Chapter 1

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The sounds of panting bounced off the walls of the cold, steel room as the sounds of bones breaking and shifting caused a shiver to run down Alpha Andrew Danielson's back. He clenched his eyes shut as his daughters scream once again filled the room cold room.

"Please! Dad, make it stop! Please!" She screamed from her spot on the floor, the bulletproof window and steel walls slightly muffling her voice from Andrew's decaying hearing. Her body had already began contorting in unnatural ways as her wolf continued to push to the surface of her humanity. They were becoming two-in-one.

It'll soon be over Dear, I promise.
Andrew mind-linked to his daughter, hoping to somewhat soothe the young shewolf.

His daughters eyes met his as tears ran down her red, sweaty face. Her face contorted in pain as another bone shifted within her, causing her to release another blood curdling scream. Andrew's eyes slammed shut once again, his wolf whining inside him at the pain of his only child.

His wolf continued to whine, wanting nothing more then to run to his daughter.

"Hush with the whining. Our health is slowly declining. The pack will need her." Andrew said harshly to his wolf. He hated this just as much as he did, but there was nothing they could do.

He felt his wolf sink back farther into his mind, leaving him to his own thoughts.

"Alpha." Beta Landon Richards, Andrew's closest and most trusted friends voice sounded out, drawing Andrew's attention back to the steel cased room.

Where his daughters human body once lay, was now a gorgeous black and white wolf. Just by looking at the magnificent body of the animal, you could easily tell this was an alpha born. Her paws were larger than the average wolf, long, sharp claws attempting to dig into the steel floor. Her body was strong and muscular, the muscles on her back legs tensing and releasing as she stood up to walk around. But what caught Andrew the most was her face. It was solid white, along with her two front legs. The rest black as night. Blue eyes pierced into Andrew's brown ones, reminding him of the eyes his Luna once had.

"Oh my God.." mumbled Richard, staring intently at the beautiful beast.

Power radiated from the wolf as she slowly began to take small steps towards the glass. Andrew watched in amazement as his daughters wolf came to stand before him. He didn't flinch or blink as she pulled her lips back, a deep and intimidating growl rumbling through her chest as she bared her large canines at him. If it had been any other wolf, Andrew would have killed them the second that snarl left their mouth. But her being an alpha such as himself, her reaction was expected. Her newly awakened wolf was in full control, his daughter not yet able to control her. She knew he was an alpha and wanted to challenge him, her alpha genes already heightened.

Andrew smiled proudly as the wolf began slamming against the glass, her power hungry rage uncontrollable. In that moment he knew that great things were to come to his pack. The fear and anxiety he had been feeling weeks before his daughters shift seemed to dissolve away. His health no longer mattered, he knew he was a goner. But as he stared into the power-hungry eyes of his pack's future alpha, it all seemed to be okay.

5 years later.

Paws slammed against the ground as the wolves ran, the majestic black and white wolf leading in the front. No matter how fast the other wolves ran, none of them could even match the speed of the beast ahead of them. Her breath came out in pants, foggy air coming out of her snout like white puffs of smoke as she released the air from her lungs. Her head was angled downward, her black ears flat to her head as she dodged trees that blurred as she passed by. Her eyes never left the brown matted fur of the rogue that ran ahead of her, his legs desperately pushing him on.

Alpha Female - Book 1 -Under Major Editing-Where stories live. Discover now