Chapter Forty-Seven: Secrets Told

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Harry groaned as he woke up in the Hospital Wing once again. He was starting to think that he needed a permanent bed in the wing from how often he was in it. He was really starting to hate these dementors. 

Opening his eyes, he saw Krinos and Melody next to his bed and a mountain of chocolate sweets at the foot of his bed as well. His groans as he woke up alerted them to his consciousness.

"Harry," they both gasped, immediately hugging their brother.

"We were so worried," Krinos talked a mile a minute. "There were so many dementors, and I started to go into a full panic attack, and then you fell off your broom, and Cedric had to dive down and catch you, and..."

"Krinos," Harry halted him, making his brother stop talking. "Take a breath every once in awhile, okay?"

"Ironic that the twin without the sound magic is the one that talks too much," Melody giggled. "How are doing, Harry?"

"I'm fine... mostly," Harry admitted. "I do have a splitting headache and I also still feel a little depressed."

"You reacted quite badly, Harry," Krinos said. "What did you remember?"

They may have used a spell to rewatch Harry's buried memories in the past, but that was to help with his night terrors. Harry could deal with the memories at his own pace, but the dementors forced the memories to the surface faster than he could handle them. It was almost a good thing that he passed out because if not then his magic might have reacted in order to protect him. Who knows what type of animal spirit would have come to protect Harry from the dementors. And blaming their amulets was only going to go so far for so long.

"I...I think it was my birth mom and my birth dad," Harry says. "The memories are a little fuzzy because of the dementors, but I could hear their voices."

"Oh, Harry," Melody sighed.

"I heard my dad yelling for my mom to take me and run," Harry continued. "And she was soon begging for Voldemort to spare me. To kill her instead and spare me."

"A mother's love for her child is special," Krinos slightly smiled. "Magic comes from our emotions and our hearts. We have been taught that since we were shown to have our powers. It is the way of the mystic soul. Love is said to be the greatest strength that magic can have."

"Love itself is not a magic power, but it is a source of amazing power," Melody said. "Even Eros and Aphrodite can not truly manipulate and use love even as the god and goddess of love."

"I guess even Voldemort doesn't know about the power of mystic soul emotional magic," Harry says. "Maybe my magic reacted when I saw my mother murdered in front of me. Something like that would cause a massive burst if emotional magic, even from a baby."

"And if there is one thing we know about, it's what trauma causes magic to do," Krinos rubbed his upper arm, his own nervous twitch.

The siblings shared a moment of silence. Krinos and Melody had lost their parents and aunt very close together but Harry lost two sets of parents. There were no words that could even possibly describe the heartbreak that something like that would cause. It was why the trio was always so close to each other. They were all hurt and used each other to fill their hearts with happiness as best as they could.

"Here, this will probably help," Melody handed him a cup of hot chocolate.

Harry took sips of the drink, letting the warmness fill his body. He did not get why chocolate helps with the effects of dementors, but he was not going to question it. Any excuse to satisfy his sweet tooth.

"That does make things better," Harry said. "But, then again, what problem can't be solved with chocolate? Haha."

"Climate change," Krinos stated.

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