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Draco and Blaise liked the smile on your face more then anything and however little you spoke, they would love to hear you talk for the rest of eternity.

As you entered the bookshop you split up. You stuck near Snape scared of the loud crowd and lights flashing. Snape had no problem taking you elsewhere until he got a letter " Ms.Granger you'll have to stay with the Malfoy's for a little while go find Lucius I must head back to Hogwarts I should be back before you know it." Snape said softly you looked at him shaking your head no " I can leave and we can come back another day." You said clinging onto him.

Snape rubbed her head caringly " be my little lily and behave until I come get you okay?" You hesitantly nodded. You ran off to find Lucius but found Blaise instead. " Y/n, what's wrong, why are you running." " Papa had to go so he told me to stay with uncle Lucius and Auntie Narcissa until he picks me up." You explained quietly while in the embrace of Blaise. You enhaled his scent and it broke down a good bit of your shyness with him.

Blaise enhaled your scent making it so gorgeously his favorite smell in the whole world. " How about we find Draco, I'm sure he will know where to find his father." You nodded liking Draco more then Lucius by a long shot.

Blaise smirked as he picked you up taking you around to find Draco. You ended up asleep in his arms but Blaise finally found Draco with Lucius and Narcissa walking to them as the argued with the Weasley's, Harry Potter, and the Granger's. Draco spotted you in Blaise's arms and swiftly took off his robe covering you so you wouldn't get cold. Your black hair fanned to cover yourself.

" Who might she be?" Hermione's mom asked " non of your concern" Lucius hissed. " I have no clue" Hermione said to her parents. Harry peeked and saw her face, she was asleep he noticed bandages and realized she looked nothing like either family and Lucius was clearly worried about her as he took her from Blaise and gently woke her up. Harry swallowed at how pretty she looked.

" We must be going we got the books already." Lucius said sqauting. You nodded as you snuggled into the cloak. Lucius stood up and began to walk away " you saw here Harry what did she look like?" " Like a enchanted tapestry princess. You know the Slytherin one we have to pass by to get to potions." Harry was quick to explain to Ron. " So she's really pretty" Fred and George deducted causing Harry to nod quickly.

You walked to the wand shop careful to not touch anything. You looked over the wands careful hovering a hand over them. You gravitated towards the back. " You can't go back there" Lucius tried to stop her but lost as she already slipped into the back. Olivander watched curiously to what she was doing. The girl came out with a wand box opening it softly and then raising it up for it to let out a lavender purple light and she was now wearing a purple necklace.

Olivander had rushed down but to find the girl in tact was a miracle. He looked shocked when he saw her he only met a lady like her when he was a boy. It was a painting actually the girl had long died. " Who might you be." The girl ran to Draco.

" Y/n Granger is her name, how much for the wand?" " That wand is a family heirloom she can't have it." Olivander said " b-but it chose me" Olivander looked at the necklace " I see, I wonder why, maybe it's because you look like it's original owner." You stayed in Draco's arms.

" 8 galleons." Lucius paid for you and you left out of the shop. " You know she looks like Hecate." Narcissa gave the girl a close look and agreed the girl did look like the witch Hecate, in a almost terrifying way everything matched perfectly even down to the eyes.

As they sat in the Malfoy Manner the three began to do multiple task. Due to Blaise practically living there he had a room across from Draco's and you ran back and forth then down the hall. They couldn't figure it out and when they tried to enter you hissed at them. They ran to Narcissa and Lucius who were talking. " Y/n is being mean and secretive" Draco complained " did you ever consider ypur bothering her?" Narcissa asked " you can be bothered by your mate?" " Somewhat, when your working or busy or trying to focus they can be a giant distraction." Blaise huffed " we waited 12 years for her and she gets annoyed with us 5 hours afterwards." " She wasn't raised like you two, she doesn't know why you make her feel safe, and she most definitely doesn't understand why, let alone what's making her want to accept the feelings it's confusing for her." Narcissa said in the most motherly way possible.

Draco and Blaise sighed before they got a idea. " Food, she has to be hungry, maybe then she'll forgive us" the two boys rushed off and Narcissa wanted to give a nasty little hex they barely heard a word she said.

The boys had every fruit they liked, cheese, and they brought candy burst. They even went the extra mile to get honey and tea. They first knocked on Draco's room, then Blaise's, then finally the mystery rooms door it creaked open and they stood smiling. " We wanted to apologize for whatever we did that annoyed you." They said in unison.

You quirked a eyebrow " you didn't annoy me I'm just doing something, but why do you have all of this." " For us to share, it was our apology." You sat down with the two boys and ate with them. You took some honey and poured it on in the saucer. You dipped your candy burst inside then sprinkled on sugar.

Hermonie's Twin Sister ( Draco Malfoy x Reader x Blaise Zabini)Where stories live. Discover now