Chapter 2- Breaking Down The Walls

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We meet again, Diamonds. (;

So who's ready for Chapter 2?! :D I know I am!

I've been planning this book alot! I like freaking love writing it because it's totally different than what I would usually write about. I mean for goodness sakes Louis is in prison! Haha! I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy writing it and coming up with the ideas!

I'd like to thank you all for reading this, voting, and commenting. This is legit like the first time ever that I've gotten 5 votes within the first 25 reads on a chapter. The last chapter had 5 votes. Thank you. You  honestly have no clue how much that means to me. And I have 7 readers. I love you all! You all truly are my inspiration for writing this. I never thought I'd get this many readers/votes this fast. I mean, I'm only on the second chapter and I already have 5+ votes and 7 readers. It's truly amazing to me. This hasn't happened before so that's why I keep ranting about it. So again, thank you. (:

Dedication goes to jllum888 cause he gave me some really good ideas for this fan fiction. & He's amazing. He deserves alot more fans! So go fan him & read his book too. His book is really inspirational if you're having trouble with being insecure. (: I know it helped me.

I know this chapter sucks and I'm sorry. I've had alot on my mind lately and everything has been hectic. >.< Hope you still like it though. I tried my best to explain what was happening in it.

Also, Wattpad is being an idiot. Like really. I don't want "followers" ...I want "fans"! Followers are for Twitter! I liked having Fans better. So I'm still going to call you guys my fans (if you've fanned me) :p




Don't lose your sanity!


Piper's pov...

I watched the guards open his cell door slowly. He was staring at me intently with this sort of shimmer in his eyes. Was this his first time out of that cell? Surely it wasn't. I'll have to talk to him more about it. Maybe it was too soon to think this, but I could come here more often or maybe send letters to him. This might help me understand people like him when it comes to me going into the psychology world. Sure, I had taken classes online for psychology, but actually experiencing it and practicing my skills was totally different!

I stood there looking at him, completely going into a world of my own. I suddenly felt like I should have worn something better than this "I love Batman" t-shirt and grey skinny jeans. I wasn't ever the immodest type. I preferred to keep it real. I also was quite confident with my looks, but when it came to him for some reason I felt self conscious. Was I pretty enough? Why did I care about how I looked? He was a prisoner and I was visiting this prison. It's not like I'm at a wedding.

I wonder why he was in here? What did he do to end up in here? He didn't seem that bad besides the whole not knowing his own strength thing. He came across slightly adorable and intimidating if that's possible. For instance, a squirrel. You never know! Those things could just suddenly chuck a nut right at your face!

I was absent-mindedly playing with my straight brown hair staring at him. His facial features were toned. He had a nice muscular structure. His jaw line was nice. Why was I thinking about him like this? He was just another prisoner! He probably killed someone! I shouldn't be thinking about someone like this! I don't even know his name. I should ask what his name is. What he did before all of this.

"Miss?" A guard that was shutting the jail cell shut caught my attention.

"What? Oh sorry!" I tend to daze off alot.

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