Chapter 45 : This is War

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Kuro : "We finally won !!"
Kuro said so with complete Joy as he can't believe what they have accomplished .
Kuro can't even walk properly due to injuries as he decided to stay in the room longer so that Merus And Netsudo will recover and wake up to continue .
Saganbo notices Daganu's Energy vanishing as he appears very angry .
Raimei notices as well as he appears kind of stressed .
Saganbo (Murmuring) : "What was that ? Didn't you say you'll dispose of your weakness ... Pathetic ! You just lost to a bunch of intruders , Daganu . You are a dissapointment ."
Shirou woke up as he appears to have saved Miryoku and Kagaya from the Room Destruction right before Raimei destroyed it by concealing his entire energy and playing dead , However he wasn't fine either since he got extreme Injuries .
Shirou (Thinking) : *Damn it I barely did it ! I can't believe we survived ! Those two better stay unconscious like this as their energies are way too low , that way we won't be found out ...*
Shirou loses hope for a moment as he remembers Raimei's Power .
Shirou (Thinking) : *Guys like him are way out of our league ...*
Meanwhile 1 Hour and a Half Pass as Merus is finally awake and partially recovering .
Kuro : "Oh you're finally awake Lord Merus !"
Merus : "What happened ?"
Kuro : "We defeated him !"
Merus smiles .
Merus : "Great ..."
However he barely smiled as he's back to his neutral state remembering that they still have a lot to go through before getting Shinji .
Kuro : "Sorry to say this but we have to hurry , Saganbo won't wait to unseal Shinji and have him do something or even kill him ..."
Merus gets back up as he agrees with Kuro as they go to reach the 4Th Room while leaving Netsudo inside the 3Rd Room to safety .
Meanwhile Shirou is thinking about retreating from the Mission afraid to face Raimei again .
Shirou (Thinking) : *Damn it ! Even if high prices are on the stake here , My life is still more valuable ...*
Shirou is thinking more and more into the situation he's in as he realizes how foolish he was .
Shirou : "I didn't accept the mission for nothing ... I knew it was an all out attack on a God ... What was I thinking , Backing down is not an option ! This is war , People die and get defeated while others Live and Win !"
"Th-at's i-t !" Says Kagaya while slowly getting back up .
Shirou : "Took you long enough ..."
Kagaya : "LET'S GO ON AHEAD !"
Shirou : "Shouldn't we wait for the girl ?"
Shirou (With His Ears hurt) : "Dammit , My ears are damn done for moron ! But I agree with you ! Let's go on , To support the others ."
Kagaya puts Miryoku in the room and goes with Shirou into the 2Nd way to support the rest .
Meanwhile in the 2020Th Universe :
Dentetsu and X are still fighting with Dentetsu appearing to be critically injured and X with a lot of Injuries as well .
Dentetsu : "I pushed you this far ! So why you refuse to show me who you are ?"
X : "I didn't say anything about making a bet with you about that did I ?"
Dentetsu : "How rude ..."
Dentetsu charges with an absolute dark fist while X Removes space all over him as their battle continue .
Merus and Kuro reach the 4Th Room as they are stressed and Slightly scared to enter because of the danger , Yet the two enter with confidence encountering someone unexpected .
Shinaru : "For real ? Does that mean you two defeated Sir Daganu ?"
Merus and Kuro surprised to sense his Spiritual Energy as it is rather low .
Merus : "Yeah , We did ... Another Mortal ? , I already defeated three !"
Kuro : "For real ? That's amazing Lord Merus , And yet you kept fighting !"
Shinaru (Angry) : "I see ! So you finished the entirety of the 1St Way , And Killed The Rest ! I definitely won't forgive you for this !"
Kuro : "To be honest ... You shouldn't be confident , If I was in your place I would definitely run away or beg for my life ... We literally defeat a Monarch not long ago !"
Shinaru : "Still you're covered in wounds ..."
Kuro : "Stop Being stupid ! We still would destroy you on a 2v1 ! Don't you feel our energy levels ?"
Shinaru stressed agrees with Kuro as he demands joining them .
Shinaru : "How about joining you then ? Am I allowed to ?"
Merus : "That's not so smart either , That's simply a move a bastard would do , Switching sides with the winning team even though we're not the winners ... You're just begging for your life ..."
Kuro : "How can we assure he isn't a spy either ?"
Shinaru : "I swear I'm joining you so don't worry ."
Kuro : "Lord Merus . I feel he is telling the truth ."
Merus : "Oh ! if you say so then I might as well accept him ."
Merus approaches Shinaru as they are ready to shake hands .
Merus : "What's your name ?"
Shinaru : "I'm Shin-"
Merus gets away from Shinaru as fast as he can , As Shinaru explodes leaving only blood and traces of faded energy .
Kuro and Merus are both surprised .
Merus : "Was that a ploy ?"
Kuro : "He definitely wasn't expecting that through his facial expressions ... They definitely planted Something in him in case of Betrayal !"
Merus : "Using Mortals like that ! I won't forgive you Saganbo !"

                    Chapter 45 : End

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