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Abuela and Mamá fought for hours that night. They yelled at the top of their lungs a fire pulsing like one we had only heard a few times. Ana ended up sleeping on Sofia's bed with Maria. After an intense game of rock paper scissors. Sofia and I ended out shoving each other relentlessly squeezed into my own bed. I was the first to wake up the sent of some form of breakfast in no way filled the air. Sitting up I looked over at Sofia who had her hands gripped on the white quilt. Her fingers nearly as pink as the small roses I had sewn into the originally all white pattern.

Looking over I smiled at my younger sisters huddled together holding onto the other. Nearly invisible under the white quilt. Sofia had gotten me, after much begging, to sew bright yellow stars into the pattern. I wonder if Sofia and I where ever like that. She's twenty to my fifteen but when we where young we where inseparable. Even now it seems although we fight our bond is thicker then ever. Finally getting out of bed I yawned. Pressed below the window that lay in the dead center of the wall was a dresser. Not tall but it was enough to fit my clothes in the top two drawers and Sofia's in the lower two.

Its dark oak wood contrasted against the off white stone walls. Colorful drawings across the walls. Whether that be of butterfly's with the upmost detail or waved lines. Sofia and I made the room our own after a few weeks of living in the house. Pulling open the top drawer I sorted threw my clothes. Pulling out a few things along side a longer black skirt that stopped just at my ankles. A cropped white top that I had embroidered roses to match the ones on my quilt. I changed quickly staring out he fogged window. It must have gotten cold again last night. Normally t would have been unusual but it seemed with the Madrigal family in Encanto anything is plausible.

Turning back towards the mirror that leaned beside the door I looked at my distorted reflection. There where a large sum of cracks across it. But it was what we had. Playing with my hair I ended up pulling it back with a pale pink ribbon into a low ponytail. Waltzing out of the room a slight dance in my step as I hummed. Mamá was asleep on the couch her cheeks glowed with the stains of tears. And then I smelled it the sent of fresh brewed coffee. Abuela stood in the kitchen leaning over the sink, "Hola Abuela." She grunted a response. I stood there in silence before I stated, "You don't have to go if you do-"

She raised one hand up slowly cutting me off, "We will be attending whether I like it or not we Garcia's do not skip out on a commitment. Ever no matter what. Rain or shine mantenemos nuestra palabra (we keep our word)." I was silent before walking out of the kitchen, "Okay Abuela...Okay" Walking out of the house towards god knows where looking for god knows what I just kept walking. Out into the street. It was too early for dancing or singing. Perfect silence. I had forgotten to put sandals on before I left the house. When Mamá finds out she may as well kill me.

The cold stone beneath my feet was cold it felt almost freeing. I found my self spinning even starting to dance slightly. I felt for the first time without worry. The warm first sun beating down on my skin. A smile plastered on my face. I walked past multicolored shops. And then it was ruined, "Ay Chica what are you doing up this early." Clenching my fists I stopped dead in my tracks. I muttered the same words repeating under my breath, "Please be some other idoita." I started to walk back towards home hoping..no praying he was talking to someone else.

Camilo called out again, "Hey I was talking too you!" Coming to a quick stop I cursed a the sky, "What do you want Camilo..." There was a short silence giving me hope he had gotten distracted. And this the epidemy of stupid placed a hand on my should muttering, "Your company." Smacking his hand away I started walking back home, "Why me...you have friends hell you have enough cousins and siblings to keep you busy. The whole town loves you." It was a question I had always wanted to ask.

He followed behind me as I started to walk. By the time I reached the house he was only a few feet away stopping at the steps. I turned back to look at him, "What?" A smile grew on his face his eyes diverting from me, "You asked why you. It's like you said everyone in this town loves me...but you." Glaring at him for a moment I turned to the door before speaking up, "Enjoy your adventure." I slammed the door as he yelled, "Oh I will princesa"

Mi amor ~ Camilo Madrigal x oc~Where stories live. Discover now