Chapter 1: What is this mafia?

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~Shino's pov~

I've been released from this "hos--pit--al" place. Thank Xaiana!
"So...Sakura...what do you do in a day?" I inquired. "Ah...wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, walk the dogs, go to school, come home, do homework, chill, go to work, come home again, make dinner and go to sleep. Why?" She inquired of me. "Oh, so we could be together. I could go to this school...and to this work...if you don't mind." I simply stated. "YES!! I'll have my mother enroll you! And I'll help you get a job!" Sakura squealed. "Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it." I told the jumping Sakura. "It's no problem!" She stated. We started walking when I bumped into a girl around my age. "My deepest apologies!" I told the girl, bowing. "It's no problem! I wasn't looking where I was going!" The girl exclaimed. "It's fine. My name is Shino. What's yours?" I inquired. "Diana. Diana Matsumoto." The girl now known as Diana stated. She had pale skin like me, platinum blonde hair, grey eyes, and wore a black t-shirt, ripped jeans with lots of chains and black boots. She had a combo of death glare and resting bitch face as her facial expression.

 She had a combo of death glare and resting bitch face as her facial expression

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Sakura Mori~ age 17

Diana Matsumoto~ age 15

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Diana Matsumoto~ age 15

Princess Shino Hasegawa~ age 16

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Princess Shino Hasegawa~ age 16

Sakura's pov~

I watched as Shino and Diana talked and realized that they had a lot in common. Diana handed Shino a piece of paper, presumably with her phone number on it. Shino and Diana walk over to me. "Hey Sakura, you are cordially invited to a sleepover at Ms. Matsumoto's place at 6pm. Please bring pjs." Shino stated. 'Why does she always talk like a princess?' I thought. "Sure I'll come!" I exclaimed. I assume Diana has told Shino her address. Shino will also need pajamas.

~timeskip ~ Diana's house 6pm~

Diana's pov~

I was getting the final pieces in place when I heard the doorbell ring. 'Must be Shino & Sakura' I thought and answered the door. "Hello Diana" Shino greeted. "Hey Diana!" Sakura piped up. "Hey come in!" I stepped aside and let them in. "Nice place Diana!" Sakura complimented. "Yes, very exquisite." Shino agreed. "Let's watch movies!" I shouted. "Ok" the both of them replied.

3rd-person pov~

The girls kicked off their sleepover by watching a movie about a demon mafia and the leader of the mafia is Satan's daughter and she falls in love with a human named James, she begins killing all the girls that flirt with him and protecting him from his abusive father. "I have two questions. One, why would a father ever harm his child? And two, What is a mafia? Shino inquired. "One, a drug addict-alcholic father would harm his child and two, a mafia sells and trades illegal drugs and weapons over the black market. They also assassinate rich aristocrats and sometimes innocent people." Diana informed.

" Diana informed

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Sakura's pjs~

Sakura's pjs~

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Diana's pjs~

Shino's pjs~

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Shino's pjs~

~The next morning~

Shino was the first to awaken and miraculously managed to make breakfast. 'It would be cool to be a mafia boss...' Shino thought as Diana walked in. "Oh shit! You made food! I was supposed to do that!" Diana exclaimed. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Shino apologized. "It's fine..." Diana sighed.

If only Shino and Diana know what was to become in a few years...

I have FIANLLY decided what to call you guys! You'll be called my snowflakes.


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