Chapter Four - Blue ribbon, pink ribbon!

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May's POV:

May woke up to the sound of light snoring.

"She isn't up yet?" Said May to herself as she carefully climbed down the ladder to wake up her friend.

"Wake up!" Shouted May, startling Serena.

"What was that for?" Asked Serena, pissed off.

"You weren't waking up, so I decided to help you out!" Said May. It was true though, May needed to get ready to go to her contest she was attending later in the morning.

"Do you want to do a contest with me?" Asked May

Serena rubbed her eyes, still trying to gain consciousness. "Yeah!" She said. "But... I don't have a dress..."

May thought for a moment about her friend's comment.

"You can borrow one of my dresses!" She said.

"Really?" Said Serena, shocked about her friend's offer. "Thank you!"

"It's no problem!" Said May. "We should get dressed now so we won't be late..."


May dragged Serena out of the Pokémon center, then calling for a lift to Lilycove City.

The two girls walked out of the car and entered the contest hall.

"Wow..." Said Serena, taking it all in. The contest hall in Hoenn looked so different than what the ones in Kalos looked like.

"Lets head to the changing rooms!" Said May, not wanting to be late.

May opened the door to let Serena in, then closing it behind her.

"Alright, here is the dress!" Said May, holding up a white dress with nice dark blue trims.

"It's amazing!" Said Serena, taking it from May so she could change."

May put on her favorite pink dress, putting a matching ribbon in her hair, too.

"Come on out, Beautifly!" Said May, letting out her Pokémon.

"Here, let me put this ribbon on you!" She said as she placed a identical pink ribbon onto her Pokémon.

May then passed Serena a blue bow to put onto her Pokémon that matches the dress she gave Serena.

"Here you go!" She spoke. "It's for your Pokémon!"

"Thanks, May! That's really kind of you!" Said Serena, as she placed the ribbon onto Braixen.

May checked the time. 12:30.

"Let's go onto the stage!" Said May, passing Serena a glow stick. "You will need that too!"

Serena nodded, following May out of the changing rooms to the stage.


The duo stood next to eachother, with May talking to Drew.

"Who is that next to you?" He asked, looking at Serena. "She looks new."

"Oh!" Said May, grabbing Serena's wrist, turning Serena towards her and the boy with green hair.

"Drew, this is Serena!" Said May. "Serena, this is Drew!"

"Nice to meet you m'lady." Said Drew jokingly.

"N-Nice to meet you too!" Said Serena. Her face was a light shade of pink.

"All right!" Said the contest host. "Today will be slightly different, since we will be doing triple contest battles!"

The crowd cheered.

"With our first team, we have..."

"May and Beautifly!"

"Serena and Braixen!"

"And Drew and Roserade!"

"And with our second team..."


"I can't believe we won!" Shouted May, exiting the contest hall doors with Drew and Serena. "It was all thanks to you, Serena!"

Serena blushed a bit in embarrassment. "Ahaha... Thanks... But you guys helped too!"

Drew and May smiled, and the trio kept talking on their walk back to the Pokémon center.

It was already past 8:00, so the trio decided to rent rooms in the Pokémon center and say good night.

Drew got one room for himself, and May and Serena shared a room again, since May was always used to sharing a room, since she shared one with her little brother, Max.

May and Serena changed out of their casual clothes and changed into their pajamas.

"What do you plan to do tomorrow?" Asked Serena, slipping on her shirt.

"I don't know..." said May, climbing up the ladder to her bed. "Maybe just hang out with you and Drew!"

"Sounds fun!" Said Serena, smiling while getting into her bed.

"Goodnight, May!"

"Goodnight, Serena!"

-Timeskip to one hour later-

May was still awake, thinking about her conversation she will have with Drew. She is planning to sneak into his room which was only a couple doors away.

May slowly and quietly climbed down her ladder, careful to not wake up Serena. She then quietly turned the doorknob to the door of their room, and exited the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her.

May then walked down the hall to Drew's room.

"208..." May whispered to herself. "208..."

"Ah! There it is!"

May knocked on the door, greeted with a sleepy Drew.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I need to talk to you." Said May.

"Come in I guess..." said Drew, motioning for May to come inside.

May sat on the side of Drew's bed, with Drew sitting next to her, just wanting to go to sleep.

"I need advice." Said May.

"About what?" Asked Drew.

"Love..." She spoke.

Drew suddenly became interested in what May was about to say. He was an expert with love, after all.

"Alright, I'm listening."

"Well... I kind of might just have a crush on..."

May paused for a moment.

"A crush?" Said Drew. "On who?"


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