2 - When your boss hires you for your body

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A few days back ~
"What is this? You are my secretary you can't even handle my files!!!", jungkook yells at his secretary for being such clumsy at her task.
Of course, she got scared of his reaction and begin to tremble in her position.
"I am not going to eat you, stop being so scared!!", somehow jungkook tries to console her but it doesn't work, she pisses him off more with that sorry look.
Secretary (in low voice) - Sorr... sorry...
"What? Speak louder!!! Who made you a secretary? You are fired!!!!", he just gives his final order and sees her rushing out the door crying.

Jungkook picks up the receiver and calls his manager.
Manager - Yes, Sir!
JK - Who hires for my PA? This time I will hire myself. Go and arrange interviews.
Manager - As you say, sir!

Jungkook hangs up the phone, rubbing the temples he just roams around in his office, he receives a phone call.
JK- Mom! How are you?
Mrs. Jeon - Hello my darling, I am good, How are you? Are you eating well?
JK - Mom, I'm totally fine. I miss you all.
Mrs. Jeon - Yes my baby, We miss you too. Have you planned anything for your marriage? Do you have a girlfriend?
JK - Mom! Again with that. I haven't found a girl like that.
Mrs. Jeon - I'm sure there are many girls out there who would be so happy to just be with you.
JK - I don't need any girl, I need a hot one, umm-- I mean a good one.
(he scratches the back of his neck when he accidentally says that)
Mrs. Jeon - You will surely find one.
JK - Okay mom, I have work, I must get going, See you.

Taehyung and Jimin walk into jungkook's cabin without knocking.
~ hey kookie they both greet him.
"Hyung, what are you both doing here?", jungkook was surprised to see them, they work with him, both are board of directors along with jungkook for his company.
Tae - Oh you look alone, where is your secretary?
JM - did you fire her too? come on she was hot.
JK - Yea and a cry baby and also clumsy.
Tae - anyone would be if you are the boss.
JM - Please hire soon, so that we could all have little fun here.
JK - You both have your own secretary, so stop playing here
Tae - Anyway we are here for work so let's get to it!

The day ends well but was hectic, jungkook was heading back home but decides to stop at a cafe for a coffee. He usually doesn't visit a cafe but since it's on his way he thought he should go and grab one. As it may help lower the stress.

Jungkook was waiting for his coffee, he sees a table where a couple was sitting, being a little noisy. The guy was yelling at his girlfriend for something, and her face looks so flushed and was about to cry.
But in a while the guy just hit her and she began to sob holding her right cheek.
All of a sudden-
Guy - What the hell! It's hot, you idiot, can't you just be careful!
Jungkook saw the waitress going at his table and spilling the hot coffee on him purposely.
Waitress - So sorry sir!
Jungkook was about to move as he saw the guy was gonna hit her too but halted when~
when the waitress again spilled a cup of coffee on him. This time on his crotch.
Jungkook laughs.
The manager of the coffee house also was brought to the table and jungkook saw everything how the waitress just teased him and was pretty glad for the boldness. But it cost her, her job and saw the manager firing her.

Time skip ~
Next day in the office...

Manager (knocks the door)
Jungkook - Yeah! Come in!
Manager - I have finalized a few candidates, I will send them in one by one.
Jungkook - For what?
Manager - For the PA position sir?
Jungkook - Oh yeah! I forgot completely, give me their profile first.
Manager hands over the papers to him and leaves.

Jungkook looks at the photos and throws the male profiles into the bin.
He lines up the female profiles and was surprised to see the same face which he saw at the cafe yesterday.
"Uhh, from a waitress to a PA, this must be interesting", he says while spying on the contents on your resume.
"She holds good degrees but then why to work as a waitress?", he was confused and so he was more interested to know about you personally.

Jungkook picks up the receiver dialing the manager and says,
Bring y/n in and rest can leave.

There was a knock on the door before the handle turns down and the door opens. A perfect figure, wearing a white buttoned shirt and a tight-fitting skirt enters the room.

Jungkook was sitting on his chair and was waiting for you. He was excited to see you walk in. Yesterday was something but today you just looked way hotter in those formals.
Your shirt hugged your body tightly enhancing your round plump breasts. The tight skirt made your curves more prominent. Your face was pink with nervousness spread all over it.
"My eyes are blessed", he speaks softly to himself.

You saw him in front of you. You wondered how is he even a boss here, he is fcking hot.
He gestured you to sit down. You gulped down your nervousness and sat there.

Jungkook - So, y/n tell me, how do I look?
Y/n - Huh?
Jungkook - You heard me! Answer me fast! (He yelled)
he thought of playing with you a little like he wanted to play the role of a rude boss to see whether you cry just like his previous PA

You immediately uttered ~hot!
You realize the word you said and rephrase it
Y/n - You look quite young to be the CEO.

Jungkook - Well, I prefer the word HOT!
He smirks as he captures your genuine response and your witty way to handle the situation
Jungkook - I like you already y/n, good work!
He couldn't handle his smile and stood up to walk towards you

He hovered above your chair from behind and kept his hands on your sides of the chair.
You gaze at his hands, those veins on his arms were making your heart flutter, you could imagine and sense his close presence and his perfume.

You heaved a bit, and he noticed it.
Jungkook - Relax y/n, I told you I like you. So don't worry. I will hire you as my PA.
He has to because he wasn't going to interview anyone else, and he was totally interested in knowing you.

