Chapter Seventy-Nine: Right As Rain... For Now

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Everyone that knew Neville knew that he was mostly able to hide what he was really feeling most of the time. But they all knew that every single day with his grandmother was slowly destroying him more and more because of how she kept trying to turn him into a carbon copy of his father. Forcing him to use his father's wand before the trio sent him his custom wand, telling him how his father was so much better than him, and even basically forcing him into Gryffindor when he was really a Hufflepuff at heart. 

Even with all his friends helping him, the abuse from his grandmother and his great Uncle was becoming too much every time that he went home. It really spoke lengths about the Longbottom family when they saw nothing wrong with Neville's great uncle dropping him off of piers and out of third-story windows to force magic out of him. Neville was not even fifteen and he already had plenty of scars from what his supposed family had done to him.

But now, Neville finally had the two people that he wanted to have his entire life. His parents. Every single time his grandmother practically forced him to go to St.Mungos just to see his parents slip away more and more, it was practically torture for him. But now, he was really and truly with his parents. They were hugging him, tightening their grip around his body, showing him that they loved him. He never felt so loved with such a simple gesture.

He had tears rolling down his face as his parents had their arms around him. When he finally managed to turn around and look at the trio, Kingsley, and Hestia, he looked like he could barely find the words that he wanted to say.

"What... How... When... You guys... Parents..." he was completely shellshocked, unable to form a sentence.

"Mystic souls grow in power with age until we reach out magical majority at eighteen," Harry tells him. "Hestia may only be fourteen, but her healing powers are really strong."

"We thought that if everyone would have to leave Britain, this was our last chance to be able to help your parents," Melody says.

"I have never done anything as I did with your parents, but it was worth a shot," Hestia said. "Melody used her powers to get Kingsley and me to the magical hospital. Since Kingsley is an Auror, he was able to get me to your parents' room easily. I did not know that I could heal curse damage, but I apparently can."

Neville ran over to Hestia and practically tackled her as he was still crying. He kept repeating "Thank you" over and over again.

The trio went over to the two Longbottom parents. The students that had not been involved in what happened at Hogwarts all went back to what they had been doing before hearing Krinos's song. The animals also were guided back to the stables by other animal magic mystic souls. Atem also went off to probably get a good long kiss from his boyfriend. Everyone else stayed where they were.

"It is nice to finally meet you three," Harry offered his hand. "I'm Harry Potter-Gardna and these are my brother and sister, Krinos and Melody Gardna."

But what Harry did not expect was for him to get a bone-crushing hug from Alice Longbottom.

"Oh, Harry," she had even more tears streaming down her face after she had just stopped crying from being reunited with Neville. "You're so grown up. It was only like yesterday to me that you were just a little baby. I missed so much of your and Neville's lives."

"Sirius did tell me that you are my godmother," Harry did not have the heart to try and get out of the hug since Alic obviously wanted to hold her godson.

"Is Sirius here too," Frank Longbottom asked.

"Ask and you shall receive," Sirius says.

He walked over to them, Remus being beside him when he did. Sirius and Remus were also holding hands, telling that the two had also stopped dancing around each other and got together as well. Something that was definitely a relief for Hestia the Matchmaker since she really was so done with oblivious people dancing around each other and not seeing that they did like each other.

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