Chapter 21

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Aldrich was sitting on the couch when Nicole entered the house, his wet pants already replaced with a dry pair of sweatpants. He had used a towel to somewhat dry his hair, so it stuck up in different spots from being roughed up. Nicole walked in the living room, sinking down into a love seat, her still wet clothes wetting the suede fabric of the chair. Neither one of them spoke for a moment, not entirely knowing what to say or needed to speak first.

Nicole broke the silence first. "Thank you, for being at the ceremony."

Aldrich glanced to her, nodding his head. "You're welcome." he replied.

An uncomfortable silence came over the two, both of them back at square one of not knowing what to say. Aldrich knew what he wanted to say, he just wasn't sure how too. He had hurt her, that much he knew. Now how did he fix it? He figured the best way to try was to apologize, so that's what he did.

"Nicole, I'm sorry for telling your dad I would make you be my Luna. I'm sorry for agreeing when he said it's what was best. I know I told you that night at the beach that I would never make you be a Luna, and then I turned around and went back on that. I'm truly sorry. I just... your dad was dying. I didn't know what else to say. And with the dream I had just had, my mind was everywhe-"

"Why didn't you tell me about it, Aldrich?" Nicole interrupted.

Aldrich's eyes left hers as he looked at his lap, feeling like a child who was being scolded by his mother. Nicole's voice was calm, but in that moment, he wished she would just yell or hit him instead of making him hear the disappointment in her voice. "I.. I was scared to. And I was confused. I didn't know how you would react because I wasn't sure if you knew what happened and-"

Nicole interrupted again, her voice even more full of disappointment and hurt. "Of course I know what happened to her, Aldrich. I'm not a pup, even if you seem to treat me like one sometimes. I know what those rogues did to her Aldrich. And I know what it did to my dad and the pack. I know what it did to me. I'm not a child and I'm sick and tired of everyone treating me like I am. You, dad, grandpa, all of you. I am the Alpha of this pack. Me. I don't need protecting or sheltering."

Aldrich couldn't lift his eyes to look at her. The hurt in her voice crashed into him like a tsunami. She was hurting, and it was partly due to how he was handling things. "I swear, I'll never keep anything from you again. Regardless if it's concerning Silent Ash or Nightshade, I'll tell you. And I'm sorry for making you feel that way, I'm still adjusting to not being in full control, but I promise I'm trying."

Nicole chewed her bottom lip as he spoke, staring at the coffee table so she didn't have to look at him. She was sick and tired of the men around her thinking nothing more of her than a female. She was strong, powerful, and capable of thinking and handling things, no matter the nature of them.

At Nicole's silence, Aldrich finally looked up, seeing her staring at the table in front of him. He sighed, standing up and slowly making his way to her. When he reached her, he lowered himself to his knees, placing both his arms on either arm of the chair she was in. "Would you look at me, please?" he asked, his voice soft.

Nicole's eyes lifted to meet his, her blue eyes seeming to shine in the light from the lit fireplace across from them. Aldrich felt his wolf reaching out to the female, his shame coursing through the bond at lightening speed. Slowly, he bowed his head, tilting it to the side, exposing his marked neck to her. Nicole's eyes narrowed slightly as her mouth opened a little, her breath leaving her at his display of submission. Her wolf reached out to his, forgiveness shadowing his shame in the bond. Aldrich held the position for a moment, before straightening his neck and sitting up to his full height once again. His eyes shone with love, much like they had the first night they became one. Nicole felt her eyes water slightly, tears threatening to fall.

"I love you, Alpha Nicole Danielson of Silent Ash Pack. And I am so sorry for trying to make you something you aren't. You aren't a Luna, and you won't ever be. And I will never try to make you one."

Nicole sniffed quietly, her hands reaching out to cup his face. "I love you, Alpha Aldrich Branson of Nightshade Pack."

Aldrich let a small smile cross his face, before leaning up to her and pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was slow, and steady, neither of them fighting the other as they normally did. It was a simple, but still passionate kiss as love surged through the bond from both of them. They pulled away at the same time, Nicole's hands still cradling his face. Her eyes were filled with tears, not only from the moment they had just had, but from all she had been through the last few days. Her dad dying was obviously still fresh, and she had spent majority of her time busying herself at her office to keep her mind off of it. But here she sat, having just admitted to loving her mate, and all the emotions she had tried to hold back came rushing back to her. "I don't know what to do without him." she whispered, her voice faltering.

Aldrich took a deep, unsteady breath. "I know, Love. I'm here to help you with whatever you need of me."

Nicole nodded, her voice still small as she fought back a sob. "Just hold me now, please."

Aldrich nodded, standing up and scooping her into his arms, carrying her into her bedroom across the room. He laid on the bed with her, holding her tight against him as she let her sobs rack through her.

Nicole tightened her arms around Aldrich's neck as she picked her head up, placing it in the crease between his shoulder and chin. She rested her chin on the mark she left on his neck, sending a shiver down Aldrich's spine. "What am I gonna do?" she whimpered.

Aldrich took a deep, ragged breath, his left arm tightening around her waist as he brought his right hand up to rub her messy hair down. "You honor him. And grieve. It's all you can do, Love."

Nicole sniffed as she softly began playing with his hair with one of her hands. She began to calm down with Aldrich's presence, but her heart didn't hurt any less. "Is this how it felt?"

Aldrich furrowed his eye brows slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Is.. is this how it felt.. when your dad.. died?"

Aldrich was taken aback by her question. He hadn't expected it. "Sort of. I mostly grieved for the wolf he had become, not necessarily his death."

Nicole pondered on his words for a moment, before nodding her head. "I'm sorry I asked."

"It's okay, Love. I don't mind talking about it."

A comfortable silence settled between them, until finally Nicole's breathing slowed down. Aldrich looked down at her, kissing her forehead as she had drifted off to sleep. Closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the pillow, he let himself drift off to sleep too.

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