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3rd-person pov--

"Princess Shino! You must run! They'll kill you if they find you! A woman, the queen of Crystalline, and Shino's mother, Amethyst, told her 16 year-old daughter. "But mother! What about you and father?! I can't leave you here! Please! Come with me!" Shino cried out. "GO! NOW! We can't come with you, we must protect our kingdom!" A man, the king of Crystalline, Shino's father Katsuo, shouted at his daughter. He opened a portal and Amethyst shoved Shino inside. "Goodbye my lovely daughter...I hope I live to see you again..." Amethyst whispered before the portal closed.


The Hasegawa royal family consisted of King Katsuo Hasegawa, Queen Amethyst Hasegawa, Prince Zankoku Hasegawa, who is missing, and Princess Shino Hasegawa. Crystalline was a peaceful kingdom, full on tall mountains, flowing rivers, terrific farmland, and good trade will allies. All the citizens, loved their royalty, as the Hasegawa royal family has always put their citizens safety and needs as their priority, well except for Prince Zankoku, who was a cruel, sadistic, narcissist, who believed that the citizens shouldn't live such a privileged life, and that the citizens should work dawn to well after dusk with no breaks, no food, and no water. After Katsuo refused to do that cruel treatment to his citizens, Zankoku left, Shino was three years old, and had no idea why her big brother left. Thirteen years later, Zankoku attacked, hoping that Katsuo would finally cave in, thus beginning of a very long war...

~End of Flashback~

Shino's pov~

I wake up in an unfamiliar place, I'm hooked up to a bunch of weird devices I am unfamiliar with, their's a girl I don't recognize in a chair next to me, she has pastel pink hair, dark skin, and wearing all black. She starts to open her eyes, she has green eyes. "Hello! You're awake! Do you know what happ to you? I found you unconscious in Central Park." She piped up. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I replied, sounding a bit colder than I meant to. "What's your name? I ask. "Me?" She asked "No, the clown behind you. Yes you!" I replied with sarcasm. "I'm Sakura. Sakura Mori!" She states with much enthusiasm. "I'm Shino, m-may I stay with you...I-I just moved here, I have no money and no relatives here..." I inquired. "Of course! We could be like sisters! Except I'm African American and you're aisan..." She piped. God this was going to be a long few years...or so I thought...

Hi my what should I call you? For now, I'll just call you my planets.
This is the VERY FIRST book I have ever written! I hope you like it! Let me know if you have any suggestions, or would like to add a character. If you would like to add a character to my story, please put, name, age, apperance, clothing style, personality, and job, (if they are in Shino's soon-to-be mafia put something like ex. Mafia hacker) please. (Sexuality is optional, please don't make your character be in love with Shino, I have a guy lined up for her. Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night/2am life contemplating.


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