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After rejecting Yun Feiyu's villa, he saw several other locations, and finally chose a mountain villa with an open terrain that can accommodate four or five hundred people.

Speaking of the origin of this villa, Su Mu was quite speechless. The place was built by a wealthy businessman from the south, but he just finished building only to come upon Su Mochi beginning his havoc causing ways. In the beginning, the wealthy businessmen could persist for the money.

But three years ago, after Su Mochi's massacre of the nine cities, this wealthy businessman was frightened into a stroke and ran away to the neighboring Jin kingdom with his family overnight. Since then, he did not dare to step into the Qing kingdom.

And as for his villa, it was put up for sale. It's just that what rich person would run to Su Mochi's territory to buy a house!

The house had been empty for three years and cannot be lived in for the time being. Su Mu ordered people to clean the house and hired a few commoners who could make rough paper. Of course, their families would live with them in the villa.

Half a month later, there were already more than 100 people in the villa, most of whom were slaves and belonging to Su Mu's private property.

Su Mu sat on the chair of Chinese cedar, behind him was Han Yi and Han Yang who were dressed in plain clothes but still not at all lacking in their out of the ordinary aura. Su Mu' demeanor was also even more unspeakably noble.

The slaves and craftsmen stood in the courtyard waiting for instruction, some of them couldn't help but peek at Su Mu, and then realized that they couldn't move their eyes.

That little skin is so tender! That little mouth is so attractive! Those little eyes are so bright......

Of course these were the descriptions by a certain infatuated commoner who lacked vocabulary.

Most people just think that Su Mu's handsomeness was out of the ordinary, knowing just from a glance that he was a dragon or phoenix among men. Privately they couldn't help but look forward to the coming days. After all, the wages negotiated at the beginning were not low.

A sharp gaze swept across the crowd, and those who were peeking at Su Mu suddenly startled and hurriedly lowered their heads to listen to the instructions.

Of course, there was no need for Su Mu to come in person to give out instructions, he just came to have them recognize their furture master. And also to take care of the matter of soap, toilet paper and movable type printing.

After Han Yi made threats and promises, Su Mu brought three old men who could made coarse paper to the main hall.

After seeing Su Mu sitting down, the three of them bowed lowly and said: "Don't know what orders Gongzi have for the three of us."

Su Mu looked at the three elderly men who were visibly nervous and said with a smile, "The three of you don't have to be so formal, please sit down."

The old man hurriedly said: "How can this be done? This old man, I can just stand up. If you have any orders, please just let us know."

Su Mu did not force the matter, putting down the tea cup, he said: "It is like this, I want the three of you to help me make a paper that is as white as snow, soft as silk, thin as gauze, and melts in water."

"This......" The three old men looked at each other. As thin as gauze and melts when in water. What can this paper be used for, it would definitely be impossible to write on!

An old man in his early fifties stepped forward and said: "Don't know what Gongzi wants this kind of paper for. Forgive this old man for saying so but this kind of paper that can neither write nor be used to paste windows, no one will be willing to buy. Also how can paper be white ike snow, soft as silk, thin as gauze, and melts in water?"

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