Chapter 7

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Aldrich felt as if his heart would explode when those 6 words came out of Nicole's mouth.

'I accept you as my mate.'

He couldn't stop replaying them in his head, no matter how hard he tried. After she had come to terms and accepted him, she walked silently to his car, getting in. Aldrich had stood in the same spot in the yard, his wolf giddy and prancing around. A smile made its way onto his face as he repeated the words in his mind once more.

He was interrupted by his thoughts as the annoying wolf his mate called her beta walked up to him. Aldrich felt his eyes narrow as his wolf came to the surface, sending a warning glance at the beta.

Landon held his arms up defensively as he stood before the alpha, a kind smile playing on his face. "I just wanted to say that she's an amazing female. Any male would be lucky to have her. So, please, take care of her."

The betas voice was filled with sincerity, and Aldrich felt himself relax a little as he nodded. His wolf sat back, staring at the beta with a perplexed look on his face. Why was this beta being nice to him?

Aldrich shoved his thoughts to the back as he nodded once at the beta, turning and taking long strides to his car where his mate sat. The yard and street had cleared out as the altercation between the two came to an end. Nicole's pack was happy for her, but there was no reason for them to hang around.

Aldrich stepped into the car, Nicole's scent hitting him as he spared a glance her way.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice full of concern at the sulking face of his female.

His female. He could get used to saying that.

Nicole didn't answer as she huffed and turned to look out the window as Aldrich began to drive. Trees blurred past them as he drove out of her territory, Nicole and her wolf both filling with excitement, as much as Nicole hated to admit, as they neared the restaurant. Pulling up out front, Aldrich handed his keys to valet as he stepped out, looking up to Nicole stood by the car waiting on him. He smiled at her, walking over to her and leading them inside the restaurant.

It was a nice restaurant, Nicole noted, as they walked up to the host standing behind a podium.

"Branson." Aldrich said, his deep voice sending shivers down Nicole's spine as he spoke. His voice held so much dominance and authority, and he wasn't even trying. She found herself liking it, as much as she tried not too.

The host nodded and grabbed two menus, leading the pair out back to the patio overlooking the ocean. He placed the menus down at a table, smiling at the two as he walked back to his station. Nicole sat down and looked out at the ocean, admiring how the crystal blue water beamed under the setting sun.

She would be lying if she said she didn't appreciate Aldrich taking her there. She always loved the water, it was her happy place when her mother died. Her father would always find time in his busy schedule to take the female to the beach after that..unfortunate day.

Aldrich had taken his seat and looked up, a small smile on his face as he stared at her, admiring her features and memorizing everything about her. The setting sun cast an orange glow on her face, lighting her up just enough for him to notice the smile on her lips. He couldn't wait to make her his, she was everything he had been waiting on. He never thought he would find his mate. He was 36 and an Alpha of 20 years. He had started to think the Moon goddess was messing with him. But here his mate sat before him, her beautiful blue eyes shining with appreciate for the view in front of her, and he wasn't disappointed.

Noticing his eyes on her, Nicole turned to Aldrich, her cheeks burning red at his intense gaze.

"What?" she asked, her eyes widening in confusion as she fidgeted in her seat.

Alpha Female - Book 1 -Under Major Editing-Where stories live. Discover now