There was never a bigger relief than it was to finally be able to finish the war with both the ministry and with the death eaters. It seemed that with basically all of the wizards that they sent being arrested by the magic council, that got Fudge to realize that he would not win. Well, it was all the arrests as well as Olivia teaming up with Dumbledore to get the attention of the International Confederation of Wizards. Since Dumbledore was also the Supreme Mugwump of the confederation, a title that was still confusing to the non-wand-users, he was easily able to get them to see what Fudge has done and then take action about it.
And because Fudge no longer had any Aurors or high-ranking wizards in the ministry anymore since they were all arrested in Greece, he had no protection nor anyone standing up for him. So, there was nothing he would do when Aurors from the Confederation, meaning from all over the world, came to the ministry to arrest him and all other corrupt people left, he was defenseless.
In fact, when one of the Aurors from the Unite States saw Umbridge, he had actually sent her flying down a corridor. And when asked why he did that, he said that he thought that she was some type of toad monster that was somehow loose in the ministry. That certainly got a lot of the other Aurors to laugh.
She had been quickly arrested as well. Plus, a very strong silencing charm had to be placed on her when she would not stop shrieking about how they could not do this to "a pure and upstanding pureblood as herself." Some of the female Aurors had been more than happy to slap her a few times. They were taking the fact that she was also female as an insult to all of womankind.
There was a complete overhaul of the British ministry after they arrested Fudge. There had barely been anyone at the ministry that had not been corrupt in some way. Even those that had not personally done anything wrong had still known about the corruption and did nothing about it. Especially when they or their department benefited from it. Like the Department of Magical Creature Control since it was the horrible laws against magical creatures that gave them a lot of power. Such as when they would be allowed to destroy the forests where elves, centaurs, and unicorns lived just to make room for homes for wizards to be built. Not to mention how they all seemed to enjoy that they were basically allowed to hunt down werewolves and vampires almost for sport.
The amount of actual good people that worked in the ministry could be counted on one hand. Especially since a good chunk of them had all left the country after all of the drama with the tournament and attacking the Crystal Rose students. The International Confederation of Wizards sent them all letters to see if they would come back in order to help form an actual functioning ministry.
There were some that came back when the overhaul hit the international news, but also some that stayed in other countries since they already thought that they would have better lives there. Amelia Bones and her niece Susan were two that came back. Since Amelia was known for being fair and had a very good track record when she was both an Auror and then the head of the Auror office, she had been made the new minister of magic until a proper election with actual good candidates could be held.
Sirius had gone with the International Aurors since he knew the ins and outs of the ministry and would be able to help them identify who would be good in their roles and who should not be given any type of power at all. He was probably the biggest help of them all since he had experienced the corruption first hand when he was sent to Azkaban without a trial. So, he had seen a fair number of ministry workers and those in power that were completely okay with being the corrupt people that they were.
And it was not even just the ministry that was getting an upgrade. Dumbledore was finally able to get all of the needed changes done to Hogwarts. He had been wanting to do this for decades and he was thrilled to finally be able to do it. He may have been nearing retirement, but that did not mean that he did not want to make sure that he knew that he did his best to make sure that his students were getting the best education possible.
Harry Potter: Raised By Roses
FanfictionWhat would happen if someone rescued Harry from the Dursley's when he was four? What if those people gave him two loving siblings? And what if those people were not from England and used an entirely different type of magic? What happens when a confi...