Chapter Seventeen - Finding Clemont a girl!

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Bonnie's POV:

Today was the day.

Today was definitely the day.

Bonnie is going to find Clemont a girl.

After Drew and May left, the Kalos gang left the Pokémon center to go out on a walk around the Hoenn region.

Ash and Serena went a separate way after a while to go check out some shops, so it was just Bonnie and Clemont.

Bonnie scanned the area. They were currently in Mauville city. Then Bonnie saw a beautiful girl with jet-black hair.

"Clemont!" Said Bonnie, grabbing her brother's wrist. "Over here!"

Bonnie ran up to the beautiful girl.

"Hi, I am Bonnie!" Said Bonnie, pulling her brother next to her.

"Hi...?" Said the girl, looking at Bonnie and Clemont.

"This is my big brother Clemont!"

"Nice to meet you?" Said the girl.

"Clemont dosen't have a girl yet, and all of his friends do... So can you please be with my brother?" Said Bonnie, going onto her knees.

The girl paused.

"Uhm... Sorry, no."

"But why???" Bonnie whailed.

Clemont dragged his sister away from the girl.

"Sorry about my sister!"


Bonnie isn't ready to give up yet. That girl was too good for her brother, anyway.

Bonnie looked around the park she and her brother were in. There has to be a pretty girl here for Clemont!


Bonnie spotted a pretty-looking brunette walking with her Zigzagoon. Bonnie gasped, and without a word dragged her brother by the wrist to the girl.

"Oh no..." Said Clemont. He knew what will happen next.

"Hi!" Said Bonnie, looking up to the girl. "I am Bonnie!"

"Hi!" Replied the girl.

"This here is my big brother, Clemont!" Said Bonnie, pointing up to her brother.

"Nice... Nice to meet you!" Said the girl, confused about what was happening. She just wanted to take a stroll with her Pokémon!

"My brother here is single and I was wondering..." Said Bonnie, going onto her knees in front of the brunette.

"Please be my brother's girlfriend!" Said Bonnie.

Clemont turned away, his face flushed pink with embarrassment.

"I am sorry, but I am taken..." said the girl, looking down at Bonnie.

"Sorry, my little sister gets-" Said Clemont, getting cut off by his little sister.

"By whom???"

The girl nodded towards the same jet-black-haired girl who they were talking to earlier.

"Yeah, we should really get going... Right, Bonnie?" Said Clemont, pulling Bonnie away from the girl.

"But waitttt!!" Bonnie whined.

"Back to the pokemon center." Said Clemont, annoyed by his little sister's actions.

"I will eventually find you a girl!!" Said Bonnie, making her brother blush slightly.

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