Chapter Thirteen - Beautifly flying in the skies!

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Serena's POV:

Serena watched Clemont and Ash catch up to Bonnie into the Pokémon center, slightly out of breath. Serena blushed a bit when she saw Ash. He looked slightly different than when she saw him last.

"Hey, guys!" Said Serena, waving to the two boys, smiling.

Serena ran up to hug Ash and Clemont, happy to see them both again. Four days can really feel like a long time, can't it?

She let go of them, still smiling.

"How are you guys?" She asked.

Clemont adjusted his glasses. "We are doing good! When you and Ash left, it was heartbreaking to both me and Bonnie, but we got back in contact with Ash from Kanto, and we flew over here to Hoenn!"

"That's great!" Said Serena.

"So, how are you doing?" Asked Clemont.

"Oh!" Said Serena. There is so much to tell Clemont, but she doesn't have time to fill him in on everything. Maybe once they get to a café or something, she can.

"Well I have been participating in contests here in Hoenn with-" Serena was cut off by the sound of May's shouts.

"ASH!" She shouted, as she ran to Ash and tackled him with a hug.

"Hi May!" Said Ash. "I didn't expect you to be here!"

"I'm traveling with Serena!" Said May, lifting herself off the ground and offering Ash a hand so he could get up, too.

"Really? That's cool!" Said Ash, grinning.

Serena looked over to Ash and May. She felt a feeling inside of her chest that she can't recognize. Was it jealousy? No. It can't be jealousy. Serena huffed and ignored the feeling inside of her. She walked over to where May and Ash are standing.

"Hey, guys!" Said Serena, smiling.

"Hi, Serena!" Said both May and Ash in unison.

"So... How do you guys know each other?" Serena asked, curious.

"May and I traveled Hoenn together when May started her journey!" Said Ash proudly.

"Wow, really??" Said Serena. "That's so cool!"

"I know right!" Said May. "Now look at where Blaziken and I are!"

Serena and Ash laughed a bit, as Drew walked over to the trio.

"Were you flirting with my girlfriend?" He said, pulling May closer to him, trying not to laugh.

"N-No-" Said Ash, a little intimidated. He remembered Drew, but not much.

May held in her laugh while Drew pulled her closer to him. "I forgot to tell you, Ash! Drew and I are dating!!"

"Congrats!" Said Ash.

"Thanks!" Said May, releasing herself from Drew. "I'm going to go talk to Bonnie!" Said May, pecking Drew on the cheek before she left to visit Bonnie and Max.


Serena, Drew, Max, and May all show the three from Kalos around the Hoenn region. Ash said he was familiar with some things, but lots of stuff was new since he was at Hoenn last.

Bonnie pointed out all of the new Pokémon she saw, with Max walking next to her. He explained about every Pokémon she pointed to since he knew almost all of them.

"Wow! Those are very pretty Vivillon!" Said Bonnie, pointing towards some Beautifly.

Max looked towards where she was pointing and adjusted his glasses.

"Those are actually Beautifly." He said proudly. "They are native to Hoenn, and they trail sparkles behind them when they fly."

"That's so cool!" Said Bonnie, with her eyes sparkling.

Bonnie looked down at her yellow bag. Squishy was sleeping, while Dedenne was sitting on top of Squishy's head, not hurting Squishy.

"Don't you guys think so?" She asked her two Pokémon.

"Dedenne!" Cried Dedenne, jumping onto Bonnie's head to get a better view of the Beautifly.

"Is that your Pokémon?" Asked Max, inspecting Dedenne.

"Yeah!" Said Bonnie, letting Dedenne onto her arm.

"I haven't seen a Pokémon like this before!" Said Max, fascinated.

Bonnie and Max looked up to the sky to see the Beautifly leaving their sight with a beautiful trail of sparkles following them behind.

"That's really pretty!" Said Bonnie, still looking at the sky, watching the Beautifly grow smaller and smaller.

"Yeah." Said Max, doing the same.


Serena sighed, watching May and Drew walk hand-in-hand. What was this feeling?

She looked back over to Clemont and Ash, who are walking next to her, talking.

Serena turned to May and Drew.

"We have a contest later today, right?" Asked Serena. She needed another dress for the contest, so she was wondering if she should go shopping for one.

"Yeah, we do!" Said May, looking towards Serena.

"Ah, okay." Said Serena, nodding her head. She will probably stop at a nice store to buy a dress before the contest, then.

When Serena was thinking about what dress to buy, she saw a perfect store to go to.

"Perfect!" Said Serena out loud. "Guys, I'm going to shop for a dress in here. I'll be back soon!" She said, already walking into the store.

"I guess I will go too." Said Ash.

"Yeah, I need to use the restroom." Said Clemont.

"I'll come too!" Said Bonnie, running after Serena.

"Wait for me!" Said Max, running after Bonnie.


May sighed.

"It's just us left, huh?" She said, looking to Drew.

"Yeah..." He Said.

The two then burst out laughing. The pair couldn't hold it in any longer.

"You are great at acting!" Said May to Drew, who flicked his hair back.

"You could say that again!" He said proudly.

May then stopped laughing and looked away for a second.

"Hey, Drew?" Asked May, looking back to Drew.


"I think I should make a bigger approach to Serena." She said, now serious.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Drew.

"I mean... I want her to know that I like her..." Said May. "I want to directly tell her."

Drew paused. Then nodded.


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