🦋 The abyss🦋

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Vallyk and I talked until the early hours of morning. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want to be seperated from that feeling he gave me. We said a long goodbye and I went to sleep feeling ecstatic.

That feeling was quickly diminished this morning when it hit me that I have one day left to finish my designs. I dart out of my bed and grab my sketchbook to get to work. The tip of my pencil touches the paper and starts to drift along the page. I shake my head at the product before crumpling it up and throwing it to the side.

This cycle continues for another couple hours. My desk is now filled with a mountain of papers and still no promising design. I rub my face in frustration, swallowing the lump in my throat. Tears start to run down my cheeks. I'm stressing myself out, maybe I should just take a break and start again later. I get off my desk chair and collapse onto the sofa. My eyelids grow heavy as a sudden wave of exhaustion washes over me. It wouldn't hurt to take a nap.


My eyes blink open...everything is silent and still. How long was I asleep? I feel around for my phone. When Im unsuccessful I shove my hand in the crack through the couch cushions, not surprised to feel the cold, smooth, case on my fingertips. I rip my phone out and read the time. My eyes widen so much they almost fall out of their sockets.


I hastily jump up from my couch and scramble to my room, slipping presentable clothes on, and spraying a cloud of perfume all over. I sprint for the door, pausing when I recall the notepad still on the counter. I whip around to quickly grab it before flying out the door.

Taking a cab will take double the time to get to the office with traffic. I slip off my high heels with a sigh and start running. Just over 10 minutes later I win open the door, out of breath, my hair now a messy nest of hair, and a rumbling stomach. This day couldn't get any worse.

I stumble into Mrs Marion's desk. She lifts her eyes from the computer covering half her face, her glasses resting on the tip of her nose.

M: What happened to you? You look like shit.

B: Yea. I say smoothing out some ruffles in my clothes and hair.

M: Anyways, I suppose you're here to drop off your designs. Let's see what you got.

B: About that... My voice trembles, trying to hold back the ashamed tears rising up my chest.

Mrs Marion's eyebrows slightly raise, making it harder for you to say the following words.

B: I was wondering if I could have an extension, even just a few more da-

Mrs Marion tuts, cutting me off.

M: I'm just going to stop you right there. When did I say the designs were due?

B: Umm by Monday morning.

M: Actually it was yesterday night. This morning was the extension. So either show me whatever is on that page or get out of my office.

B: But there's uh... it's blank.

She lifts her hand up, palms facing the ceiling.

M: Well then, you know what to do.

I nod quietly. The tears escape and start to run down my cheeks.

M: And please save the leaking until you get out of my office.

I turn around and hit her with all the cuss words in my head. Just as I'm about the leave her office Jenny walks in.

Friends with benefits(book 2) A Vallyk Pena story Where stories live. Discover now