work, and Dally is at Buck's. So it's just going to be us for now." he shyly said. Alone with Johnny? I'm fine with that! "I don't mind at all. What were you doing anyway?" I calmly replied. "Nothing really. I guess I was just doing something, because I'm alone." Johnny said with a little laugh. I can't get over his laugh, it's so cute. "Do you still need help with some schoolwork?" Johnny asked me. I blushed slightly. "I should be fine, thank you though, Johnnycake." I replied, feeling very flustered. I could tell Johnny was blushing a bit as well. "Thank you for asking though. You're sweet." I said again. I fidgeted a bit.

Johnny and I decided to watch T.V. We sat by each other. We didn't really say anything to each other though. "I really like the new hairstyle." Johnny finally said. I started to blush hard, and wanted to stutter. "You really mean it?" I managed to fight the urge to stutter. "Yeah. You're really beautiful, you know that, right?" Johnny shyly whispered. I could tell he was very embarrassed by saying that to my face. I couldn't control my smiling. "Thank you. . ." I shyly whispered too. I could feel Johnny's hand lightly brush over mine. I was so flustered at this point. This boy really makes me so flustered. That's when suddenly Two-Bit and Pony walked in the door, and my blush slowly faded away.

"Oh! Hey, Mary! You feeling better?" Pony immediately said as he saw me. I nodded. "Much better." I said. I got up and gave Pony a hug, as well as Two-Bit. "Sorry for the worry last night, y'all." I apologized once again. "It's okay. You weren't feeling well." Pony reassured. "Were you and Johnny. . . Doing something?" Two-Bit asked with a smirk. I blushed hard. "Two-Bit, shut up!" I yelled. "With that blush, I can't tell if you're lying or not." Two-Bit laughed. I rolled my eyes.

After a few hours, everyone was at the house. "I feel like we should all hang out at Mary's house for a change one day!" Soda exclaimed as we ate at the table. "There's nothing really special at my house." I laughed. "There's nothing really special about this house either." Pony replied. I just ate my food. "Fine. But only because you're so desperate." I rolled my eyes.

It was the next day at school. I was walking to my first period. "Look at her. . . She does look like a slut." I heard someone whisper. I wonder who they were talking about? I passed by some more people. "She hangs out with many boys everyday. She definitely screws with one. . . Or maybe all!" I heard someone say again. Were they talking about. . . Me? I felt myself getting upset. "Hey you! Over here!" I heard a female voice shout. I turned, and saw a group of four girls. "Me?" I questioned. "Yeah, you!" another girl from the group shouted at me. I slowly walked over to them. "How many guys do you screw everyday? You slut." a girl asked. I was getting uncomfortable. "I'm only sixteen! I'm not even thinking about doing that!" I replied. "Sure, of course you lie. You hang out with many boys everyday." a girl said. Wait. . . I recognized these girls! They're Laura, Angela, Nancy, and Cheryl! Of course it was them. They love to gossip. But how did they know I hang out with a group of boys everyday? "Come on, respond to us!" Cheryl said. "That's true, but I don't do. . . That. . . With any of them!" I reassured. "Maybe she likes older men. College men." Angela laughed. At this point, I was super uncomfortable and upset. Tears were forming at my eyes. "Awe. . . Is the little baby going to cry?" Nancy teased. A year rolled down my cheek. "Just admit it, you slut!" Laura shouted. I ran away, crying at this point. I ran into the girls' bathroom. The one people barely use, unless they gossip. I locked myself in a stall, and sobbed.

I was so glad this school day was over. I ran out sobbing. I tried my best to avoid Two-Bit, Pony, and Johnny due to the bullying. I ran home sobbing. I knocked on the door as soon as I reached home. Mom opened the door. "Dear, are you okay?" she immediately asked. I didn't answer. I just ran inside. I ran straight to my room. I sobbed hard into my pillow as thoughts raced through my mind. Am I really just a slut? Should I stop hanging out at the Curtis household everyday? No way! I'm not leaving them over some stupid rumors! Although I do feel like a slut. . . I broke up with James so quickly, and I already have a crush on another boy. These thoughts really aren't helping! I feel so drained mentally. I somehow heard Mom on the phone with someone though. "Hello?" Mom's voice. Pause. "Yes, I'm Mary's mother. Who are you?" Another pause, a longer one. "Ponyboy Curtis. . . And Mary's been avoiding you, Johnny, and. . . Two-Bit. . . At school. . ?" Mom said again. Another pause. "Mary is in her room. She wouldn't talk to me when I asked what's wrong. But I suppose you can come over and try. . ." Mom said again. A pause. "Goodbye!" Mom said, then I heard the phone be set down. I sobbed more. I was so mentally drained, and I was tired. I couldn't stop crying. Nancy's words of calling me a baby racing through my mind didn't help matter's none. That's all I am. . . A baby and a slut.

After a bit, I heard the front door open. I heard many footsteps walk in. I was still crying. "She's in her room. I'll show you where it's at." Mom said to the people. I heard people walking towards my room. I heard someone knock. It was Mom. "Mary, you have visitors!" she said. I heard her walk away. I was still crying, but I managed to get up, and open the door.

I knew I was looking like a mess, but I opened the door anyway. I saw the whole gang, and they looked surprised. I started to cry more. "Hey, hey, Mary. . ." Soda tried to comfort me. It only made me cry more, and I went and sat down on my bed. Two-Bit tried to walk over, but I only raised my hand up to tell him to stop. He understood. Johnny tried to walk over now, but I started to sob now. "Leave me alone!" my first words I spoke in a while. "Mary, what happened. . ?" Pony asked me. "I don't want to talk about it!" I screamed. I grabbed my pillow, and sobbed more into it. Johnny walked over to me and hugged me. I didn't hug back. I just kept on sobbing. "Please tell us, Mary. . ." Johnny whispered. I looked up at him. His eyes were full of concern and worry. I looked down. I stood up. "I got called a slut today for hanging out with you guys. I. . . They asked me if I. . . Well, y'know. . . Done. . . Yeah. . . With any of you guys. . ." I explained.

The boys looked at me. I was shaking. They all walked over and gave me a group hug, even Dally. I hugged them all back. "Thank you guys. I appreciate it." I said, wiping my tears as we all pulled away. "Is that why you were avoiding us at school?" Two-Bit asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry about that." I apologized. "It's fine." Two-Bit replied. Then I hugged the gang again. "I love you guys." I laughed. "We all love you too!" they all said in sync.

This is probably one of my best chapters yet! I haven't really been motivated, so sorry about that! :( I hope you enjoyed! Stay gold! <3

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