Chapter Fourteen - Another contest!

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May's POV:

"Today?" Asked Drew, looking at May.

"Yes, I would like to confess to her today." Said May in a slightly less serious tone.

The truth is, May has had enough waiting. She wanted to make a more direct approach towards Serena. She wanted Serena to know she liked her right now. Today.

"Okay..." Said Drew.

"How should I confess?" Asked May. She never confessed to anyone before.

"Maybe buy her something simple." Said Drew.

May nodded. "Like chocolate or flowers?"

"Yeah, like chocolate or flowers."

"Thanks, Drew!" Said May, hugging Drew.

May let go of Drew and paused for a second. When will she confess? She never thought about that yet.

"See you later!" Shouted May, running to the contest hall. May has figured it out. She will confess to Serena at the contest!

May smiled to herself as she entered the contest hall. She went to the changing room. May has always felt insecure when changing in changing rooms. especially public ones like the one she was in now.

May took some deep breaths while taking out a lace yellow, blue, and white dress.

May glanced over to Serena, who was getting her dress from her bag, too. It was a fancy dress with white and pink colors. May knew she has to confess to Serena before she leaves the changing room to the stage.

It felt like Butterfree flew into May's stomach when she took off her shirt. There were only a couple of other girls in the changing room, but that didn't stop May's anxiety.

She quickly slipped on her dress, then changed her pants. It was a strategy May did for a long time.

May sent out Glaceon and placed a yellow ribbon next to its left ear. Glaceon's blue color already matched May's dress, so May thought Glaceon was perfect with the cute yellow ribbon.

May smiled at Glaceon, who jumped around a bit.

"I'll let you out later, okay?" Said May, returning Glaceon into its Pokeball.

May looked over to Serena, who was taking care of her Sylveon, giving it a cute accessory.

May smiled at the scene until Serena began to walk out of the changing rooms with her Pokémon. Sylveon had its ribbon wrapped around its trainer's wrist. May thought it was cute.

May quickly made her way to Serena.


Serena stopped and turned around.

"Do you need anything?"

May paused. She looked into Serena's beautiful aqua-blue eyes and opened her mouth to speak.


May blushed. How was she going to do this?

"May, we have to go... The contest is starting soon!" Said Serena, walking out of the door.

May stood there, shocked. She was just about to confess! But Serena was right, they had less than two minutes to get onto the stage. She sent out Glaceon and motioned for it to follow her.

May sighed and walked out of the changing rooms to the stage. She made eye contact with Drew, looking into his emerald eyes. They still needed to work on their silent communication. May walked over to Drew, with his Roserade with him.

"Hey..." Said May.

"Hey." Replied Drew. "How did it go?"

May looked down to her feet. She felt pathetic to say this.

"Serena had to leave to the stage before I got to confess..." said May, disappointed.

"I'm sorry about that..." said Drew with sympathy in his voice. "You can confess to her after the contest!"

May's eyes brightened up a bit. "You are right!" She said, looking up from her feet.

She then looked back down to her feet. "But many people will be there..." She said.

"It's fine just move her to somewhere private-" Drew was cut off by the contest host.

"Hello, and welcome!" Said the host.

"I will be explaining the rules for today's contest!"

The host continued speaking and fixed his collar.

"The rules for this contest is simple!"

"We will be doing one-on-one battles!"

"The judges will decide who has the better performance!"

"Now I will show the matchups!"

The judge showed who goes against who on a screen.

"Good luck!" May whispered to Drew.

"You too." He whispered back.


Hi! Happy new year to everyone! <3

I also wanted to mention that Drew and May's relationship in this book is platonic, but they are pretending to date to make Serena jealous. :)

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