4. When your boss gives you a hickey out of jealousy

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You both panicked and broke the tension when Yuna and Woo-Shik came back walking out of the closet.
The moment between you two was definitely full of lust and temptation, if they hadn't entered the room, it would have turned into a sinful hot make-out session.

Nervously, you brush your hair behind your ears. As this awful shyness covered your face and all the blood was rushing to your cheeks making them red, of course, you didn't want anyone to see that and so you simply glanced at the floor pattern at which you must have looked all your life but right now it looked so different.

On the other hand, Jungkook was not at all okay with any of this. He was simply feeling all his rage rushing in his veins, he was frustrated about the wrong timing of Yuna and the bRat. Always running out of the hole at the wrong time. All he wanted to do was punch him right onto his face but he just cannot do that yet.

"Y/n you forgot your laptop in my car, and tomorrow, I want you early in my office!", Jungkook said and handed you the case staring into your deep ocean eyes which were glooming bright full of affection.
He wanted to taste those pink lips so much which lingered with a small smile but suddenly turned into a frown.
"Sir?", you tried to speak but he had simply turned his gaze away and walked out of the room.

Yuna and Woo-Shik were a little bit amazed but also confused as to what was exactly going on.

"Y/n is he, not your driver or bodyguard or something? How can he order you like that?", Yuna asked you trying to clear the confusion.

"What? Why would he be any of those? He is Jeon Jungkook, my boss!", you said to her in your firm voice but the expression on her face was telling how wrongly she interpreted that man.

"Oh my gosh, he is your boss, and he dropped you home?", Yuna had a naughty smile on her face when she asked you this.

"Don't smile, he is nothing like what he looks, he is very annoying, and I have to face him tomorrow", you cried in annoyance.

"Well, you can leave the job, if you are that stressed about it", Yuna gave you an honest suggestion.
"No way! I just joined. I need this job, it's good for my profile and also to pay my bills", you explained to her the things which she already knew.

The rest of the party went well. You and Yuna finally returned to your room to have a good sleep. Finally, you got time to relax after a long tiring day.
You were sleeping beside her but you keep turning, unable to sleep, disturbing her.
Your mind was a mess, you kept thinking about the day and the moment between you and your boss.

The almost hot makeout was running in your mind like a repeating cassette tape. Your emotions and feelings were completely messed up. His thoughts were definitely making you crazy.
Rubbing your temples and shaking your head you tried to brush all the thoughts away.
You have to get up early to you force that damn sleep by shutting your eyes tight.

Jungkook on the other end was dealing with his interrupted lust and anger by drinking. He went to a bar with Taehyung and Jimin after your party. All he wanted to do was drink with his friends and forget about the thing he saw, between you and that new Rat.

"Jungkook what's with you? You are drinking a lot!", Jimin asked with concern on his face.
"Is something bothering you kookie?", Taehyung asked as well.
"I will kill that guy, how dare he hug her and kiss her, even I didn't get to do that yet", Jungkook said sipping on his alcohol.
"What?", Jimin and Taehyung both asked in unison.
"She kept looking at his body like prey, how dare she?", Jungkook spoke further and he did not even care to enlighten the guys with behind story.

Jimin was confused but Taehyung understood that maybe Jungkook was talking about y/n. But he finally asked, "Are you talking about y/n?"
"YES!!!", Jungkook immediately replied in desperation and continued pouring another drink for himself.

"Okay enough, let's go home, let's continue this at home not here", Jimin said as he saw that he was continuously drinking and being his best friend he know no one can stop him from doing this, not even them.
Jimin and Taehyung both helped him to his house.


The next morning Jimin woke up to the sun rays falling on his face, which felt very bright and he pinched his eyes to see the bright day outside the window.
Taehyung was lying on one couch near the TV, hugging a teddy bear.
Jungkook was supposed to be on the couch but instead, he was on the floor, sleeping peacefully on the cold Italian marble.

The whole area was messy. Jimin remembered how yesterday Jungkook was all in a bad mood and kept drinking like his stomach was a deep well. He is surely serious about y/n because he has never done this before. If ever Jungkook is high all he ever talks about is sex with random girls and sometimes business. But he has never been drinking over a girl like this. He was certainly acting different this time and it was all weird to accept him.

But what are best friends for, you accept each other anyway, no matter how worse you do.


You woke up to the alarm you had set so that you won't be late for the office.
That angry face, flustered face keeps running on your mind when he said, "I want you early in my office!". He was so pissed.
You know he was going to make you work hard today.
You showered and dressed. You wore a nice off-shoulder shirt, a little stylish, and a pencil-fit knee-length skirt. Perfectly accentuating your curvy figure.
You were ready to leave but you receive a call from your boss.


