The Drug Deal pt. 2

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Shino's pov~

I now lay next to Takeshi, completely naked, and so is he, I'm glad I have him,  otherwise I wouldn't have fit in here. I do feel bad about abandoning Saku and Dia tho...'I'm so sorry you two' I think silently. I cuddle against Takeshi's warm, bare chest, "mmm...warm..." I mumble sleepily. "Don't fall asleep now, my queen. We still have to go meet our client." Takeshi's seductive voice told me. "Ugh, fine" I complain, getting up. I take a shower, and hide earlier's evidence. I also dress in this outfit.

 I also dress in this outfit

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"How do I look?" I ask Takeshi, who's still laying in bed

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"How do I look?" I ask Takeshi, who's still laying in bed. "If we had time, we'd be having a round two!" He tells me. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL IN BED?! GET YOUR LAZYASS OUTTA BED RIGHT NOW!!" I shout "Ok, Ok, my love!" He states getting outta bed. I smirk. "What? You like what you see?" He asks seductively, while motioning to his abs. "Well obviously" I reply, sounding just as seductive.

Takeshi's pov~

My beautiful girlfriend lays next to me naked, she snuggles up to my bare chest, I hear her mumble "mmm...warm..." I smile, "don't fall asleep now, my queen. We still have to meet our client." I remind her, I can tell she's not happy as I hear "Ugh fine" and see her getting outta bed. She goes to take a shower, I continue to lay in bed, when she comes out, I gawk at her outfit. "How do I look?" She asks, "If we had time, we'd be having a round two!" I tell her, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL IN BED?! GET YOUR LAZYASS OUTTA BED RIGHT NOW!!" She shouts at me, "Ok, Ok, my love," I state, getting outta bed, I go change into this outfit

 "How do I look?" She asks, "If we had time, we'd be having a round two!" I tell her, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL IN BED?! GET YOUR LAZYASS OUTTA BED RIGHT NOW!!" She shouts at me, "Ok, Ok, my love," I state, getting outta bed, I go change into th...

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I come out dressed, "It's time to go love" I tell her, "ok" She states getting out of her chair.

3rd person pov~

Shino and Takeshi arrive at the location they were told to meet at, Shino holding the suitcase full of illegal drugs. The client arrived and Shino gave the suitcase with drugs, and the client gave her a suitcase full of money. After the client left, they were about to head out, but someone came outta nowhere. "Found ya...sis" a deep voice spoke "Zankoku?!" Shino exclaimed "how clever" Zankoku replied 'if he's here...does that mean...NO!' Shino thought, a long fight occurred between Zankoku and Shino, Zankoku lost by a sliver and was banished back to Crystalline. Shino, exhausted from the fight, fainted.

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