5: The Drug Deal Pt. 1

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Hai my snowflakes! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! My app (or phone) wasn't working so I couldn't update or privately message. I'm sorry!! Please forgive me!

Your shitty author - NightmareCat666

Diana's pov~

After Shino and her boyfriend, I assume left, I got back to work, I realized, I was PISSED. 'How dare she just show her face four years after she abandoned us! We worried about her! I don't know where she went, or what she's been doing! But she is no longer my friend!' I thought as I angrily scrubbed the table the traitor and the man sat at. I finished my shift, easing my temper as I went on, soon it was time for me to clock out. "Bye Ms. Sunny!" I shouted at my manager, and left. 'Too bad visiting hours are over, otherwise I'd visit Sakura and tell her everything.

Diana and Sakura woke up at Shino's apartment. "Shino?" Sakura called out, obviously confused on why Shino wasn't with them. "Why isn't she here, Dia?" Sakura asked "I dunno Saku, I dunno." She replied. They spent the whole day searching, after 24 hours, they filed her missing, but the police stopped searching after 72 hours. "Maybe she went back to her dimension, and couldn't tell us." Dia proposed, "NO! SHE'S STILL IN THIS DIMENSION!" Sakura shouted "S-saku...calm down" Dia told Sakura, concerned. "I AM CALM!" Sakura shouted once again. After six months after Shino had gone missing, Sakura snapped and tried to strangle Diana, Sakura was sent to Big Apple Mental Institution. Diana was fine, and continued working at Starry Night Café and Bakery.

~End Flashback~

Sakura's pov~
I felt...weird after my reunion with Shino, and introduction to her boyfriend. I still can't believe that she's dating THE Takeshi Murakami!! She's a lucky duck, that's for sure! Maybe I'm coming "sane" again...I hope so, I wanna go back to work at the café...

???'s pov~

So...I've found you Princess Shino Hasegawa, and...you're doing the devil's tango with a mere human...how pitiful, the master will know of your weakness.
He will come, and he will kill you, princess.

Lol! I just realized I forgot to put in a picture of Takeshi! So here it is!

Takeshi Murakami


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