Chapter 30 : Beyond The Scales

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Amado : "That's bad ..."

Saganbo : "What is it"

Amado : "Looks like Dentetsu destroyed the 1St Universe while fighting someone strong"

Saganbo : "Damn It , He really is uncontrollable , Well Whatever after the War is over , Merus will recreate it for sure"

Meanwhile on the 6Th Universe :

Merus : "I'm sure you sensed that didn't you ?"

Shinji : "Yeah for sure , That was extraordinarily huge !"

Merus : "It shouldn't be A Monarch , Monarchs don't possess such Amount of Energy ... , In The Worst case scenario it's Saganbo himself"

Shinji : "Well that's bad ..."

"Hey" .

Merus And Shinji Turn around terrified .

Dentetsu : "So You're the Trascender"

Merus (Terrified) : "That's not Saganbo ... What the hell is he ? I sensed him at least 5 Universes away how did he come here that fast ?"

Shinji : "Who Are you ?"

Dentetsu : "A Monarch , Not That it matters anyway , However I'm not here to fight you , It's clear you're not enough for a good spar ... , I just came to check on you ..."

Shinji (Terrified by his Presence) : "I see ... , My danger Sense is stable after all ..."

Dentetsu : "Well then I'll be back to the 3523Rd Universe now , Take care"

Dentetsu leaves .

Merus : "Good Thing , You weren't stubborn enough to fight him ... He's clearly out of our league"

Shinji : "Well I couldn't even move , That's the strongest foe I've seen until now ..."

Meanwhile the Monarchs Nirvana And Torento reached the 2338Th Universe .

While Shirou reached the 8Th Universe ...

And So Weeks of Adventures across the 6Th Universe trying to gather allies across the Planets And Galaxies since the 6Th Universe was ranked 9Th among all 3926 Universes in terms of fighting potency , However many refused and ended up with Shinji And Merus obliterating them rather easily ... , However they didn't give up and continued their search ...

1 Month Has Passed .

Where Shirou reached his destination , The 10Th Universe ...

Shirou : "This Universe looks amazing actually , So bright colors , I believe tons of Supernovas occured in here ..."

Shirou continued Traveling throughout the Universe in search for the 35Th Planet of The 18Th Galaxy .

Until Shirou finally found the 18Th Galaxy .

Shirou felt rather a High Energy from the Galaxy he entered , However he did not back up and entered the 35Th Planet ...

Shirou looking around finding only some really tall Mountains and Hills ...

Shirou : "Did he really just specify a wrong planet ?"

Shirou gets hit and gets shot throughout the mountain destroying it .

Shirou : "That Hurt , Looks like those weren't Mountains huh ? , They just were really tall Barbarians or Gorogilians like he said ..."

Shirou Shoots a bunch of bullets at the Giant Monster barely affecting him because of how huge he is .

Shirou continues shooting hundred of Bullets as the monster backs off ...

The Gorogilian Hits Shirou with a really huge rock as Shirou barely destroys it with an Emerald Bullet before it lands on him ...

Shirou continues shooting bullets while being a little scared .

A Second Gorogilian Shows up stomping on Shirou , Making Shirou drop his rifle , And pushes the Gorogilian's Feet back up , Making him lose his balance and fall , Shirou picks up his Rifle and jumps so high to the Outskirts of the Planet , Sniping both of the Gorogilians' Heads using Laser Beams .

The 2 Gorogilians die .

Shirou gets Blood from the Gorogilians .

However 3 more Gorogilians appear behind Shirou hitting him with really huge rocks , As shirou barely destroys them with Laser Beams ...

Shirou , really excited , continues his fight against them , As he wants to Train on them , for being suitable Opponents ...

Shirou concentrates a Full Power Laser Beam big enough to completely evaporate all 3 of them And reach the Outskirts of The Planet .

Shirou : "Whew , That was an amazing practice , I've done my mission , This could be the hardest , Besides defeating the Immortal Folk"

Shirou exits the Planet and destroys it Using a Concentrated Emerald Laser Beam .

Shirou : "As Expected if I can Use an even bigger Laser Beam , I could of used An Emerald Laser , However it really is extremely Tiring , I wonder if I'll reach the 6Th Universe alright with such low Energy ..."

Meanwhile Nirvana And Torento Reach the 6Th Universe .

Torento : "It's showtime !"

                  Chapter 30 : End

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