Jimin and Taehyung tried to wake up Jungkook but he didn't, they even pinched him yet he was sleeping like a pig.
"Fuck! Jungkook we don't have all day, we have meetings to attend, get your ass off the ground", Jimin yelled getting pissed.
"Maybe we should call his manager, who was it? Tan.. something", Taehyung asked.
"Or let's call y/n", Jimin exclaimed in excitement twitching his eyebrows.
"Uhh, I like that!", Taehyung replied with a taunting smirk on his face.

Taehyung took Jungkook's phone and called your phone number. It took a long ring but you received it.

"Y/n, Hi, You don't know me but I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm calling you on behalf of Jungkook. He needs your help here. So get to his house first before going to the office. Bye!! I'll text you the address", Taehyung said and quickly disconnected.

Almost 20 mins later, Jimin heard a car honking at the entrance and assumed it to be you.
You parked the company car at the entrance of his main door and ran in your high heels taking small fairy steps.
Jimin and Taehyung both got up and walked toward the main door.

You saw two gentlemen at the door and paused.
"Oh hi, you must be y/n, you surely are hot!", Taehyung said in his low voice.
Jimin elbowed him quickly.
"Hi, y/n, I'm Jimin, let's say this is not our official meeting, we shall meet some other day in better condition but right now you must help Jungkook", Jimin spoke to you.
"We gotta go, so bye!", Taehyung said and they both hurried their way out.

You entered the living area, which was very huge. A very strong alcohol smell hit your nostrils. You also saw a person lying down on the floor.

What the fuck? Why do I have to do this? I am his secretary, not his maid!
Shit, this whole room stinks. You went near him and he stinks more than this room.
What all I have to do for this job god knows!
You sigh and began to wake him up.

"Sir? Wake up", you said softly.
No response.
"Sir! Mr. Jeon?", you raised your voice a little.
No response.
"You fucking asshole Jeon Jungkook, get the fuck up!!", you screamed in his ear.

He jolted and woke up in a panic as if he had a nightmare. To wonder, the guys even pinched him but he only woke up hearing your sweet curses.

"What the fuck! Why are you screaming?", he said holding up his pounding head.
"Wait- this is my house, What are you doing here?", he asked in confusion wondering if he might be still dreaming.

"I am here so you could get to your damn office, now get up, I'm not gonna help you around here", you said and crossed your hands on the chest.

"Aah! My head hurts, I drank too much and it's all because of you!", he said while getting up and rubbing his temples.
"Oh really, how come?", you asked being annoyed.
"Huh, never mind", he responded and stumbled across his own path while heading somewhere.

You immediately rushed to grab him for support and pulled his hand over your shoulder and held him by his waist. He was a bit heavy for you but you had to help him anyway.

You asked him for his room, to which he pointed saying, " I don't need your help, shew!!"
You rolled your eyes in frustration but you didn't let go of him. It felt like a long stairwell to hell, when he was just taking baby steps purposely.

You tried to take him towards his bathroom but he crossed over to the bed taking you down with him.

"Are you still high? It's morning, get a hold of yourself Jeon", you spoke as you were pinned down under him.
"Get a hold of yourself? Oh, I'm in control, unlike you", he said.
"Excuse me?", you asked in confusion.
"Yea, really, Is that how you pretend? What were you trying to do yesterday with him?", Jungkook asked hovering above you.
"With Whom? And by the way, none of your business", you said and got up pushing him aside.
"Please clean up, I am waiting downstairs", you gave him a final look and went downstairs.

As you walked downstairs you heard something strange. It was your heartbeat. Your heart was thumping like crazy inside your chest. You know if you would stay like that for another minute your heart would have exploded!

After a while, Jungkook came down with a tie in his hand. You rolled your eyes and grabbed it. You made him face you while he scratched the back of his head feeling shy.
"Is he really drunk or just acting?", you wondered silently in your mind.

You put around the tie on this handsome man's strong neck, lifted his collar, tied up the real nice knot, and adjusted his collar back again. Meanwhile, he was staring at you in awe, looking at your face, but eventually, his eyes fell on your neck and open shoulders. All he wanted to do was rub his lips on your sweet neckline again.

You flatten his collar and suit, feeling the soft material. Your eyes raise up to his lips. Nice soft, tender, and luscious. You were too close to him. He might anytime pull you closer and kiss you.
Shit! Focus y/n, not the right time!!
Your mind screamed. You break the tension again and hurry up outside.

Jungkook opened the car door and sat alongside the driver's seat.
You stared at him.
"What? I can't drive, I'm having a hangover don't you see?" He said and faced the front.
"What a baby!", you murmured and drove for him.