He came closer to speak in your ear,
Jungkook - You too like me right?
His warm breath was like a seductive potion for you. You closed your eyes feeling him near you.

Jungkook - Answer me right now, y/n
He scared you by being a little loud on your ear.
Y/n - Yes, I do!!
Jungkook was so much controlling his laugher, he was just piercing his lips together.
Jungkook - You do? Are you sure?

You spoke that being frightened and again you rephrased it
Y/n - I mean, I would love to work with you as your PA.
Jungkook - Great then, You are hired! You will join right away!
Y/n - What?
Jungkook - Yes, you have a problem with that?

Y/n - No, I mean, I have to inform someone first.
Jungkook - Who? Your boyfriend?
Y/n - No, my roommate, I don't have a boyfriend, I live with my friend, Yuna
Jungkook - Good to know y/n, I am looking forward to us.

Y/n - Us?
Jungkook - Yes you are my PA, so you will always be close to me. And I don't know if you noticed but I saw you yesterday.
Y/n - I'm confused?
JK - Did you work at a cafe? I saw you there, you haven't mentioned it on your resume
Y/n - Yes, It's my friend's cafe, I only joined a month ago but just couldn't continue due to some reason.
JK - because you poured hot coffee on a shitty man's crotch?
You both laugh remembering the situation

JK - You have good degrees, why work at a cafe, is your friend someone to you?
Y/n - Well it's a personal matter, but yea he is my ex and I needed the job.
Ahem! Jungkook clears his throat because he knows he cannot ask you further but was also a little jealous knowing you had a boyfriend.

JK - Anyway let's start with the work.
Y/n - Okay.
Jungkook explained a few terms and you wrote them down.

He further told you to work on more files for his meeting and you walked out. While he stared at you from behind. You could feel his eyes on your ass, he is being such a perv right now.
But you needed this job, to pay your rents and bills. You went out to the manager and requested the files.
The manager looked at your worried face and said, don't worry, he is kind even though sometimes he is cold and perv.
You registered her words, it did seem genuine and you decide not to judge him right away. But it was weird like how the manager can know what you were worried about. It took you half an hour until you did your work and you decided to head back to his office to show him.

You entered jungkook's cabin without knocking and he was getting ready wearing his coat.
Y/n - Sorry to come like that, your files are ready.
You hurried inside to keep them n his desk and you turned to run out of there quickly. You held the doorknob and was about to open it when --
Jungkook held your wrist and pinned you on the wall, with his hands beside you, trapping you in between. He handed you the tie and gestured you to tie it for him.

JK pov ~
Why the hell am I feeling this way? What are you doing jeon jungkook? Like really? This close? Why is she so damn hot? Fuck her body? I so wanna ruin her right now.
Stop it, Jeon Jungkook! Act normal, act normal.

You think to yourself --
Well, he can do all the things but he still doesn't know how to make the folds of his tie. You wondered who used to do this for him earlier.

Your hands shivered as he was so close to you. You pull up his collar while he stared into your eyes without blinking. You look at him and in split seconds you lowered your gaze quickly.
You further tied the knot of the tie and tucked it up to fit it perfectly around his neck. You lowered your gaze furthermore to look below, for his perfect body.
You felt damp down a little because he made the gab narrower by coming closer. He kept his body inches away from you and came closer to your lips.

Jungkook - I can hear your heartbeat. It could go further but I have to go, See you tomorrow and he left from there.
Y/n - You gulped down your fear and lust.

"What the hell was that?", you thought.
He left you there with his sensual thoughts and you escaped a sigh as the door closed behind him.
You place your hand on your throbbing heart.

This never happened before and why does he have to do that?
And why I'm I like this? I just met him, he is my boss and here I'm feeling like this is love at first sight or something.
Maybe it's just a fling since he is handsome, hot, sensual, his face and his body--
"Oh no y/n what are you thinking, stop it", you calm yourself down and just thought to focus on your work instead of him.

At the meeting~
Tae - So kookie did you hire your PA?
Jimin - Yea, I heard you had interviews today, maybe we can see her too?
JK - Stop It! No one is seeing her, keep away!
Tae - Yah! What is this behavior? Are you ordering us? Since when did that happen?
JM - Our kookie has changed but why? (Jimin pouts and acts cute)

Jungkook simply rubs his temples not even bothering to explain
Tae pulls his hands over his mouth making a big 'O'
Tae - Do you like her? OMG, you like her, don't you?
Jimin - Then we should definitely meet her!
Jungkook gives them a look to be within their limits, but they are just as stubborn as him.

Jimin - Damn, I'm so excited to see her and meet her.
Tae - Kookie, tell us, you never behaved like this. You know how it is with our secretaries right, then why are you being all protective and all.
JK - I don't know either, I just met her, but I saw her yesterday as well, at a coffee shop, there is just something about her that makes me interested in her. I will find it out tomorrow when I see her again, I know she feels the same, I just have to get it out of her.
Jimin - Oh my god, things have gone so far already? huh? *smirks
Tae - So is it serious, or we can play too?
Tae asks this purposely even though he can tell that jungkook ain't joking. Like they do mischiefs with their secretary but it's never serious and they have a limit.

But jungkook got pissed as soon as he heard tae and said, "SHE IS MINE!! STAY AWAY!"

In Love with My Needy BossWhere stories live. Discover now