Chapter 32 : Okugami Kuro

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Merus and Shinji enter the 138Th Planet of the 13Th Galaxy , Planet Auxaulior  . As they travel across it while extremely suppressing their energies ...

Shinji : "So who's this Kuro guy ? You said he's a genius so he seemed rather interesting to me actually , Is he really that strong ?"

Merus : "He is quite Strong actually , But his combat prowess is nothing compared to his as Mental , He's probably smarter than most Gods in the Multiverse !"

Shinji : "That is extremely amazing actually , However is he strong enough for a Monar-"

Kuro kicks Shinji destroying a bunch of buildings .

Many Auxauliorians run away terrified .

Kuro : "Hello Mr God , How are you today ? Are you good ?"

Merus : "What was that for ?"

Kuro : "Sorry about that just wanted to test the so called Legend ."

Shinji appears right in front of Kuro without him noticing .

Shinji : "Man that was amazing , You really did push me back !"

Kuro , scared , Backs off as fast as he can .

Shinji : "You even sensed us when our energies were completely concealed !"

Kuro : "That ain't a problem actually , I can sense Divine Figures thanks to my Takarimophia , So i sensed the God here , I believe you're the Creation God ..."

Shinji (Confused) : "Huh how did you know ?"

Kuro : "The look on his eyes , His Divine Presence and his posture appears to be of calm nature he can't be anything but creation right ?"

Shinji : "Wait you know the basics about the gods ?"

Kuro : "Nah I know nothing about them , Except the God of Heroism Anchor , I've heard a lot about him from our planet's legends ."

Shinji : "God of Heroism ?"

Merus : "Whatever , will you join us ?"

Kuro : "Sure will !"

Merus : "That was so fast didn't expect it , I believed you will refuse ."

Kuro : "Why will I when the Multiverse is in need of me ?"

Merus : "You truly are a hero! Nice to meet you , I am the creation God Merus !"

Shinji : "I am Sakuta Shinji , Pleased to meet you !"

Kuro : "I am Okugami Kuro , Pleased to work with you , Let's destroy the Villains and end this Multiversal Conflict !"

*Currently* :

Nirvana rushes towards Kuro .

Kuro smiles and looks up ...

Kuro : "I'm definitely dying today , But i still got to damage her as much as I can !!!"

Miryoku Defends Kuro .

Miryoku bleeds ...

Kuro reforms his Energy in a Chain form , Kuro catches Nirvana with the chain as he explodes it via contact dealing a low amount , barely visible damage .

Nirvana : "You're clearly getting weaker , You can't even damage me properly ."

Miryoku blasts Nirvana with an all out energy blast .

Nirvana gets damaged a little bit
Miryoku keeps blasting Nirvana until she gets Extremely tired .

Nirvana appears to be Slightly damaged ...

Nirvana : "That's as far as you go mortals !"

Nirvana shoots A Huge Energy Beam to kill Miryoku and Kuro who's behind her ...

Nirvana : "You have no hope of dodging this since you're too tired to even move Mortals !"

Miryoku's Standing In front of Kuro to protect him .

Kuro pushes Miryoku Far from him with an energy Push .

Miryoku screaming at Kuro with sadness ...

Kuro : "I won't die , In fact I figured it out !"

Kuro dodges the beam and rushes as fast as he could towards Nirvana .

Nirvana's Shocked .

Nirvana : "In fact , It's impressive you dodged it with such a weakened body , However you don't think you should get close to me , To punch me or something right ? Because that's suicidal !"

Kuro Emits Multiple Energy Shockwaves towards Nirvana blurring her Vision .

Nirvana (Thinking) : *He already knows those blasts had no effect on me , And he looks smart enough to know this , What is he plotting , Could it be he's coming from behind ?*

Kuro comes from behind .

Nirvana Punches a hole through Kuro .

Nirvana : "What an arrogant move , That was way too simple for a plan wasn't it ? , How pathetic !"

Kuro Disappears showing that the version that Nirvana attacked was a Mirage used through Kuro's mastery and skill in wielding his energy .

Nirvana's shocked .

Kuro takes Nirvana's Stick and engulfs it in Energy Attacking Nirvana with it .

Nirvana gets Slightly pushed back with no significant damage .

Nirvana : "Hmph What was the point in that ? So you could not get weaker anymore ? I can just take the Stick back you kn-"
Kuro : "You just exposed yourself , The secret to you weakening us is definitely the Stick , You cannot weaken us Without the Stick can you ? And if the Stick itself has the power , Not you , That means that hitting you with the Stick itself is making you weaker right ?"

Nirvana's Hair turns from Brown to Dark Blue .

Nirvana (Shouting) : So what you barely made me weaker anyways !"

Miryoku restrains Nirvana from behind with her body along with her Spiritual Energy .

Kuro : "Not if I still can hit you more"

Kuro strikes Nirvana 5 Times with the Stick making her extremely weaker .

Kuro blasts Nirvana with His Spiritual Energy making her bleed .

Kuro : "Looks like I am strong enough to make you bleed now right ? Miss Ugly Heartdeath Monarch"

Nirvana : "That's as far as you go , Mortal ! And this time I'm truly Serious !!!"

Nirvana Transforms to a Terrifying Pink Monster with a Tremendous Spiritual Energy .

Miryoku's And Kuro's hairs turn back to normal as well as their strength .

Alpha Monster Nirvana : That's the end for you Mortals .

Meanwhile :

Torento (Bleeding Heavily) : Looks like I was wrong about you , You were way too strong ...

Shinji : Well you aren't half bad but you're even weaker than Khoseph , which I defeated Months Ago already ...

Torento : "I didn't show my Ability already did I ? After All I am the Hypnorest Monarch Torento !"

Torento appears alright with no Injuries while Shinji appears bleeding heavily ...

Shinji (Menacingly) : "What the- ??"

Torento : "My Power is Hypnosis , No matter what happens scales revert to my side while under my Hypnosis !"

Shinji : "But How did I even fall in it ?"

Torento : "Merely by existing !"

                     Chapter 32 : End

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