You both reach the office and the early thing he noticed was a bouquet of fresh flowers on the reception counter.
Jungkook walks towards the reception and you follow him as well.
"Who brought these?", Jungkook asks the lady at the reception.
"Good Morning! This is addressed to Ms. Y/N", the lady said.

You quickly grab the card and open it which said,
"Hope you have a morning as fresh as these flowers -- woo-shik"
Your face immediately lit up and a pretty smile was formed on your lips.

Having a frustrating start to this morning Jungkook sighed and left for his cabin.
"Should I also send her flowers? She did look happy!", he asked himself.
"What if she throws it away?", Jungkook looked from the curtain and saw you replacing the old flowers from the vase with the new ones.
"Maybe I should get her something else", Jungkook thought and eventually focused on his work.

It was afternoon when Jungkook called the manager for some work, the other lady also walked in, one of the colleagues, she asked for y/n but you were not in the cabin and so she left the card on Jungkook's desk.
After finishing talking to the manager Jungkook picked up the card, only to be pissed after reading what was written on the card.
"Lunch date? -- woo-shik", the card said.

"Fuck, this asshole! How dare he ask her on a date, while I am still not past the friendship thing yet", he said and slammed his hand on the desk.
Jungkook walked out of the cabin to find you, he was really pissed, but what he saw was more upsetting for him.
He saw you close with Mr. Tan, his hands were on your waist trying to pull you, and you were not even resisting.

Jungkook couldn't understand what he should do to you, whether he should yell at you or politely ask you for your behavior or whether he should just ignore all this.

After some time-
Jungkook was sitting at his table and you knock on the door and walk to his table.
That's it. He was already holding himself from everything but not anymore. He wanted to shout at you and he did exactly the same.

"Y/N what the hell are you doing?", he yelled.
You paused right where you were, unable to understand his question.
"Do you not see what I do and notice everyone else?", he said while he kept walking towards you.
Still, in confusion about what topic he was talking you ask him, "About what Mr. Jeon?"
"Those flowers, the date, the touchy-touchy with Mr. Tan, you wanna do all that while I am here?", he said pinning you between his hands and the table.

"What-- What are you saying Mr. Jeon--", you asked him as he began to lean. You moved back as much as you could but to a point, you had to stop. He leaned further. His right hand moved up your ass and circled around your waist pulling you closer to his body.

He really got so close to you that he couldn't control himself, your vanilla scent was just all over his mind, the sensation of holding your body close to his was much like an erotic dream for him.

He couldn't help but leave soft kisses on your jaw and further down your neck. At this moment, your heart pounded like drums inside your ribcage, strangling in its own fear that you might lose control of yourself. You shut close your eyes when his soft kisses turned into wet ones.

Nibbling on your shoulder he explored the wide angle of your length, bare and exposed. All he wanted to do was pin you down and ram you right here on his fucking table.
Your hands clenched on his arm forming a fist, tightly holding his shirt as he did not move and was glued to his position.

Your unsteady heartbeats were increasing with an insane pattern. You began to take deep breaths. Your chest heaved up and down against his. You were frightened against his touch, totally scared of being so close to this godly human.

Unexpectedly he caught your behavior. Heavy breaths, eyes shut, mouth parted, fisting on his shirt, he distanced himself. He was confused and his thoughts went blank.

"Are-- are you okay?", he asked with such softness. You could feel the concern in his tone.
"I-- I am sorry--", he apologized immediately but he was not understanding why you would pant so much. He was afraid whether he hurt you somewhere.

You turned and faced the table instantly, trying to hold your breath before it gets out of control. You place your hand on your chest to calm it down. You had no guts to face him right now. If you see the greek god again you might burn yourself to dust right away.

Without facing him you paced yourself out of his cabin, running towards your desk. You scattered around the desk looking for a file but it didn't help. You wrote a few things on your computer but you couldn't focus. Eventually, you know you have to make this feeling go away. Because this cannot happen, You & Him cannot happen. If it ever does it will be the end of you and you know this very well.

Your eyes went to a note which was sent to you earlier. This was the best thing. The best distraction. You messaged Woo-Shik immediately to meet for lunch and it was almost lunchtime.

You had the 1 hour time and so you leave.
You reach the restaurant which was near to your office. He saw you from a distance and walked towards you. He greets you with a hug and a small peck on your cheek making you blush.

All of a sudden he said, "umm-- I don't think we should do this"
You were awestruck by his sentence.
He just hugged you goodbye and left without saying anything further.
Still, in a confusion about such an unexpected and sudden rejection, you wind up the table and go towards the restroom.

Looking at your confused reflection you run a hand under the faucet and wash your face.
As your gaze falls around your neck you scream cursing--


In Love with My Needy BossWhere stories live. Discover now