Chapter 25

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Nicole and Aldrich once again laid in his bed, Nicole's head rested on Aldrich's bare chest as she took in all that happened at the ceremony. She was starstruck, and amazed. She had heard of the moon goddess presenting herself to wolves before, but she never had imaged she would be someone worthy of being spoken to directly. Aldrich had obviously seen it happen before, given his reaction to it. She had questions for him, about what Selene had said to him.

I heard you. I have always heard you.

What could Aldrich Branson, the strong, wise alpha of Nightshade pray to Selene for? Nicole knew he had had a hard life dealing with the loss of his mother and father, but Nicole had never seen him as the praying type. She lifted her head from his chest, propping it on her arm as she glanced up at him. "What did she mean when she told you she heard you? What were you praying for?"

Aldrich looked down at her, moving a piece of hair from her eye and tucking it behind her ear. "I didn't think I had a mate. I didn't think I was worthy of one after killing my father and taking the pack. I prayed to her, asking her why I was the one who had endure all that was going on by myself. She never gave me an answer, so I got angry and bitter." He paused for a moment, glancing up at the ceiling, lost in thought. "I guess she did hear me. It just wasn't time for me to know it."

Nicole placed a kiss on his chest, her hand going to his cheek and caressing it lovingly. "You aren't a monster, Aldrich. You did what was best for your pack, and it made you a great and respected leader. You are worthy of love. You always have been."

Aldrich smiled, sitting up and pulling her into his lap. He ran a hand through her hair, watching the blonde strands loop through his fingers. He glanced back at her, a distant look in his eyes. "I want to tell you about my father. About how I killed him. I'm sure you've heard stories, and I've spoken scarily about it before. I can't bear to think of the horrible things you've probably heard about it though."

   Nicole laid her head against his chest, her arms wrapping around him. "All I've been told is your dad went mad after your mom was killed and you had to fight him for the pack. My dad told me that's what would end up happening before it even did. He knew you were going through a lot."

   "That's an understatement if I'm being completely honest. My mother died when I was ten, and up until then, Arvin had been a great father and man. But, when the rogues came and killed her, something changed. He became angry, bitter, and full of hate. He also became distant. It felt like I had not only lost my mother, but him too that day. I guess I sorta did." His tone was quiet and full of emotion. She wondered who all she had told this too, probably not many. Josh and Alex were the only ones she could think of that he would open up to about it. "He became mean, and it got to where he was so obsessed with getting me ready to lead, that was all I was allowed to focus on. You're gonna be alpha one day, you need to grow up. You need to worry about the pack and less about yourself. It was never ending." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

   Nicole sat up and rested her head on his shoulder, kissing the mark on his neck lovingly. "You don't have too-"

   "No, it's fine. It's just been a while since I've talked about it in detail."

   Nicole nodded, encouraging him to go on.

   "When I turned sixteen, his deterioration reached its peak. He began turning on our allies for no reason, declaring war on random packs. He had already been began hunting rogue packs, slaughtering them for no reason other than being rogue. He didn't care if there were woman and children, they all got slaughtered. My grandfather told me it was time, and the pack agreed. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. No one else in the pack could beat him, not even my grandfather." he said solemnly.

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